

To apply for subsidized housing, you need to contact a co-ordinated access centre in your area.  These centres give information on the non-profit, co-op and public housing opportunities in your area.

There are waiting lists for subsidized housing in most areas so you will probably have to join a waiting list first. Read How long do I have to wait for subsidized housing? for more information.

Although each area has its own policies, some rules are the same across Ontario:

  • You will be asked to fill out an application form. Everyone in your household 16 and over must sign the form.
  • There are waiting lists for subsidized housing across Ontario. In some areas, the waiting list is more than 10 years. In other places the wait is shorter.
  • People who have been on the waiting list longer will be offered housing first. This is called first come, first served. However, if you are a victim of any kind of family abuse (wife abuse, elder abuse, child abuse) you will be given priority. In some areas, other groups are given priority. Ask a staff person at your co-ordinated access centre for details.
  • You can choose to apply for one building or many. The more buildings you apply for, the sooner you will be offered an apartment.

Be sure that the buildings you choose are ones where you really want to live. If you are offered one of your choices but decide you don't want it, you can refuse it. But if you refuse three times, you will be taken off all the waiting lists, and you will not be offered another apartment.

If you move, make sure to tell the co-ordinated access centre so that they can send you information and offers.

You can contact a community agency or housing help centre for more information about subsidized housing. To find help in your area, go to Services Near Me.

For More Information

Looking for Subsidized Housing - Information about subsidized housing in Ontario, including how to apply and eligibility guidelines.
  • Waiting Lists for Subsidized Housing - Lists the average waiting times for communities across Ontario.
  • Find Housing Help in Ontario - This website lists housing help centres across Ontario. These centres can help you find affordable housing and access financial and social supports. From the Housing Help Association of Ontario.
  • Co-op Housing: An Affordable Alternative - This fact sheet has information about co-op housing. It focuses on Toronto, but a lot of the information applies to co-op housing all over Ontario. Available in many languages.
  • Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association (ONPHA) - An association of private and municipal non-profit housing providers in Ontario. The ONPHA website explains what non-profit housing is, describes ONPHA services and has links to related organizations.



大部分非营利住房的租客(80% 或更多)根据他们的收入情况支付租金。这叫做"租金与收入挂钩"(rent-geared-to-income)或"RGI"租金。在租金与收入挂钩的计划中,您的家庭月收入的30% 用来支付租金。补贴直接支付给非营利住房,用来补贴RGI租金与全额租金的差额。只有少数租客支付市场租金。



若要加入您所在地区的等待名单,您必需联络安省非营利住房协会(Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association,ONPHA)(1) 的协调服务中心(coordinated access centre)。查找您附近的协调服务中心,请致电ONPHA:




  • 您必需填写申请表。您家里每个16岁及以上的人必须在申请表上签字。
  • 大部分租住单位按照先到先得的原则分配。如果您正在遭受任何种类的家庭虐待(配偶虐待、老人虐待、儿童虐待),您会得到优先考虑。在某些地区,其他群体会得到优先考虑。 请向您的协调服务系统查询详细情况。
  • 您可以申请一幢或多幢建筑。您申请的建筑物越多,您在名单中向前移动的速度就越快。
  • 确保您选择的建筑物是您真正想住的。如果相关机构向您提供一个租住单位,您可以拒绝。如果您拒绝了三个单位,您的名字将从等待名单中取消。

在多伦多,住房连接(Housing Connections)管理租金与收入挂钩住房的集中等待名单。查询详细资料,请拨打:416-981-6111 (只限多伦多地区)

如果您要加入合作式住房,请联络您所在地区的合作式住房联盟或协会(Co-operative Housing Federation or Association):

  • 安省东部– 安省东部合作式住房协会(CHASEO):
    电话: 613-230-2201
  • 多伦多/约克地区 – 多伦多合作式住房联盟(CHFT)(2):
    电话: 416-465-8688
  • 安省中部(秦基拿(Kitchener)、滑铁卢(Waterloo)、剑桥镇(Cambridge)、贵湖(Guelph)和布兰特福德(Brantford))– 安省中部合作式住房联盟(COCHF):
    电话: 519-579-2424
  • 哈密尔顿/尼亚加拉(Hamilton/Niagara) – 金马蹄地区合作式住房联盟(GH-CHF):
    电话: 905-561-2667
  • 多伦多东部(彼得堡(Peterborough)和杜兰(Durham)区) – 湖边地区合作式住房联盟:
    电话: 905-725-5243
  • 皮尔/荷顿(Peel/Halton)合作式住房联盟 (PH/CHF):
    电话:905-823-2667 免费电话: 1-800-731-2667
  • 多伦多西南部(伦敦(London)和温莎(Windsor))CHF:
    电话:519-453-0999 免费电话: 1-800-644-3949

各市各自负责资助和管理补贴住房。查询详细信息,请联络您所在的市政府 (2)。

如果您不确定哪类住房最适合您的需要,有定居安置机构(settlement agency)可以帮助您,或从您的电话拨打2-1-1联络当地的社区信息中心(Community Information Centre,CIC(3) 寻求帮助。



  • 您的每个家庭成员都是加拿大公民、永久居民或难民申请者。
  • 至少有一个家庭成员年满16岁或以上。
  • 如果您以前是社会住房的租客,您必须付清拖欠的租金,而且您必须在至少两年内没有因虚报收入而被定罪。
  • 如果您拥有自己的永久居所,您必须在搬入的6个月内卖掉该财产。
  • 如果您有残疾,您必须有能力独立居住或自己安排援助,除非援助是该非营利住房计划所提供服务的一部分。



(1) Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association:

(2) Municipal Governments:

(3) Community Information Centres (CICs):


Subsidy Guidelines

About 80% of non-profit tenants pay rents based on their income. This is know as "rent-geared-to-income" or "RGI" rent. These tenants pay about 30% of their monthly household income on rent.  A subsidy paid directly to the non-profit covers the difference between the RGI rent and the full rent.

You are eligible for subsidy if:

  • each member of your household is either a Canadian Citizen, permanent resident of Canada, or a refugee claimant
  • at least one household member is 16 years or older
  • If you are a former social housing tenant, you must have paid any arrears in full, and have no convictions for misrepresenting your income or fraud for at least 2 years (or longer in some areas)
  • If you own a permanent residence, you must sell the property within 6 months (or longer in some areas) of moving in
  • If you are disabled, you must be able to live independently or arrange for your own support, unless the supports are part of the services provided by the non-profit
You apply for subsidy at the same time as you apply for housing.

Q: If I add building choices to my application, how does it affect my date of application?
A: Each landlord has its own waiting list. You are placed on each landlord's waiting list on the date you added them to your application. If you added to your building choices after your original application date, the date of application for those building choices will be the date you added them to your application.
Q: How long do I have to wait for housing?
A: The wait ranges from about one to five years for a bachelor; seven to ten years for a one-bedroom; five to ten years for a two-bedroom; ten to twelve years for a three- to four-bedroom; and four to six years for a five-bedroom home.  You need to wait for your name to come up on the waiting list and for a vacancy in the size of unit in buildings you have chosen.

Q: At what age am I eligible for seniors housing?
A: 59 years of age.