

Drivers license

An international driver's license is allowed for driving in Chile by tourists only, and must be secured in your home country. It is available through major automobile associations.

To be legal, temporary or permanent residents should have a Chilean national driving license. In reality, however, some foreigners do not go to the trouble of obtaining a Chilean license.

To obtain a Chilean license, go to the office of the Dirección del Tránsito in your municipality and take the following documents:

* Carnet de identidad
* Your passport
* A valid license from your own country
* Two passport-sized photos with your name, as it appears on your carnet, on the back.
If you wear glasses, be sure that you are wearing them in the photograph.
* Certificado de Antecedentes certifying that you have not had any previous traffic violations or serious accidents; this is available from the police.
* Cash--checks are not accepted.

You will be required to take sight and hearing tests, as well as a driving test in your own car, and a written test in Spanish. Once you have successfully passed these tests, you will be given a certificado de registro that must be taken to the Registro Nacional de Conductores to enter it in the National Register.


