


- Check out the car's service history which should give you some information regarding the performances, repairs, and problems of the car. Ideally, the current owner would have kept a record of the times when the car needed servicing and should be willing to show you this information. There are instances where used cars are sold because of past accidents or negative experiences.

- Use Consumer Reports Buying Guide to check out the general reputation of the car. Don't pay thousands more for a great reputation. A Camry is a great car but it's still just a machine. A Buick Lesabre is a very good car and can be had for thousands less. In an older car, condition is much more important than the nameplate.

- Certified Cars cost a little more but have some assurances and usually a warranty.
Compare the condition of the car's interior to the readout on the odometer. A car that ostensibly has 15,000 miles on it will probably not have a driver's seat that looks like it's been savagely beaten - repeatedly - with a meat tenderizer. An overly worn passenger compartment coupled with low mileage can be an indication of odometer fraud.
Beware of UFOs...Unidentified Funky Odors. It can be very difficult and expensive to get a strange smell out of a used car.

- Edit TipsVehicle History Reports are inexpensive and can contain very valuable information. Don't read too deep! The important things are: Accidents and Odometer Discrepancies. If you are looking at a car from a dealer have them provide you with a vehicle history report (Carfax). Make sure they give you the last page off the printer.
Buying a car from your choice service center is the best way to ensure long term satisfaction. If buying from a dealer with no service center have the car checked out by your mechanic!


- Make sure that the car is on level ground before checking it out. This is to ensure that you will be able to clearly check the tires and to see if there is anything sagging on the car. 按住车的四个轮子上方的车身向下压几下,看它四个角的反弹情况。"忽悠忽悠"。美国车尽这样儿,压下去松开手以后,车身也随着摇上几摇。车贩子会讨好地说:美国车舒服、不颠。这才是欺负你外行呢。好车应该是松手以后,车身随着上浮,然后就不动了。这是测试什么呢?减震器。没有装减震器的车子会向一个皮球一样在地上跳。在它跳离地面以后,返回地面以前这一时间里,加速刹车功能都趋近于零。也就是说,没用。减震器减短这个车在空中的滞留时间,从而提高加速功能,缩短刹车距离。而作为附加效果,你会感觉到配备好减震器的汽车开起来平稳、少震荡。大概这就是为什么我们把这种装置叫做减震器。说这么热闹,到底什么是减震器呀?它在汽车哪儿装着呀?告诉你吧:它在弹簧中间呆着。你趴下去看弹簧时,其中那个亮晶晶的液压或气压柱子就是减震器。便宜的30,贵的好几百一支呢!

- 要对汽车左摸右摸,"十八摸"也不过份!看车身的目的是找锈迹,找撞过的地方。这位说了:我买新车,还用摸吗?小心为妙,还是摸吧。看看零件,尤其是喷漆零件的周围有没有漆点子溅上了。如果有,那么这个零件一定是后换上去的。原厂车零件都是先喷漆,再组装的,不会把漆点子溅到附近的零件上。Carefully check the paint job of the car, taking note of any rust spots, dents or scratches. Look at the sides of the car from end-on for waviness; that indicates paint work. Run your finger along the edges of the joints between panels; roughness indicates residue left from masking tape.

- The tires should be worn evenly and they should match. Look at the surface of the tire for feathering (bad alignment). Bad alignment can be caused by worn steering/suspension components, the pothole down the street or frame damage.

- Never buy a frame damaged car. Check the saddle (connects the front fenders and holds the top of the radiator). It should not be welded on either side, it should be bolted in. Inspect the bolt heads at the top of the fenders inside the hood; scratch marks indicates that the fenders have been replaced or realigned (after a crash). Look for welds inside the door jambs.


- 车内地毯下面,贷箱铺垫层下面有没有水。如果有,就是这辆车的封闭性不好。或者是因为以前撞过,闭封圈坏了,或者是因为年久失去了弹性,水可以进来。

- The hoses and belts should not have cracks, the radiator hoses should not be soft. The belts should look new (i.e. not have cracks or signs of drying). Old belts can snap, and if you do not know how to replace them, it will cost between $100-500 depending on which belt goes bad.

- The timing belt is the most important belt in the engine, and is also the most costly to replace. If the car is equipped with a steel timing chain, you don't have to worry about this. Normal lifespan of a timing belt is from 60-100+ thousand miles; this depends on the manufacturer.

- Pull the transmission dipstick; the fluid should be pink or red. An old car may be dark but it should not look or smell burnt. It should also be full (check with the engine running).

- Inspect the engine for any sort of leaks, or corrosion. On the engine block, look for any dark brown oil stains, this will indicate that there is a leak in a gasket, and could possibly lead to an expensive repair in the future. Check the brake fluid, and reservoir to make sure its is not leaking.

- Check the trunk of the car to make sure it is still in good condition. It should not show any sign of rust, or water entry due to cracks or holes. Wear inside of the trunk indicates usage of the car.

- Check under the hood of the car for any indication of dents, damage or rust. These can all be signs that the car was either poorly taken care of or damaged. Each fender, just inside where the hood joins should have the decal with the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) of the car; if one is missing, that fender was replaced.


- 启动困难时,车贩子会告诉你这个车呆在这儿时间长了,一会儿发动机热了就好启动了。这回他没骗你。骗局要是设置,早就弄好了。一个浅显的骗局连笔者这么木讷都能识破:车主要你去看车以前至少两小时打电话预约。你猜他要这两个小时干嘛?给电池充电!你要看的车,其发电机根本是坏的,不发电。车主要用一块充足了电的电池来骗你。一块充足了电的电池可以维持全车运转半小时,而不用发电机给它充电。这半小时(试车最长半小时)你怎么试车也试不出发电机有毛病来。怎么识破呢?或者根本就不用去看这辆车了,只是因为车主不老实,或者去看这辆车,而且要比约定的时间早两小时到场,躲起来,偷看车主怎么"伺候"这车,然后跳出来杀价。杀出一个发动机的装修费(400元左右)来就差不多了。

- Check the odometer of the car for the mileage. This is important because the mileage indicates the car’s age. On the average, a normal driver will drive between 10,000 to 15,000 miles a year; however, this depends on many factors. Remember, cars age by time and mileage. Buying a 10 year old car with very low miles is not necessarily a good thing.

- 看看车内,各种机关按钮一应俱全才对。缺东少西的车说明了前手车主对该车的粗暴。新车更是如此。Go inside the car and check the seats and upholstery of the car for any tears, rips, stains, or other type of damage.

- Check to make sure the air-conditioning of the car is working well by turning it on to see that it works. If air conditioning is a must buy a car with R134 coolant. Most cars fitted with R134 are 1993 or newer and have a sticker on the AC Condenser.

- 在发动机正常运转时,打开机油添加口盖时,发现有汽油味溢出,则说明活塞环损坏。粘附在机油标尺上的闪亮的金属屑,说明曲轴与连杆轴承出现了严重的磨损。


- 试速度。你要买的车,其性能表上最高速度可达多少,开上高速公路试它一把最高速度。一辆车的最高速度达不到其性能表所示的数字,那么它一定是有问题的。车贩子可能不允许你这样做,那么他至少要同意你把转数表摆弄一次进入红区的试验(6000-7000RPM):把档挂在中间(N),油门踩到底,一下就可以了。车以后归了你,要是再这么做你会心痛的。这叫过度驾驶(overdrive)。

- 试档。手动档这么试:用第三档起动试试,如果车能走动,说明离合器磨秃了,不太好,但可以换新的。也可以这么试:开上速度档,然后不摘档不踩离合器就踩死刹车,这时候发动机会熄火。如果它不熄火,这车咱也不能要。自运档这么试:挂档时听听有没有咔啦一声响,有就不好。有时候是车不好,有时候是你不好——你没有踩死刹车嘛。还要试试不踩刹车时能不能挂档摘档,能就不好,说明卡子坏了。另外行进中换档,特别是不按顺序换档对车不利,手动自动都免了吧。

- 试方向盘。在平直的路上如果你撒手不管方向盘,车应该照样直行。如果一边手重或一撒手车就拐到马路沟里去了,都不是好货。车贩子会解释说车胎气压不均匀,但他从来不会说这车撞过,修好后方向盘就歪了这种话。再试试拐弯以后撒手不管方向盘,车会不会自己跑回直线,如果还会,则它又是一辆破车!

- 试油门。加速时,油门应该是有弹性的;你提速、降速都由油门来控制,不要那种你踩了半天油门,车速才提起来一点点,而当你准备放弃轰油门时,车子会突然向前跃一下的车子。这种车多半是分电器坏了,而它直接影响到油门的弹性。换它一个挺贵,至少八百块吧。经常请专家清理它倒是上策。


- 刹车。踩下刹车踏板以后。不要马上开走,要踩一会,觉得它从头至尾不会下沉了,才是辆不漏刹车油的汽车。新车也容易出这个问题,系组装质量问题。旧车出现这个问题后,要马上送去修。所幸加国修闸不用缴税,有些修车店的闸路检查也是免费的。既然不必掏腰包多付那15%的税也就不必大惊小怪的了。Be sure to check the brakes of the car by pressing down hard enough on the brakes to decelerate rapidly, but not enough to slide. Try this going around 30 mph in an area without traffic. You should not feel any vibration from the brake pedal, or hear any squealing or strange noises. Brakes that pulsate indicate the need for having the rotors resurfaced or replaced and new pads installed. It should not swerve; this can be caused by a bad brake caliper or worn steering components.

- 试电器。其中以两刷最要紧。要看它会不会喷水,会不会以三、四档调速刷档风玻璃。如果不会,这辆车还不该归你。要知道加国冬天的厉害,冰雪天气,化雪天里,对面开来一辆大卡车,能甩出一大块泥水冰碴到你的挡风玻璃上,几乎要砸破玻璃了。这时候可是性命攸关的时刻,你应该一面照直向前开或停下来,一面再用刷把污迹刮去,才能恢复路面的观察。

- 还应找一段坏路面行驶,检查汽车是否有异响或有硬物碰撞的声音。发动机在怠速阶段不允许熄火。

- 要以灯、冷暖气,排雾气功能健全与否为调试项目。好车是要带电加热两侧后视镜的功能的。否则就要勤擦洗镜子。而冬天一洗就结冰,弄得你什么也看不见,还不如没这个镜子呢!至于电窗电椅电天线,就不那么重要了。试车约15公里左右,检查水温及变速器、驱动桥的油温是否正常。


- 检查排气管是否生锈,因为新的排气装置常常很贵。在热机状态下,检查排气管是否密封,可用鞋底或破布堵住排气管,如果发动机在几秒钟内熄火,则说明密封性能良好。汽车噪间大小,要看其排气管装得密实不密实。如果有个孔,那么废气多从孔中逸出,不走正道儿了。测试方法是你停下车后用总速,不要熄火,溜到车后边用手或纸堵死排气孔。如果发动机被"憋死",则排气管无漏洞。反之,如果堵了排气管,发动机还欢唱不已,则排气气路上有洞了,废气全从那儿跑了。


- 试车以后回到车贩子的车行里,打开发动机罩盖,看看里面是不是烟雾腾腾,打开机油和箱盖,看看里面是不是黑漆乎乎;打开空气滤清器盖,看看里面纸芯是不是油浸浸的发黑;拔了机油的钎子,看看机油是否黑的可以。以上诸项,任何一项如是,则不应该买这辆车。新车也有在头四千公里以内整个发动机烧毁的情况,都是因为没试这一步。

- Remove the oil filler cap. A foam residue on the inside indicates a leaking head gasket. Forget that car. Look at the condition of the coolant in the overflow jar; filthy brown coolant means it's never been flushed and often means a leaky head gasket.


