
加拿大:如果没有交联邦公司注册处的Annual Return会有什么后果?

What will happen if my corporation does not file its Annual Return?
Please be aware that failure to file your corporation's Annual Return could lead to the dissolution of the corporation pursuant to section 212 of the Canada Business Corporations Act.

The filing of Annual Returns may not seem to be important; but, in reality, failure to file can lead to problems down the road. Without being up-to-date with Annual Return filings, corporations are unable to obtain Certificates of Compliance which are required when corporations are involved in any type of transaction such as financings, mergers, acquisitions and IPOs. More importantly, corporations who do not file Annual Returns run the risk of being dissolved by Corporations Canada. While Annual Returns can be filed after the fact to bring a corporation into good standing and a dissolved corporation revived, it is not without added expense and perhaps aggravation.


