

Community Service Card

A Community service card means you pay less for health care and is also a criteria for free home based support services provide by the regional office of the Health Funding Authority .
It gives you higher subsidies on prescriptions and visits to your family doctor . If you qualify you ( and your partner ) will each get a card.

* Subsidy for each doctors visit $3 .
* Maximum Government prescription charge is $3 per item , but you still have to pay the premium if there is one . A premium is charged if the manufacturer's cost is more than the Government's subsidy but Doctors can prescribe similar items that dont have a premium.

To get a Community Services Card you must have a low or middle income or in receipt of one of the main types of income support . New Zealand Superannuitants on low income can apply. The limits of income are as follows .

* Single living with others $20,918.00
* Single living alone $22,157.00
* Couple no children $33,083.00
* Three person family $47.085.00
* Four person family $53,138.00
* Five person family $59,050.00
* Six person family $65,743.00

To obtain further information and to obtain an application form ring toll free 0800 999 999. or write to National Community Services Card Centre , PO Box 5054 , Wellington or if deaf or find it hard to communicate by phone , fax Deaf Link free-fax 0800 621 621


