

Provincial Prosecutor's Office 60 Queen Street West, Toronto ON M5H 2M3 必须是亲自送去,并要一个收到的证明。其他两个地址可以用传真和信件(平信)。然后到法庭填一个 Affidavid 说明三个地方都已经送达就可以了。

详见: http://globalimmigrations.blogspot.com/2011/12/unreasonable-delay-section-11b-of.html


Courts of Justice Act
Notice of Constitutional Question

City of Toronto

TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to the Ontario Courts of Justice Act, the defendant, 当事人的全名, will make an application for:

1. Relief under Section 24(1) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on the following grounds:

a. That his rights under Section 11(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms have been violated.

AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT the material facts giving rise to the constitutional question are as follows:

1. The offence number is 罚款单上的犯规号;
2. The date of the alleged offence is 犯规日期;
3. The date set for trial is 开庭日期;

AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT the grounds for this constitutional question are as follows:

1. That the trial is unreasonable delayed through no fault of the defendant's;
2. No reason was given by the Crown to explain this prolong unreasonable delay.

当事人全名, 当事人地址

Provincial Prosecutor's Office
60 Queen Street West, Toronto ON M5H 2M3

Ontario Court of Justice
70 Centre Avenue, Toronto ON M5G 1R5, Court Room: C1
The Attorney General of Ontario
Constitutional Law Branch
7th floor
720 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2K1
fax: (416) 326-4015

The Attorney General of Canada
Suite 3400, Exchange Tower
Box 36, First Canadian Place
Toronto, Ontario M5X 1K6
fax: (416) 973-3004

