

55+ Benefit . Now called the Community Wage

The 55+ benefit is essentially a form of unemployment Benefit and is available to
those who meet the criteria. . It is expected that those applying for the benefit will register with the employment service for at least the first six months of benefit receipt but after that time can choose to let that registration lapse .
They are , however , required to continue to be available for , and seek , work . The benefit payment is set below the New Zealand Superannuation on the rationale that the usual age of retirement is now considered to be 65 years , and those people below that age should continue to be encouraged to seek work .

Applicants for the 55+ benefit are subject to an income test and a stand-down period .- the income test is to determine if the applicant has presently enough income to live on.

The current rates payable per week are married $291.44 gross , $247.72 nett and
single $174.87 gross , $148.64 nett :

these amounts are income tested in that $80 per week may be earned before an abatement regime of 70 cents in the dollar applies

Individuals who have a period of absence from New Zealand cease to receive the benefit when overseas the exception being where for a four week absence the purpose of the travel is to attend a job interview or to follow up definite job prospects .
Also 55+ beneficiaries may now travel overseas and continue to receive payment for up to four weeks if the travel is for humanitarian reasons, each case being decided on its merits.

