

How to tell the CRA about your change of name

Please tell us as soon as possible if your name changes.

If you change only your first name or last name, call 1-800-959-8281 to advise us of your name change.

If you change your first name and last name, send the following by mail or fax to your tax centre:

one of the following documents:
a name change certificate from a provincial/territorial vital statistics department; or
a court order issued under an act on change of name;
your old and new names;
your social insurance number; and
your signature.


We do not accept changes of name by email or Internet.

Please note that we generally will not forward your new information to other government departments, except Elections Canada, but only if you gave us your authorization by answering "Yes" to both Elections Canada questions on page one of your return. If you want other departments or organizations informed, you must contact them directly.


Fax number is: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/cntct/prv/on-eng.html
Toronto Centre Tax Services Office
Office/mailing address:
1 Front Street West
Toronto ON M5J 2X6
Fax: 416-360-8908

