

To apply for subsidized housing, you need to contact a co-ordinated access centre in your area.  These centres give information on the non-profit, co-op and public housing opportunities in your area.

There are waiting lists for subsidized housing in most areas so you will probably have to join a waiting list first. Read How long do I have to wait for subsidized housing? for more information.

Although each area has its own policies, some rules are the same across Ontario:

  • You will be asked to fill out an application form. Everyone in your household 16 and over must sign the form.
  • There are waiting lists for subsidized housing across Ontario. In some areas, the waiting list is more than 10 years. In other places the wait is shorter.
  • People who have been on the waiting list longer will be offered housing first. This is called first come, first served. However, if you are a victim of any kind of family abuse (wife abuse, elder abuse, child abuse) you will be given priority. In some areas, other groups are given priority. Ask a staff person at your co-ordinated access centre for details.
  • You can choose to apply for one building or many. The more buildings you apply for, the sooner you will be offered an apartment.

Be sure that the buildings you choose are ones where you really want to live. If you are offered one of your choices but decide you don't want it, you can refuse it. But if you refuse three times, you will be taken off all the waiting lists, and you will not be offered another apartment.

If you move, make sure to tell the co-ordinated access centre so that they can send you information and offers.

You can contact a community agency or housing help centre for more information about subsidized housing. To find help in your area, go to Services Near Me.

For More Information

Looking for Subsidized Housing - Information about subsidized housing in Ontario, including how to apply and eligibility guidelines.
  • Waiting Lists for Subsidized Housing - Lists the average waiting times for communities across Ontario.
  • Find Housing Help in Ontario - This website lists housing help centres across Ontario. These centres can help you find affordable housing and access financial and social supports. From the Housing Help Association of Ontario.
  • Co-op Housing: An Affordable Alternative - This fact sheet has information about co-op housing. It focuses on Toronto, but a lot of the information applies to co-op housing all over Ontario. Available in many languages.
  • Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association (ONPHA) - An association of private and municipal non-profit housing providers in Ontario. The ONPHA website explains what non-profit housing is, describes ONPHA services and has links to related organizations.



大部分非营利住房的租客(80% 或更多)根据他们的收入情况支付租金。这叫做"租金与收入挂钩"(rent-geared-to-income)或"RGI"租金。在租金与收入挂钩的计划中,您的家庭月收入的30% 用来支付租金。补贴直接支付给非营利住房,用来补贴RGI租金与全额租金的差额。只有少数租客支付市场租金。



若要加入您所在地区的等待名单,您必需联络安省非营利住房协会(Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association,ONPHA)(1) 的协调服务中心(coordinated access centre)。查找您附近的协调服务中心,请致电ONPHA:




  • 您必需填写申请表。您家里每个16岁及以上的人必须在申请表上签字。
  • 大部分租住单位按照先到先得的原则分配。如果您正在遭受任何种类的家庭虐待(配偶虐待、老人虐待、儿童虐待),您会得到优先考虑。在某些地区,其他群体会得到优先考虑。 请向您的协调服务系统查询详细情况。
  • 您可以申请一幢或多幢建筑。您申请的建筑物越多,您在名单中向前移动的速度就越快。
  • 确保您选择的建筑物是您真正想住的。如果相关机构向您提供一个租住单位,您可以拒绝。如果您拒绝了三个单位,您的名字将从等待名单中取消。

在多伦多,住房连接(Housing Connections)管理租金与收入挂钩住房的集中等待名单。查询详细资料,请拨打:416-981-6111 (只限多伦多地区)

如果您要加入合作式住房,请联络您所在地区的合作式住房联盟或协会(Co-operative Housing Federation or Association):

  • 安省东部– 安省东部合作式住房协会(CHASEO):
    电话: 613-230-2201
  • 多伦多/约克地区 – 多伦多合作式住房联盟(CHFT)(2):
    电话: 416-465-8688
  • 安省中部(秦基拿(Kitchener)、滑铁卢(Waterloo)、剑桥镇(Cambridge)、贵湖(Guelph)和布兰特福德(Brantford))– 安省中部合作式住房联盟(COCHF):
    电话: 519-579-2424
  • 哈密尔顿/尼亚加拉(Hamilton/Niagara) – 金马蹄地区合作式住房联盟(GH-CHF):
    电话: 905-561-2667
  • 多伦多东部(彼得堡(Peterborough)和杜兰(Durham)区) – 湖边地区合作式住房联盟:
    电话: 905-725-5243
  • 皮尔/荷顿(Peel/Halton)合作式住房联盟 (PH/CHF):
    电话:905-823-2667 免费电话: 1-800-731-2667
  • 多伦多西南部(伦敦(London)和温莎(Windsor))CHF:
    电话:519-453-0999 免费电话: 1-800-644-3949

各市各自负责资助和管理补贴住房。查询详细信息,请联络您所在的市政府 (2)。

如果您不确定哪类住房最适合您的需要,有定居安置机构(settlement agency)可以帮助您,或从您的电话拨打2-1-1联络当地的社区信息中心(Community Information Centre,CIC(3) 寻求帮助。



  • 您的每个家庭成员都是加拿大公民、永久居民或难民申请者。
  • 至少有一个家庭成员年满16岁或以上。
  • 如果您以前是社会住房的租客,您必须付清拖欠的租金,而且您必须在至少两年内没有因虚报收入而被定罪。
  • 如果您拥有自己的永久居所,您必须在搬入的6个月内卖掉该财产。
  • 如果您有残疾,您必须有能力独立居住或自己安排援助,除非援助是该非营利住房计划所提供服务的一部分。



(1) Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association:

(2) Municipal Governments:

(3) Community Information Centres (CICs):


Subsidy Guidelines

About 80% of non-profit tenants pay rents based on their income. This is know as "rent-geared-to-income" or "RGI" rent. These tenants pay about 30% of their monthly household income on rent.  A subsidy paid directly to the non-profit covers the difference between the RGI rent and the full rent.

You are eligible for subsidy if:

  • each member of your household is either a Canadian Citizen, permanent resident of Canada, or a refugee claimant
  • at least one household member is 16 years or older
  • If you are a former social housing tenant, you must have paid any arrears in full, and have no convictions for misrepresenting your income or fraud for at least 2 years (or longer in some areas)
  • If you own a permanent residence, you must sell the property within 6 months (or longer in some areas) of moving in
  • If you are disabled, you must be able to live independently or arrange for your own support, unless the supports are part of the services provided by the non-profit
You apply for subsidy at the same time as you apply for housing.

Q: If I add building choices to my application, how does it affect my date of application?
A: Each landlord has its own waiting list. You are placed on each landlord's waiting list on the date you added them to your application. If you added to your building choices after your original application date, the date of application for those building choices will be the date you added them to your application.
Q: How long do I have to wait for housing?
A: The wait ranges from about one to five years for a bachelor; seven to ten years for a one-bedroom; five to ten years for a two-bedroom; ten to twelve years for a three- to four-bedroom; and four to six years for a five-bedroom home.  You need to wait for your name to come up on the waiting list and for a vacancy in the size of unit in buildings you have chosen.

Q: At what age am I eligible for seniors housing?
A: 59 years of age.



购买便宜机票第一原则: 提前购票,货比三家
听起来好像是老生常谈,实际上能够买到便宜机票的“行家里手”使用最多的就是这个窍门。经常买票的朋友通常会提前2-3 个月就开始查询机票价格。有的甚至提前6 个月就开始订购暑假或圣诞机票了。这样的确是需要花费一些时间,但是每个旅客也往往至少会节省USD300 到USD400。计算下来,一家4 口大概可以节省1000 美元。足够买礼品馈赠亲朋好友了。
举一个实例。有位宗先生在2011 年12 月12 日从我公司网站(www.e-traveltochina.com) 购买了一张波士顿上海来回程机票。出发日期是6 月7 号,回程9 月6 日。承运人是美国大陆航空公司和美国联合航空公司。当时的价格是USD857.22。同样行程2012 年1 月1 日的价格是USD1632.10。如果行程略有变化(日期不变),最低价格也需要USD1265.82。

再举一个实例。岳女士2011 年12 月14 日从我网购买了4 张从芝加哥到北京的来回程机票(2 个大人,一个儿童,一个婴儿)。出发日期是6 月6 号,回程7 月2 日。承运人是加拿大航空公司(经多伦多中转)。当时的价格是USD2714.42。同样行程2012 年1 月1 日的价格是USD3923.03。
许多朋友查询机票是,常常有无从下手之感。我们建议您要简单了解航空公司放出低价舱位的时间。航空公司为了提高收益,往往“惜位如金”,不愿意提早 将便宜的位置放出来销售。美国本土的航空公司的竞争能力较强,往往在航班起飞前一至两个月才放出低价机位。美国航空(American Airlines),美大陆(Continental Airlines),达尔美(Delta Airlines), 美联合(United Airlines)往往采取这种竞争策略。亚洲的航空公司,比如国航(Air China),东航(China Eastern Airlines)及韩亚(Asiana Airlines) 则往往提前三个月甚至更久放出一些比较便宜的机位以抢占市场份额。近年来,加拿大航空公司(Air Canada)为抢占美国市场份额,也经常采取这种竞争战略。
许多朋友也是常常提前问价,但是效果往往不佳。这其实是方法不当造成的。大多数的朋友查询机票主要是通过机票代理。而机票代理人的佣金大多都在 USD30 元到USD50 元之间,所以不可能每天都帮助同样的客人去查找同样或类似的行程;客人也不好意思每天都查询。而我公司的机票订购网站是24 小时不间歇服务的,而且每次查询的结果都有200 种不同的航班组合。另外,由于代理人众多,帮助客人占的位置较多;航空公司也往往在半夜以后清理出或直接放出低价的舱位。所以只要使用得当,通过网站订购 的机票常常比通过代理人订购的机票要更为便宜。
网上订票是航空公司最先创意和实行的。目的是争夺旅客资源、降低成本、提高竞争力。但是,航空公司网站的独家性限制其发展。90 年代后期,各类网上订票公司如雨后春笋,迅速发展,为旅客订购机票提供了方便。www.travelocity.comwww.priceline.comwww.expedia.comwww.vayama.com 等公司都是比较成功的网站。此类网站的优点是信誉佳、产品齐全、安全性高;其缺点是价格优势越来越不明显、无中文(或其他语言服务)。原因是航空公司大多 视其为竞争对手而不愿意轻易支付较高的佣金和提供较低的价格。因此,专门服务特定市场的网站因不会成为航空公司的直接竞争对手往往可以从特定的渠道得到比 较好的价格。在这方面办的比较成功的网站是“美中机票网”(www.e-traveltochina.com)。该网站提供的中美机票价格最为便宜,主要服务广大华人市场,而且全部使用中文服务,是华人购买机票首选网站。

1. 输入英文城市或机场名称。因为台湾国语、中国普通话及香港粤语对城市及机场名称都
2. 如可能,日期尽量选择非周末日期(有些航空公司视周五为周末)以避免周末附加费;周二及周四的价格可能会低一些;
3. 尽量使用“检查替代日期(check alternative dates)”(位于航空公司价格排列页的右上方扁长方块内),可以搜索到指定旅行日期前后各一天的票价。如近期旅行,使用此功能往往可以搜到更便宜的价 格;如是远期规划,此功能的作用不明显。这是航空公司的座位管理政策决定的;
4. 使用“显示筛选”(位于检查替代日期下一行)功能可以选择同城不同的机场;
5. 如持有某航空公司常旅客卡,可以在搜索引擎首页指定航空公司(以航空公司英文第一个字母为序);在定位过程中,一定要输入您的常旅客计划卡号码;另外,指定航空公司可以进行深度搜索,可能找到更为便宜的价格;
6. 如非直达航班,应留出足够的中国出境和美国入境的时间;另外,衔接航班也可能因天气或机械故障延误。
7. 如需境外中转并无美加护照或绿卡,请查询有关国家使领馆是否需要办理过境签证。
8. 许多网友反映,半夜时,比较容易找到低价的位置。
9. 去程及回程,或国内衔接航班,尽量使用同一家航空公司,以避免不必要的麻烦。
10. 中转时,应首选同一机场。同一城市,不同机场转机,价格可能会便宜;但是,行李需取出并再交运,比较麻烦,也容易误机。
中国北方有句俗话:“买的不如卖的精。”旅客是消费者,很难outsmart 大多由美国名校MBA 毕业的航空公司收益管理部门和运价部门。因为他们的目标就是通过管理仓位来提高其单位价格。换句话说,在兼顾市场份额的情况下,航空公司目标就是争取卖高 价。这也是航空公司划分很多舱位等级的基本原因。但是通过了解一些航空公司的票价规则,旅客可以少花“冤枉钱” 、少为航空公司“贡献”一些利润。
航空公司按照历史数据划分销售“季节”。每家航空公司的定义略有不同。但是一般分为淡季、平季、旺季。有的航空公司还在同一季节内再细分。多数航空 公司都是以出发日期确定销售季节。通常来讲,1 月到3 月初(中国年除外)、11 月到12 月初的价格最为便宜;4 月和5月、9 月和10 月其次;6 月中到9 月初、12 月中到1 月初和中国年期间,价格最贵。如果旅客的旅行时间安排比较灵活,可以参照航空公司的“季节”划分来大致确定行程。如果旅客的行程比较固定,可按照购买便宜 机票的窍门(一)中讲述的原则选购机票。
航空公司还会收取燃油附加费,并代收机场税和政府税费。林林总总,各有不同。一般的机票代理人也不可能(也没有时间)全部详细告知。网上订票之所以渐渐流行,价格明细清楚、可以选择前后各一天的出发日期、多家航空公司同时比较是其主要的优势。具体可参考“美中机票网”(www.e-traveltochina.com)这样的主攻中国市场的网站。也可参考等www.travelocity.com,www.priceline.comwww.expedia.com 等主流网站。
许多职业人士和相当一部分的学生已经十分习惯在网上订购机票。但是,也有相当一部分朋友对网上订票的安全性“心存疑虑”。事实上,确实有一部分朋友 曾经“受骗上当”。在加拿大曾经就出现过通过网上订票的方式诈骗的案件。此类案件的受害人往往不会有太多的经济损失。这主要是因为网上订票是通过信用卡支 付,而信用卡公司在收到确切证据的情况下,往往会退还票款。但是,受害人的行程往往会被打乱,而且可能不得不因需要临时购买机票而付高价。
专业的机票订购网站会在您订购机票后自动通过电子邮件即时发送行程和价格情况;在行程记录上方一定会有航空公司的记录编号 (conformation number/passenger record locator)的信息;购票人可以到有关航空公司的网站上核对有关信息;
一般的专业订票网站都会需要在出票前人工核对机票的行程和价格信息;但是24 小时之内一定会出票(周日除外)。旅客可以在订票次日到航空公司的网站再次核对有关信息。此次应该在比较明显的位置看到“已出票(Ticketed)”的字样;
专业网站的价格往往比传统旅行社便宜;但是肯定不会便宜得十分离谱。这是因为航空公司不可能提供离谱的佣金;传统旅行社的价格往往已经较低(但是毕 竟是劳动密集型产业,人工成本相对网站要高);因此专业网站的价格可能低廉,但是一定会低廉的有限;而欺诈性的网站的价格常常低得十分离谱。
一些专业网站的价格确实能够提供十分便宜的票价,主要是通过强大的搜索功能实现的。比如可以提供+/- 一日的搜索功能;选择航空公司深度搜索功能等。而欺诈性的网站的搜索功能往往设计得很不完善;
购买机票最大的问题,并不是到哪里能买得便宜的机票;而是保护隐私、防范信用卡盗用。传统的旅行社需要您提供信用卡号码和有效日期。911 之后,由于防恐的原因,还需要您的出生日期及性别等。这实际上就为信用卡盗用提供了方便之门。通过正规的网站订票,信用卡的信息和其他隐私信息是经过加密 处理的。即便是网站的内部管理人员,也只能看到信用卡最后4位数字和有效日期。在这方面,网站的优势将愈加明显。


德国:Blue Card

    (德国之声中文网)今年8月1日起,德国正式开始实施联邦法案于不久前通过的"关于高素质人才引进条例",即所谓的"蓝卡"法案,以此来吸引欧盟 国家以外的高技术人才,为国外人才提供就业岗位的同时也解决了德国专业人才短缺的问题。通过这种蓝卡,欧盟以外的高技术人才可以更快地获得居留许可并在德 国工作。

    该政策规定,国外的高技术人才可在德国享有限期半年的找工作签证,并且如果能证明在德国有年薪44800欧以上(特殊情况可降到35000欧)的 工作即可获得"蓝卡",凭此可在德国居留四年,而通常情况下拿到"蓝卡"后的两到三年内即可获得永久居留证。此外,其配偶也可享有同等居留权,并且对其德 语语言水平不作要求。
    一位正在德国盖莫斯海姆上学的刘姓同学表示:"我觉得新的政策总体来说还是对外国留学生有利的,比如增加了打工时间,延长了找工作的时限等。我认 识挺多中国留学生,就是因为毕业后没有在规定的时间内找到工作,所以被迫回国了。如果时间能再长一点,他们找到的希望可能会大一些。"
    然而,针对该项政策今后是否能如期实施,她也有一丝疑虑:"放宽政策后符合资格的人数可能大增,所以到时候不知道具体实施起来是否和预期的一样好。 "
    同样给出积极评价的还有一位来自图宾根的留学生,他表示:"虽然还没有从此项政策中获益,但是我认为这项政策很好,除去对留学生个人发展的好处之 外,还能为德国的经济发展提供更多高质量的劳动力;同时,来自国外的竞争可以促使德国本土的学生更加努力的提高自己的能力。"
    而另一位在欧洲学习欧洲文化的中国学生William则认为,此项政策究竟是否会给留学生带来便利还是个未知数,他表示:"总体看来大环境对留学 生是有利的,但是对于个人还有不同专业来说,我个人觉得不好说。有的专业可能受惠更大一些,例如德国紧缺的专业人才,而其他专业可能没有影响。"面对繁琐 的手续问题,即将毕业找工作的他希望德国的大学以及相关部门能够及时跟进,提高办公的效率,或者能给个别遇到问题的留学生提供该方面的咨询帮助。

    一位来自中国南方某大学的访问学者对此项法案也提出了一些建议,他表示:"其实这是一个留学生管理规定,针对的是已经在德国的留学生,对于想申请 来德国留学的学生和学者而言,此项政策没有在实际上提供给他们多大的帮助。应该在如何吸引学生到德国留学这方面多做一些事情。"

    此外,就该政策的具体实施情况,德国不同地区情况不同。德国之声总部所在城市波恩外事处的负责人宾德塞尔(Dieter Bindseil)表示,目前波恩方面还未开始发放所谓的"蓝卡",他本人也无法给出具体的发放日期。


EU Blue Card

The EU Blue Card Germany is a residence permit , so a proof ( documentary - ) over the legal residence of a national of a third State in an EU Member State for the purpose of employment. The Blue Card is therefore intended for members of non- EU countries. For members of EU states there is freedom of movement in terms of their stay.

The EU Directive on the Blue Card gets part of German law in Germany at 1. August 2012 by the Act to implement the highly qualified Directive of the European Union . In particular the Residence Act was modified. The most important paragraph is section 19a of the german Residence Act - EU Blue Card.

Who can apply for an EU Blue Card?

For an EU Blue Card Germany can apply a foreigner, who is a national of a non-EU country, if he has
a) either a German or a recognized foreign or a German university degree equivalent foreign degree and
b) a contract of employment with a gross annual salary of at least € 44,800 (3733 € per month) or in so-called shortage occupations (scientists, mathematicians, engineers, doctors and IT professionals)with an annual salary of at least € 34,944 (2912 € per month).


Answers to the most important issues for the EU Blue Card.

Does the foreigner has to apply for the EU Blue Card prior to entry?

Yes, the entry into Germany is governed by the general entry requirements. After this for members of most third countries the application for the EU Blue Card has to be made before traveling to Germany. Responsibility lies with the relevant German mission abroad (embassy).

How long does an EU Blue Card is valid?

The EU Blue Card is issued initially for a maximum of four years. If the employment relationship will exist for less than four years,so the EU Blue Card is limited for the duration of the contract is awarded, plus three months. It can be renewed or it is granted a permanent residence permit.

When can the owner of an EU Blue Card obtain a right to permanent residence in Germany?

Foreigners who have an EU Blue Card may apply after 33 months for a permanent residence permit. If they may have a knowledge of German at the level B1 they can apply after 21 months for a permanent residence permit, § 19a (6) Residence Act.

Can the Blue Card is lost for an extended stay outside the EU?

EU Blue Card holder may stay up to twelve months outside the EU without loosing the right of residence in Germany or the EU.

May holders of a Blue Card migrate further in another EU country?

EU Blue Card owners have to stay18 months in Germany. Then they have the right to immigrate to another EU country.

Does the residence time with a Blue Card in other EU countries counts towards permanent residence?

If the foreigner is residing with an EU Blue Card already in other EU Member States, these include sojourn times for the receipt of a permanent right of residence in Germany.

During the resettlement within the EU do have visa procedures to be carried out ?

Will foreigners continue to migrate within the EU, in almost all EU countries, no visa is required. The application may be made at the new home-country. In Germany, the request must be made within one month of arrival in Germany.

Is a priority examination performed? Are members of the German labor market treated privileged ?

Priority check means that it is checked whether German workers are eligible for the occupation in the workplace. Such a priority check is not used when the content limits are reached. However, there will be a review of working conditions. If a salary of at least € 34,944, there will be a priority test for non-shortage occupations, so that an EU Blue Card can be issued.

Can family members of Blue Card holders work in Germany without restriction?

Family members of holders of an EU Blue Card shall work without restriction in Germany.

Do spouses must have a German language knowledge before entering?

The subsequent immigraton of spouses does not depend of the proof of German language skills or other integration measures. Even basic knowledge of German is not necessary for the spouse.

Implementation of European Union directive for Highly skilled foreigners into German law

Basis of the EU Blue Card is a directive of the European Union , Directive 2009/50/EC on the Blue Card . The EU Blue Card is granted for the purpose of highly qualified third- country nationals staying in the EU. So a skills shortage can be counteracted.

The listing rules of the individual EU member states remain unaffected by the EU directive. It does not regulate the influx of third country nationals who enjoy protection under international obligations, staying for a research stay in the European Union, who enter under the family reunification or who cannot be deported.

The holders of the EU Blue Card will receive the same pay as citizens of the Union in a similar position . An equality in terms of claims for vocational training or income support is not mandatory, but should be sought.

The Blue Card is limited . The validity period is one to four years. The format is uniform within the content of the EU and in accordance with Regulation (EC) 1030 /2002.


How to Apply for Permanent Residence in Germany & Basic Requirements to Qualify for work parmit

As of the 1 January 2005 introduction of the new German Immigration Act, foreigners need only obtain a German residence permit, which gives them the right to work, rather than separate residence and work permits. Citizens of the US, Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, and Switzerland may apply for their residence and work permit while remaining in Germany as visitors. Citizens of these countries, however, are not allowed to work in Germany until after their work and residence permit application is approved.

Citizens of most other countries are required to apply for and obtain a residence and work permit prior to entering Germany at their German consulate.

The procedure as of 1 January 2005 is as follows:

Stage 1: The residence permit application (which also provides access to the labour market) for the candidate is received by the German embassy in the country where the candidate lives.

Stage 2: The Embassy passes the application to the immigration office (the Auslaenderbehoerde) in the place where the job is to take place for initial approval. The immigration office, in cooperation with the local employment office (the Arbeitsamt) that issues the permission, makes its decision.

Stage 3: If the candidate's application has been approved, the Embassy provides an entry visa to the candidate.

Stage 4: Upon arriving in Germany, the foreign national and any accompanying family members must apply for their work and residence permits at the local foreigners authority.

To qualify as for a German work permit, the basic requirements for the employee and the German company are as follows:

  • The potential employee has to be employed on equal terms as a German employee.
  • German or other European nationals are not available to fill the position.
  • Usually the employee must have a university degree comparable qualification. For some positions there are special requirements.
  • The German company must be registered at the Labor Authorities in Germany and apply for a Corporate Registration Number.


Naturalisation by entitlement

An individual who fulfils all of the following criteria has an entitlement to naturalise as a German citizen:[4]

  • he/she has been ordinarily resident in Germany for at least 8 years (this period can be reduced - see below)
  • he/she has legal capacity or a legal representative
  • confirms his/her present and past commitment to the free democratic constitutional system enshrined in the German Basic Law (or that he is presently committed to such principles and has departed from former support of ideas contrary to such principles)
  • he/she is a European Union or Swiss citizen in possession of the appropriate residence permit which permits the free movement of persons, or he/she is a non-EU/Swiss citizen who has been granted a permanent right of residence
  • he/she is able to support himself/herself without recourse to benefits
  • he/she has not been sentenced for an unlawful act and is not subject to any court order imposing a measure of reform and prevention
  • he/she possesses an adequate knowledge of German
  • possesses knowledge of the legal system, the society and living conditions in the Federal Republic of Germany

An individual who does not have legal capacity is entitled to naturalise as a German citizen merely through ordinary residence in Germany for at least 8 years - he/she does not have to fulfil the other criteria (e.g. adequate command of the German language and ability to be self-supporting without recourse to benefits).

Applicants for naturalisation are normally expected to prove they have renounced their existing nationality, or will lose this automatically upon naturalisation. An exception applies to those unable to give up their nationality easily (such as refugees). A further exception applies to citizens of Switzerland and the European Union member states.

An individual who is entitled to naturalise as a German citizen can also apply for his/her spouse and minor children to be naturalised at the same time (his/her spouse and minor children need not have ordinarily resided in Germany for at least 8 years).

Exceptions to the normal residence requirements include:

  • persons who have completed an integration course may have the residence requirement reduced to 7 years
  • If a person shows that he/she is especially well integrated and has a higher level of command of the German language than the basic requirement for the German citizenship may have the residence requirement reduced to 6 years
  • The spouse of a German citizen may be naturalised after 3 years of continual residency in Germany. The marriage must have persisted for at least 2 years.
  • refugees and stateless persons may be able to apply after 6 years of continual residency
  • former German citizens




I often get asked if there are any poisonous seaweed around Britain. From my own research I discovered that Desmarestia is the only poisonous seaweed that you should leave well alone. However I wanted to double check my own knowledge against that of a world class expert.

So I went and asked Professor Michael Guiry, Director of AlgaeBase and world authority on seaweed. Here’s his reply:

“As far as I know, there are no really poisonous seaweed in this part of the world. “Our” Desmarestia species (4 of them and as you said mostly in deep water) produce sulphuric acid and can have a cellular pH of 2.

Anything else you might want to eat is free of poisons in the conventional sense as far as I am aware. However, care should be exercised when collecting in areas with high coliform counts and other bacteria, particularly in estuaries.

I have seen some really disgusting places on the south coast of England and would be loath to eat anything collected from shores from Portsmouth east to Norfolk, and anything from the major estuaries. The same applies to Dublin Bay, Cork Harbour, Inner Galway Bay, and Belfast Lough.”

So there you have it, straight from the horses mouth so-to-speak.




Who can have a free screening mammogram?

You can have a free screening mammogram every two years through BreastScreen Aotearoa if you meet all the following:
  • are aged 45-69 years
  • have no symptoms of breast cancer
  • have not had a mammogram in the last 12 months
  • are not pregnant or breastfeeding
  • are eligible for public health services in New Zealand.*




Calculating rate - general formula

An Accommodation Supplement is paid when a client's accommodation costs are more than the entry threshold. The entry threshold varies depending on the family situation.
For every dollar over the entry threshold that a client pays in accommodation costs they receive a 70% subsidy.
The amount that a person is entitled to may be reduced depending on the level of their income or assets.

Below are the Accommodation Supplement entry thresholds and maximum rates for New Zealand Superannuation and Veterans Pension at 1 April 2012. These are non-taxable, weekly rates.


Weekly Allowance:

Category Entry threshold Maximum rate
Rent or board Mortgage Area 1 limit Area 2 limit Area 3 limit Area 4 limit
Single living alone $87 $105 $145 $100 $65 $45
Single sharing $81 $97 $145 $100 $65 $45
Married, civil union or de facto couple, both qualify $134 $161 $160 $125 $75 $55
Married, civil union or de facto couple, non qualified partner included on or after 1 October 1991 $128 $153 $160 $125 $75 $55
Married, non qualified partner included before 1 October 1991 $134 $161 $160 $125 $75 $55
Married, civil union or de facto couple, both qualify, 1+ children $157 $189 $225 $165 $120 $75
Married, civil union or de facto couple, non qualified partner included on or after 1 October 1991, 1+ children $151 $181 $225 $165 $120 $75
Married, non qualified partner included before 1 October 1991, 1+ children $157 $189 $225 $165 $120 $75
Sole parent sharing, 1 child $104 $124 $160 $125 $75 $55
Sole parent sharing, 2+ children $104 $124 $225 $165 $120 $75
Sole parent living alone, 1 child $110 $132 $160 $125 $75 $55
Sole parent living alone, 2+ children $110 $132 $225 $165 $120 $75

奥克兰是Area 1

Example - calculating rate

A client receiving Invalid's Benefit who is living in Wellington (Area 2), is married with 2 children, and pays rent of $375.00 a week.
First we need to know the entry threshold for a couple with 2 children, see: Entry thresholds and maximum rates
As at 1 April 2012, the entry threshold for Invalids Benefit is $130.00. Using the following calculation the couple's rate of Accommodation Supplement can be assessed.

Rent $375.00
Less entry threshold (as at 1 April 2012) $130.00
Equals $245.00
The couple is eligible for up to 70% of $245.00
$245.00 x 0.70 equals $171.50
Round up to the nearest whole dollar $172.00
The last thing that remains to be done is to check the regional maximum Accommodation Supplement payable to a couple with 2 children. For Wellington (Area 2) this is $165.00 per week (as at 1 April 2012).

  • the couple may only receive $165.00 per week
If the couple had lived in Auckland (Area 1), the maximum Accommodation Supplement payable would be $225.00 (as at 1 April 2012). They would then have received $172.00 per week.



对极度缺乏人力资源、长期依靠引进外国移民提升劳动力的新加坡而言,移民政策和移民问题一直是被新加坡民众放大检视的课题。日前新加坡 乒乓球选手冯天薇在伦敦奥运会上拿下女子单打铜牌,这是新加坡52年来首次在单打项目中摘下奖牌。但很多新加坡人对此却并不领情,许多人认为前中国籍的冯 天薇只是政府引进的外来人才,无法代表新加坡。根据一份雅虎新加坡网站做的问卷调查,17227名受访者中,有77%的人对外来人才所赢回的奖牌不感到骄 傲。这样的结果或许会让总认为自己的成就便是"华人之光"的中国感到愕然。
新加坡政府自1990年代起不断积极引进外来移民,其中中国移民占绝大多数。新加坡统计局最新的数据显示,2000年时新加坡的总人口数仅400万 人,在11年间总人口数提升至约520万,2011年的移民人数将近140万人,其中还不包括已归化新加坡公民或永久居民的外藉人士,移民人口约占五分之一。


询问任何一个生活在当地数年的本地或外地人,几乎都会异口同声的说:"近年的中国移民实在太多太多"。新加坡的中国移民人口在过去几年大幅上升,无论是在 公共场所、大众运输、公司企业或机关学校中都能看到中国人的身影。新加坡政府的用意十分明显,引进语言和文化相近的中国人才,不仅能促进当地经济发展,而 且不易有种族之间的隔阂问题。新加坡因为敏感的地缘政治关系, 政府需要维持一定的民族比例, 因此从周边国家和大中华地区吸引华人移民。由于港台的经济较为发达,移民的意愿相对不高,因此新加坡政府自1990年代便针对中国大陆地区吸引移民,过去 数年的中国移民数更出现爆炸性的成长。

数月前,一名领取新加坡政府奖学金的中国学生在网上骂新加坡人是狗引起公愤,认为这样的外来人才"忘恩负义",要求取消其奖学金。今年5月,一名驾驶法拉 利的四川人疑因超速撞死了出租车司机及乘客,酿成3人死亡的悲剧。由于肇事者是中国大陆富商,新加坡人排中的情绪更加激烈,排山倒海的批评认为此类"财大 气粗"、"嚣张"的中国移民便是移民政策所带来的恶性后果。

另一起事件则突显出新加坡人对中国移民的负面看法:6月间媒体和网络热烈报道和讨论一个视频,一名中年妇女在地铁上责备一名女子让位过慢,以英文斥责她" 八成是从中国来的"。事实上,让座的女子也是新加坡人。此类单一事件显示出部分新加坡民众对中国移民的排斥以及刻板印象。

生活空间缩水 "上班挤不上公交"

从事海外华人及新移民研究的南洋理工大学中文系助理教授游俊豪分析说,1949年中华人民共和国成立直至1990年代新加坡开放引进外来人才,两国间并未 有太多交集,中国和新加坡的关系逐渐疏远。在1990年开放后,新加坡人对中国人的印象是"来自不同社会体制的一群人",生活水平不比新加坡。但随着中国 经济的崛起,过去数年赴新加坡的中国人颠覆了当地人既往的印象,他们购买奢侈品牌,消费力超过许多新加坡民众。
此外,经常在新加坡《联合早报》发表时事评论的新加坡佛学院助理教授纪赟认为,中国新移民给新加坡最大的冲击主要来自物价和房价;举例而言,中国人只要把 上海、北京或深圳的一套房子卖掉便可在新加坡轻松购置一套政府组屋(由政府承建的房屋),意即中国房价的增长间接推动新加坡房市,虽然新移民的购房比例不高,"但他们就像鲶鱼一样搅动了本地的市场,并拉高了房价"。


为了吸引中国人才,新加坡政府给与外来移民各种优惠,包括提供优秀的中国留学生政府奖学金和助学金。1999年从中国前往新加坡求学的李健文在大学时申请 了政府助学金,条件是毕业后必须在新加坡工作五年。目前在当地就业并且成为新加坡公民的李健文在求学阶段也观察到新加坡人对于中国留学生的不满情绪:


另一名从事银行业的新加坡人认为,在日常生活中与职场上都能感受到新加坡人对中国移民的排斥,而媒体报道的中国负面新闻也造成她对中国的负面印象。针对是 否赞成新加坡继续引进中国人才,她表示:"我不赞成,我真的不赞成。新加坡很小,太多的中国人让新加坡好像一个小型中国,而他们不融入社会。有时候他们来 这里看起来是不开心、不情愿的。"

究竟为何中国移民难以融入新加坡社会?血缘、文化和语言的相似为何无法成为族群融合的有效助力?游俊豪分析新加坡人对华人身份的认同感时说:"尽管是属于 同一个种族,但是他是来自不同的国家。所以当新加坡人碰到中国人的时候,他们不会认为这是华人碰到华人,而是两个不同国、族的人碰在一起了。"
本身也是中国移民的纪赟说:"就思想上而言,两地居民就有很大的文化差异。中国新移民往往太'聪明',但在一个契约社会里,太聪明的人往往会让人觉得未必 靠得住。这主要还是与中国社会的现状有关。在中国合法的事往往比非法的还要难办,所以在这种社会里生存的人,往往就学会了一整套的变通与取巧的方法,喜欢 在办事时绕过轨则或干脆忽视规则。但在一个健全的社会中,这种人往往会因为太聪明而最终吃亏。"
除此之外,学习本地的语言也是融入异国社会的基本底线,但许多新移民总是嘲笑当地人的英语口音,将其作为拒绝学习英语的借口。事实上,不少中国人是为了更 方便的护照、更好的生活条件或子女的教育环境才来到新加坡。而许多中国人将新加坡视为前往第三国的跳板也是中国移民不愿融入社会的主因。






How much notice do I need to give to increase the rent?

For periodic tenancies the landlord must give the tenant at least 60 days’ written notice to increase the rent, in addition to a period allowed to correctly serve the notice. There is no limit to how much a landlord may increase the rent, as long as the rent is not increased excessively above market rate.
For periodic tenancies, the rent cannot be increased within 180 days of the beginning of the tenancy, nor within 180 days of the last rent increase.
Rent can only be increased for fixed-term tenancies where provision for this is written into the tenancy agreement.
For boarding house tenancies, the landlord must give the tenant at least 28 days written notice to increase the rent.






据 英国媒体报道,由麦肯锡管理咨询公司前首席经济学家詹姆斯·亨利和一位避税港研究专家进行的“离岸藏匿财富”的分析报告指出,在私人银行的帮助下,大概有 21万亿~32万亿美元(约133.93万亿~204.08万亿元人民币)从各国流向卢森堡、瑞士、开曼群岛和百慕大群岛等地。而富人在他地所拥有的飞 机、游艇、收藏、房地产等资产也并未算在内。






这 么一大笔没有缴税的资产难免让各国政府眼红。2008年,德国政府花了420 万欧元向一位列支敦士登LGT银行的前数据保管员购买了1250个客户的详细交易资料,并拿来同美国政府共享。事后,该数据保管员又把同一份客户数据在英 国政府那里再卖了一次,作价10万英镑。



除 了金融机构,很多国家和地区也成为海外企业的避税天堂。在英属维尔京群岛,“国际商业公司无需向当地政府缴纳税金,只需缴纳极少数量的年费:注册资本在 50000 美元以下的公司,每年年费为650 美元左右;注册资本在50000 美元以上,每年年费为1500 美元左右。”


目前,面积仅有153 平方公里的维尔京群岛,已注册有大约40万家公司。有人计算过,这个小岛平均每个居民拥有近20家企业,一个篮球场的面积上就有一家公司。



今 年7月底,日本夏普公司遭到大坂国税局的调查,因其在5年里通过海外子公司避税,并存在偷税现象。大坂国税局公开的数据显示,5年里,夏普避税金额约74 亿日元(约合6.03亿元人民币)。夏普是通过海外子公司在输出制造产品时,以低于正常价格出售,通过减少交易价格来避免缴纳更多税款的。面对上述指控, 夏普方面仅仅是否认,尚无具体回应。


转移定价是指跨国公司内部,在母公司与子公司、子公 司与子公司之间销售产品,提供商务、转让技术和资金借贷等活动所确定的企业集团内部价格。转移定价所包含的范围很广,它是利用各国间税率参差不齐和规定的 差异,来达到避税的一种手段。转移定价不仅只是海外企业内部货物及劳务方面的内部价格转移, 而且在其他诸如贷款、投资、专利和专有知识、租用、租购、租赁及管理成本、劳务手续等方面, 均可以通过转移定价来达到避税的目的。






设 置分支机构,公司可以不缴纳资本注册税或印花税;总部直接控制其经营,可以在分支机构所在地减少填写报账表、审计项目和遵从公司法等方面的麻烦,可以不公 布或少公布财务资料;在创建初期, 常会发生较多的费用及损失,纳税人的母国税收规则一般允许国外分支机构的这些费用及损失冲抵总部的净利润总额,由此可减少总部所得税的负担。

而 设置子公司,公司首先可以享受参股收益的免税好处。参股收益即指纳税人在另一个股份公司、投资公司或合伙企业的参股收入。当地政府通常为子公司提供免税期 或其他投资鼓励与优惠政策。子公司取得的利润,无须在同一纳税年度内汇回母公司一并在母国纳税。这样,在外国税率低于母国税率的情况下,它就可以获得延期 税的好处。在子公司与总部之间支付的利息或特许权使用费是可扣除的,即从整体角度讲,这方面要比分支机构的情形减少所得税税额。子公司灵活性强,可以利用 两国税率差异(如上述的转移定价)避税。


在 经济危机的阴霾没有完全退去的情况下,近年来,各国政府都加大了对海外企业避税行为的治理措施。2009年伦敦20国集团会议期间,反避税成为热门词汇。 当时有人预计,在世界大国的配合下,反避税措施定会取得较大成效。然而,道高一尺魔高一丈,避税措施的复杂性和隐蔽性让反避税措施的效果大打折扣。避税, 这个打了几千年的法律擦边球游戏会继续下去。





一 个以泽西岛为根据地的逃税方案能够每年帮这些富豪逃税多达1.68亿英镑。有的富豪常常在晚上搭机飞离英国领空,过了午夜之后,再回到英国机场降落。因为 英国现行税法规定,每年在英国居住的时间不超过90天的话就不用缴税;而剩下的275天里,只要午夜前不在英国也可以不用缴税。投资回报丰厚的电影业也成 为帮助富人避税的领域之一。他们利用和滥用英国政府支持文化创意产业的税收优惠政策,把几千万英镑投进电影和电视项目,以便避税逃税。




去 年大约有1780名移居海外的美国人前往美国使馆放弃自己的美国国籍,而2008年只有235人。美国是经合组织中唯一对居住在任何地方的本国公民征税的 国家。此外,按照美国的法律,如果富豪要把遗产给子女,联邦政府会从中抽掉过半的遗产税。于是许多美国富豪都以慈善捐款的手段规避遗产税。

Facebook联合创始人爱德华多·萨维林近日移民新加坡之后宣布放弃美国国籍,如果此举被证明为了躲避Facebook IPO收益所得带来的巨额税收,他将被永远禁止进入美国。 见习记者 白朝阳



     德国多少年来一直以“非移民国”自称而拒绝外国人前来德国生活和就业。现在德国经济起飞,人口却下降,尤其是年龄结构趋向老化。所以,德国不得不慎重考虑 要有条件地从国外引进人才。现在德国社会越来越少有人讨论“德国是否是移民国”的话题,几乎各党派、工会、企业家协会一致希望从国外引进人才,以保持德国 的欧洲经济龙头地位。从几年前还是在理论上探讨这个问题,今年开始成了迫在眉睫必须去做的实际项目。

    德国劳工局下属的“国外与专业职业介绍中心ZAV”从设立该部门的半个世纪来,都是协助德国专家如何去国外生根发芽,所谓的Outgoing;今 年来却工作方向180度大转弯,专门带着德国企业的人才需求而跑到国外去主动游说,引进各方人才,所谓的Incoming。部门工作人员也从十几人,今年 激增到50多人,而且还要增长。今年上半年已经为德国企业从国外招聘了300多专家。今年暑假后劳工局将派出四个招聘小组赴国外招聘,分别招聘技术领域、 卫生领域、农业和服务业人才。例如九月将去北部意大利招聘医生,然后去罗马尼亚招聘护理人员,十月去葡萄牙招聘医务人员……到今年年底将要出国招聘60多 次。据ZAV称,国外招聘最大的障碍就是语言问题,有几位外国人能说德语的?许多私人职业中介公司也开始涉足引导国外专业人才前来德国的生意,网站 make-it-in-germany.com 甚至都介绍来德谋职的具体五个步骤。德国联邦经济部长表示:为了引进人才,“我们不仅要具备相应的法律基础,同时还需要有欢迎外国人前来德国就业的良好文 化”。
    德国政府迄今没有公开德国需要每年引进人才的官方统计,据专家估计,应当在20万左右。2011年德国的移民人数(27,9万)达到历史最高峰, 而且估计还将年年攀升。但要说明的是,这些人中有14万来自欧盟国家,尤其来自欧盟中受到经济危机较严重的国家,如西班牙、希腊、葡萄牙,因为德国的职业 多、工资高,但那从法律上说已经不属于“外国人”,而且那里经济恢复后,前来德国谋职的愿望就会立即下降。所以,所谓的竞争国外人才,最重要的是竞争非欧 盟国家的人才。
    二战之后德国经济起飞,就是从德国附近的国家如希腊、意大利、南斯拉夫和土耳其等大量引入劳动力。上世纪60年代后期发生石油危机,德国自己的失 业率都在急剧上涨,当然就不再需要国外劳动力。于是在1973年颁布了“停止国外招聘”的法律(Anwerbestopp),从此除了出于家庭团聚或留下 几个特殊专业领域作为例外,开始严格限制外国人来德,那时每年只有几千位外国专家前来德国谋职。到2000年红绿党执政期间推出所谓的“绿卡”,当时还只 对计算机IT领域的专家开放。同一年德国议会委托前议会主席R.Suessmuth起草德国移民的具体方案,她参照北美经验而提出根据年龄、学历、语言能 力等来对应聘外国人打分,有控制地引进国外人才。由于大选活动干扰、有些党派还是作意识形态方面的争论,使这一方案夭折。直到2005年才推出新的移民 法,从法律上部分宽松了对国外专家的移民,如给予在德读完大学的外国人毕业后能有一年时间找工作,大企业雇用专业人才的法律门槛降低等,但对普通职业依旧 卡得很紧,至少没有从根本上考虑德国必须成为移民国,只是如何移民的问题。所以直到2010年,以此宽松而进入德国工作的全年只有220名专家和1040 位独立职业者。大学毕业这倒留下了5700名,计算机专家8000名。但这些数字与德国实际需要的每年20万专业人才相距很远。今年八月施行的“欧盟蓝 卡”对外国人来德谋职的门槛降得更低,官僚手续消减得更多,但看来依旧不够宽松。
    前来德国留学的外国学生不算少,2011年有25万在校注册的外国学生,占全德大学生的11,4%。第一位就是来自中国(22828人)。据统 计,前来德国留学的外国学生中有80%希望毕业后能在德国工作,而法国、英国、荷兰、瑞典的外国留学生有66%想毕业后留在留学国。但最后确实在德国留下 的只有25%,而法国却有33%。究其原因,主要是德国的移民法太复杂,法律门槛还是太高。其次是语言问题,再其次是德国社会对外国人还总有偏见,其偏见 程度占上述五国的第二位(法国占第一位)。
    德国争夺国外人才 移民人数年年攀升/钱跃君

    德国争夺国外人才 移民人数年年攀升/钱跃君

    自民党劳工市场专家J.Vogel就表示,德国的职业市场相对其它国家还是缺乏吸引力和竞争力。以后我们对专家们要能做到:不用来德前就已经获得 应聘合同,欢迎你们先来德国,静下心来就地找工作,由我们政治家来考虑如何在法律上保障——这就回到了欧美引入外国人的记点评分方式。所以,德国各党派 (尤其是自民党FDP、社民党SPD与绿党)又重新思考和讨论起记点评分引入外国专家的方案,只有基民盟CDU表示异议,认为这样做太死板,很快就会演变 成官僚主义的魔鬼。要将引入条件定得抽象点,这样我们就可以随时调整移民政策。邻国奥地利已经从2011年中开始实施记点评分制,根据年龄、学业、职业经 验、语言、该专业在奥地利的缺乏程度进行评分。评分过线者就可以获得一张“红白红卡”,去年下半年有1500人获得。
    其实,德国岂止缺乏专业人才,就连普通职业人才也青黄不接。最值得德国民族骄傲的是初中毕业后进入职业教育,但现在愿意接受职业教育的学生也越来 越少,以至许多职业学校招生严重不足,全德平均缺少1/7学生,此数字将会越来越高。尤其是位于东德地区的职业学校和企业,现在就已经几乎缺少1/3的职 业培训学生。只是德国移民法中还没有给予外国人前来德国接受职业教育的居留许可,所以这些职业学校和企业只能在欧盟国家打主意,因为这些欧盟国家的学生尽 管不说德语,但法律上毕竟不再是“外国人”。前来德国职业培训的更多是受到这次经济危机冲击较严重的国家如希腊、西班牙、葡萄牙,以及加入欧盟的东欧国家 如波兰、匈牙利。因为这些国家的经济下跌,失业率频升,这些中学毕业生一旦毕业就意味着失业,于是纷纷前往德国接受职业培训,并期望培训后继续留在德国谋 职——职业培训成为他们移民德国的一种途径。
    许多东德地区的职业学校索性就近去波兰、捷克、匈牙利招生,因为德国政府只问这个学校的学生多少,而从来不问是哪些国家的学生。这些学校搞到许多 东欧国家中学校长的地址,不断给他们发信,希望动员他们的学生中学毕业后直接去德国接受职业教育,食宿不愁。许多提供职业培训的企业,破例为这些外国学生 提供食宿,增加工资,以吸引他们。由此可见,因为德国自己的孩子不争气,德国纳税人的钱只能去培养国外的技术人员。但愿被培养者毕业后能够留在德国,这样 德国花出了几笔钱,但赚回了一个人——经济竞争,就是人才竞争,甚至是人口竞争。




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Recent changes to the law allow New Zealand Customs and the Department of Labour (Immigration) to share information with the Ministry of Justice. This means the Collections Unit of the Ministry of Justice may now know when you leave or arrive from an International Airport.


I have dealt with MoJ regarding overdue fines in the past and I questioned whether I would be allowed to leave the country also. The MoJ people I spoke to (credit where credit is due, they were pretty decent, understanding people), advised me that once I had made payments to get the debt under a certain amount, and had set up a "payment arrangement" to come out of my wages each week, I was allowed to leave the country - although I think they only meant for a holiday, you would need to query whether the same applied if you were leaving permanently. If I had done all of this, left the country, and then defaulted on a payment, I could be arrested/deported or whatever.


Pay or Stay If you have outstanding fines you may not be able to fly internationally. Check this out with the Ministry of Justice before your trip to avoid an unpleasant surprise.


i had a few fines ordered to me by the court to pay but i didnt get around to it
it got passed on to Baycorp.

These are not court fines then (as DB points out court fines are not passed to Baycorp), but rather the court ordered you to pay a 3rd party which you failed to do; so that third party listed the debt with baycorp?

In regards to your situation: the only fines that will stop you from travelling are court fines. If indeed the court ordered you to pay a fine and you failed to do so, then yes you will be prevented from leaving the country.


What will happen to me if I'm stopped at the airport for fines?

Police at the airport will intercept you after you have passed through Customs.  You will be given the opportunity to talk to a Deputy Registrar at the Court’s Contact Centre to arrange full payment by Credit Card. If you cannot, or will not, pay your fine the police may arrest you. You will be prevented from travelling, have your passport confiscated and be bailed to appear in Court.


It's still fine to go travelling

Last updated 05:00 17/04/2011

A $2 million dollar advertising campaign which threatens fine defaulters with being stopped from travelling abroad is being branded successful – despite only five people having their trips canned.

Labour said the initiative, which it introduced in 2007, was "a great system" that "worked well", but accused National of failing to "be proactive" by lowering the $5000 threshold at which fines defaulters can be stopped from leaving New Zealand.

Since 2008 Justice Ministry bosses have signed off $1.83 million for television and internet, brochure and direct-mail advertising for its "Pay your fines or pay the price" campaign.

The message is clear and stern – pay your fines or you might be stopped from travelling.

Briefing papers obtained by Sunday News reveal 64 individuals owing a combined $806,570 were stopped at airports between 2009 and 2010.

Of the 14 attempting to leave the country, nine were waved through after paying on the spot and five were arrested and barred from travelling.

A further 50 debtors entering New Zealand were stopped but the papers do not explain what happened to them.

The general manager of collections, Bryre Patchell, told Sunday News that research indicated 90% of those who owed fines were "aware" of the ad campaign and the small number of people stopped at the border was evidence it worked.

"A large number of people being stopped at airports would indicate the campaign was not working," Patchell said.

"The major benefit of the campaign is that fines are paid before people travel as a result of the public awareness created."

Patchell said it was important to remember the campaign was not just about warning people about travel, but also that other enforcement measures such as wheel clamping and property seizure could occur. Of the 64 people stopped, the majority, 40, had fines balances of between $1000 and $10,000. Fourteen people owed more than $10,000.

As of February 28, $689.9 million in fines was owing and 54% of that amount ($382.2 million) was under arrangement for payment or not yet due because of pending appeals.

Rick Barker, Courts Minister under Labour, said National should by now have realised the initiative set up by the former government that set the $5000 threshold was working and may even lower it in order to stop greater numbers of people at airports.

Barker said he wasn't sure what the threshold should be changed to but it had been set at $5000 to make sure Customs officials could "handle" the workload. "The government has not been proactive," he said. Phone 0800 434 637 or visit govt.nz to pay your outstanding fines



Can you drive in New Zealand?

You can drive in New Zealand if you hold a driver licence from another country or an international driving permit and:
  • your overseas licence is current and valid, and
  • you've not received a disqualification or suspension in New Zealand, and
  • you last entered New Zealand less than 12 months ago, and
  • your overseas licence is in English; if it's not, you must have an accurate translation, and
  • you've not been granted a New Zealand driver licence.
If your licence or international driving permit doesn't meet these requirements, you must apply for a New Zealand driver licence to drive in New Zealand.

Here for a year or more?

If you'll be in New Zealand for more than a year, you need to gain a New Zealand driver licence. If your overseas licence is still current or expired less than 12 months ago you can apply to convert it to a New Zealand licence


What is suspension from driving?

Suspension is a stand-down period from driving. Your licence will be taken by the Police or you must send it to the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA).

Demerit suspension
If you collect 100 or more demerit points over a two-year period, you will be suspended from driving for three months. The suspension period starts as soon as you receive the demerit suspension notice from the NZTA, the Police or an NZTA authorised agent.

Roadside licence suspension
If you are caught committing a serious driving offence which puts lives at risk, the Police can give you a 28-day roadside licence suspension. This means that the Police will take your drivers licence from you on the spot, and you cannot drive for 28 days. You might have to pay for your car to be removed from the roadside, as you won't be allowed to drive it home.
The Police can do this if you:
  • go over a permanent speed limit by more than 40 km/h (not including speed camera offences)
  • go over any other speed limit by more than 50 km/h (not including speed camera offences)
  • drive with more than 650 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath but have no relevant convictions
  • drive with more than 130 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood but have no relevant convictions 
  • fail or refuse to take a blood test for excess blood alcohol, or refuse to supply a blood sample
  • are caught drink-driving and have been convicted of a similar offence within the previous four years
  • drive with more than 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood and have relevant convictions within the last four years
The Police can apply to the court to extend the 28 day suspension period up to three times.
After suspension you will go to court, and if you’re found guilty, you may not be allowed to drive for a longer period of time. This is called disqualification.

What actions would disqualify me from driving?

If you are convicted of a driving offence, the court may disqualify you from driving for a period of time.
You can be disqualified from driving for a number of reasons:
  • drink-driving offences in which you are over the legal limit
  • going 40km/h or more over the speed limit
  • reckless or dangerous driving
  • careless or inconsiderate driving causing injury or death
  • failing to stop after an accident
  • driving with blood or breath alcohol over the legal limit
  • driving under the influence of drugs. These can be illegal drugs like ‘P’ or prescription drugs, so if you are given medication, you should check with your doctor that you will be alright to drive.
  • refusing to remain at a breath testing station
  • refusing an evidential blood test
  • failing to adequately secure a load in or on your vehicle
  • unauthorised displays of speed or drag racing
  • driving while disqualified from driving or breaking the terms of a limited licence
  • applying for a licence while disqualified
For many of these offences, it is up to the court to decide whether or not you should be disqualified from driving, and for how long. Repeat offences could result in you being disqualified from driving indefinitely.





       投资移民申请着需在智利有投资,开办公司或与智利企业合资、合作。满足投资条件者可先申请一年期的投资移民临时居留身份,一年期满即可申请五年永久居留身 份。审批时间一般为半年到一年。也就是说,如果满足投资移民的一切条件,企业运作正常,一般需一年半至两年即可取得智利永久居留身份,但在一年期临时身份 期间要求申请人离境(离开智利)时间不得超过半年。获得永久居留身份后,且在智利累计呆满五年者可以申请加入智利国籍。






Can I become a highly skilled migrant to the Netherlands - even if I haven't got a job yet?

If you are well qualified, but do not yet have a job in the Netherlands, you can get an entry visa - an 'authorisation for temporary stay' (MVV) - and then apply for a one-year residence permit. During that year, you can look for employment as a 'highly skilled migrant' or start up an innovative company.

To be eligible, you must be in possession of one of the following diplomas or certificates, which must have been issued within the past three years:
  • a master's degree or doctorate from a recognised Dutch institution of higher education listed in the Central Register of Higher Education Study Programmes (CROHO) or
  • a master's degree or doctorate from a non-Dutch institution of higher education which is ranked in the top 150 establishments in either the Times Higher Education 2007 list or the Academic Ranking of World Universities 2007 issued by Jiao Ton Shanghai University in 2007. The certificate or diploma must also be approved by the Netherlands Organisation for International Cooperation in Higher Education (NUFFIC). To obtain this approval, you need to send your document(s) to: NUFFIC, Postbus 29777, 2502 LT Den Haag, The Netherlands.

If your diploma is in a language other than Dutch, English, French or German, you must have it translated by a sworn translator before you send it to NUFFIC.

You will have an advantage if:
· you are under 40 years of age;
· you have worked or studied in the Netherlands before;
· you speak Dutch or English;
· you hold a bachelor's or master's degree or a doctorate from a higher education institution in a European country that is a signatory to the Bologna Declaration.

How do I become a highly skilled migrant?
You can become a highly skilled migrant if:
1. your employer has been admitted to the 'Highly Skilled Migrants Scheme' organised by the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) and you will be earning a gross contract salary of at least £25,800 a year. (This minimum figure will be updated every year) or
2. you obtain a residence permit as a self-employed person, on the basis that you are already well qualified (see above for the educational requirements) and that the company you intend to start serves an essential economic purpose in the Netherlands. This will be assessed in terms of:
· your personal background (education and training, entrepreneurship and work experience);
· your business plan (market analysis, product/service; pricing; organisation; finance);
· the added value for the Netherlands (innovation, job creation and investment opportunities).
· if you qualify for a residence permit under these conditions, you do not need a work permit.

Do I need a work permit in order to work in the Netherlands?
Once a designated highly skilled migrant has a contract of employment, the employer does not need to apply for a work permit. However, if you do not yet meet the requirements to become a highly skilled migrant, your prospective employer will have to obtain a work permit for you before he can employ you.

What if I can't find suitable work as a highly skilled migrant, or fail to start up an innovative company during my year of temporary residence? Am I still allowed to stay in the Netherlands?

Yes, providing you meet alternative residence criteria, such as having paid employment. But in that case, your prospective employer will have to obtain a work permit for you.

Do I have to prove that I have enough money before moving to the Netherlands?
No, that isn't necessary. You are allowed to work in the Netherlands. But unless you find work as a highly skilled migrant, your employer will have to apply for a work permit for you. In practice, obtaining a work permit for non-EU nationals is difficult and time-consuming. Bear in mind that you are not entitled to any financial assistance from the Dutch government.

Can I bring my partner and children to the Netherlands?
Yes, provided you can prove that your income is adequate. If you do not have any independent income, you must be able to prove that you have an employment contract for at least twelve months, with a monthly salary of at least £1,464 (as of January 2009). (This minimum figure will be updated every six months).

Is my partner allowed to work in the Netherlands?
In principle, yes. But only if the prospective employer has obtained a work permit (TWV) for him/her as a non-EU national. Once you are employed as a highly skilled migrant, you will be issued with a residence permit which states that your employer is exempt from the work permit requirement. At the same time, your partner will receive a new residence permit exempting his/her employer from the work permit requirement.

After completing my studies in the Netherlands, I was granted a year to find work as a highly skilled migrant. Am I entitled to apply for a second year? 
No, the maximum time allowed is one year. 

How much does an entry visa for the Netherlands cost and how long will it take for me to get one?
Anyone wishing to stay in the Netherlands for an uninterrupted period of more than three months must apply for an authorisation for temporary stay (an MVV). You need an MVV in order to apply for a residence permit. The MVV costs €600. After your payment has been received, you will usually hear within four weeks whether your application for an MVV has been successful.

How much will a Netherlands visa cost for my partner and children?
If you apply for MVVs for all your family members at the same time - assuming you can prove that you have sufficient independent income the cost will be €250 per person. An MVV is valid for entry into the Netherlands during a period of 6 months. If your partner applies for a MVV while you are already in the Netherlands, he or she will have to pay €1250, plus €250 per accompanying child.






  小户型 低房价

新加坡建国初期,普通居民的居住条件恶劣,平均每一户居民不足一间居室。据官方统计,当时200万人口中有40%的家庭住在贫民窟或棚户区,能 够住上像样住宅的人口只占居民总数的9%,政府面临严峻的住宅问题。20世纪60年代初,新加坡成立了建屋发展局,专门负责建造公共组屋(相当于中国的经 济适用住房)。为解决广大中低收入居民的住宅问题,建屋发展局开始大规模兴建低标准、小户型住房。后来,政府又宣布实行“居者有其屋”计划,推行住房自有 化政策,鼓励中低收入阶层以分期付款方式购买组屋。


  新加坡建屋发展局对组屋的定价不以成本为考量,多年来建屋发展局几乎一直都在做亏本生意。在2006~2007财年,政府建屋发展局亏损了 7.4亿新元(约合37亿元人民币),建屋发展局的赤字由政府资金填补,而从政府开始拨款计算至今,累计的政府补助金总额已达160多亿新元(约合800 亿元人民币)。


  首先,制定公积金制度,进行强制性储蓄,即规定雇主和雇员各按雇员工资收入的一定比例逐月缴纳公积金,分别用于未来的养老、住房、医疗、保险、 教育等用途,使得居民的购房能力得到大幅提高。建屋发展局将根据购房者收入情况发放贷款,确保购房者每月还款额比例不会超过其收入的四成,房屋的分期付款 最长期限可为30年。此外,购房者同时还可以申请商业贷款。


  第三,政府对居民购买组屋实行免税优惠措施,如购买三房以下组屋,出售价格常低于半价;对购买四房组屋的价格约降15%;对购买五房的,则稍有 优惠。如果购买二手组屋,政府将视买房家庭的收入状况,提供1万至7万新元不等的津贴,存入买房者的公积金户头。为了强化东方家庭的价值观,如果购房者选 择在靠近父母居住的地点购买二手组屋,还能额外获得1万新元的津贴。



  一般来说,新加坡中低收入家庭4年至5年的收入之和,或者20年至30年可用于住房消费的公积金之和,就能够购买一套组屋。目前组屋的出售价格 比市场价格低50%左右,98%的中低收入家庭都买得起公共组屋。由于低廉的价格,新加坡对组屋的政策定位是以自住为主,对居民购买组屋的次数有严格的限 制。首先,购买了组屋,就必须住,否则将面临高额罚款及牢狱之灾。其次,新加坡政府对组屋的购买人资格、再上市及出租管理等问题都有明确的规定,不给投机 者留下可乘之机。一个家庭同时只能拥有一套组屋,如果要购买新房子,旧组屋必须退出来,以防止投机多占;如果是未婚,还有年龄的限制;屋主在一定年限内不 得整房出租;5年内组屋不得转让,也不能用于商业性经营。另外,业主出售购买时间不足1年的组屋,要缴纳高额的房产税。新加坡政府表示,任何人在买卖组屋 时,必须提供翔实的资料,一旦发现虚报,将面临高达5000新元的罚款或6个月的监禁,严重者两者兼施。



  政府建屋发展局每年都会拿出一定的资金来翻修、改造和重建一部分公共组屋。在1989年之后展开的大型翻新工程,为老旧组屋区注入了新鲜活力, 使它们能够同新建组屋区相媲美。20年前的公共组屋电梯隔一层才能停,现在都重新进行了翻修,使电梯可在每层楼停留,以方便上了年纪的居民出入。为适应近 年来人口不断老龄化的需要,组屋区内还逐渐增添了更多的人性化设施,以打造无障碍环境。

  新加坡建屋发展局在建造房屋的同时,还扮演着促进社会和谐的角色。为了保留和发扬具有象征意义的新加坡“甘榜精神”(邻里之间团结互助的精 神),在建造组屋的同时,在每一个组屋区还辅助建造了邻里商店(超市)、菜市场和小商品市场以及各种饮食中心等,不仅方便了组屋区的民众生活,而且促进了 居民之间的交往。

  新加坡也是个多民族的国家,为了促进族群之间的融合和生活和谐,新加坡政府规定,凡是迁居到组屋区的各族居民必须采取抽签制,以确保每一座组屋 都有比例均衡的各族居民,规定每个组屋邻里和各座组屋的各族群居民必须达到一定的比例,以鼓励各族居民之间互相交往。邻里的每座组屋都有大小不同的面积, 让不同收入的各族家庭生活在一起,共同使用儿童游乐场和健身园地等公共设施。


  据记者了解,在目前居住组屋的人口中,有95%在政府“居者有其屋”的计划下购买了房子,其余一些收入过低、处在社会底层的低收入家庭,则选择 租赁组屋居住。新加坡政府建屋发展局特别针对收入过低的家庭制定了相应的租赁组屋计划,由政府提供大量津贴,帮助他们找到安居之所。例如,月收入少于 1500新元的家庭,可以申请租赁一房式(使用面积约33平方米)或者二房式的组屋,政府最低以市场租价的10%来收取租金。如果家庭月收入不超过800 新元,一套一房式组屋的每月租价仅有26至33新元左右。

  新加坡目前有85%的人口住在政府提供的公共组屋里,只有15%的人口住在开发商建造的房子,这其中还包括一些外来投资者。目前新加坡的组屋达 到了100万套,基本上满足了全岛人口居住的需要。由于新加坡大多数家庭都拥有低价组屋,新加坡的商品房市场总体上并不活跃,商品房价格主要受经济景气程 度、银行贷款利率等市场因素影响。建造组屋的建屋发展局可无偿得到政府划拨的土地,而私人房地产商必须通过土地批租,有偿获得土地使用权。正是运用这种方 式,政府可以对私人房地产的开发、扩张行为进行有效监控。







Always-on connectivity has made location irrelevant for thousands of wired-up workers in the IT industry, but for those looking to climb to the top of the greasy pole, the best opportunities remain in the big smoke.

The bulk of the country's juiciest IT roles at telcos, utilities and major corporates are concentrated in Sydney and Melbourne and senior spots with IT vendors are mostly based in these centres too.

Chief executive at IT recruiter Peoplebank, Peter Acheson, said Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and even Darwin, all offered good opportunities for IT executives to take on high levels roles within medium-sized enterprises, but moving up from there can prove more problematic.

Large CIO opportunities are still thin on the ground outside Melbourne and Sydney and may be tightly held by those who have snagged them and made the lifestyle decision to stay put.

Adelaide, for example, has only around 12 major CIO roles, compared with Melbourne and Sydney's hundreds, Acheson said.

Head of change resources at Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Paul Dewsnap has lived in Adelaid since 2003, after stints in Melbourne, Sydney and the US. He agreed that senior roles were scarce, especially in the banking and finance sector, but said the cheaper cost and relaxed pace of living were compensatory attractions.

"A lot of South Australians return here from working overseas and they return for the lifestyle," Dewsnap said.

Taking an existing opportunity and looking to grow the role could be a good strategy for IT professionals wanting to stay in the smaller cities without stymying their careers, he added.

Acheson said a smaller city role could work well for ambitious types if viewed as a stepping stone to a better long term position in one of the major centres, rather than as a final destination.

"You do get to a ceiling in those places."

Veda CIO Tony Kesby agrees. A veteran of the London and US markets before settling in Sydney, Kesby said taking work in the smaller cities involved a trade-off between lifestyle and ambition.

"Highly career oriented people will always gravitate to where the action is," Kesby said.

Being in the smaller cities can also mean a disadvantage when it comes to the sort of regular shoulder rubbing that generates personal connections and leads to word-of-mouth job opportunities.

Industry events, vendor seminars and CIO roundtables are almost always held in one of the big two capitals and popping in for a couple of hours of meeting and greeting isn't possible if you need to fly in from Perth to do it.

Being Sydney based means being able to get along to around half the worthwhile events – while CIOs who live out of state would be lucky to show their face at one in ten, Kesby estimated.

"You make a lot of connections that way quite effortlessly," he said. "You're out of the loop to some degree if you're not there. In this day of virtual connection, there is still something about sitting around a table – there's nothing better than face to face."

But Melbourne-based managing principal at software vendor SAP Mitchell Faiman says working the 'virtual room' can deliver many of the same benefits, for those who are prepared to persevere.

"Networks are virtual by nature and the heart of the action is a very dynamic thing. One day the action could be in your city and the next week it is somewhere else. It is up to you to keep your ear to the ground and connect on a regular basis."



纽西兰:Wikisaver 与破产

KiwiSaver funds can go to creditors

People with a KiwiSaver account who are buying their first home can put some or all of the cash towards it.

I am 28. I have been watching my KiwiSaver fund grow since day one.

I know I cannot access any of the money until I'm 65, but can anyone else? If I become bankrupt, or the like, can the money be taken from me to pay debts? Or is it a fund that will see me through hell and high water and be there in 2048?

If you're lucky in love, money and health, and you don't choose to withdraw money in some other circumstances, it should all be there waiting to finance your cruisy retirement.

However, there are several circumstances in which you or others can take money out of your KiwiSaver account before you reach NZ Super age - which is likely to be older than 65 by the time you get there, but that's another story.

You can withdraw some or all of the money to buy a first home if you don't already own one; if you suffer significant financial hardship or serious illness; or if you leave New Zealand permanently.

If your marriage or similar relationship breaks up, your KiwiSaver account is treated like other savings.

The money is relationship property to the extent it was contributed during the relationship.

A court may order some or possibly all of your KiwiSaver money to be transferred to your former partner, or your partner may get other assets to offset your KiwiSaver account.

And when you die, at whatever age, your KiwiSaver money goes to your estate. It's available to your heirs at that time.

But the issue that's clearly worrying you is bankruptcy. If you go bankrupt, the Official Assignee - who administers bankruptcy - will use your KiwiSaver money to repay your creditors, says Robyn Cox of the Ministry of Economic Development's Insolvency and Trustee Service.

Recently, there's been disagreement between the service and some KiwiSaver providers over whether the money is available for creditors right away or if they have to wait until the KiwiSaver member reaches NZ Super age.

The issue may be tested in court, says Cox.

"We need to clarify it for the sake of bankrupts and creditors."

But that wouldn't make a lot of difference to you. The money in your account would be set aside to pay others sooner or later.

However, after you are discharged from bankruptcy - usually three years after you are declared bankrupt - you get a fresh start. You can contribute new money to KiwiSaver that is all yours in retirement - unless, of course, you go bankrupt again.

Note that the assignee treats money in KiwiSaver no differently from other savings, whether in shares, property or anywhere else. They're all fair game to repay creditors. So this is no reason to put you off KiwiSaver.




(dongyue195的博客) 有朋友前几天讲了去年发生的一件真实的事情。在广州的美国领事馆,有个大学的女教师申请签证后,刚拿到批准的那张纸,那 个女签证官轻轻的又问了一句:“你是共产党员吗?” 那个女教师随口答到:是的。那个女签证官马上大声的说:把那张纸还给我。(就是得到批准的纸)。女教师就被拒绝进入美国啦。


 根据美国早期的移民法规定,凡是隶属于共产党及其所属组织者,均不得移民美国。在入境之后,如果被发现隶属共产党,将被递解出境。感谢冷战的结束,美国 在90年代修订了移民法案中一些有关共产党员入境及移民的规定。新规定放松了禁止共产党员入境的有关规定。但在I-485的申请表中还是要你申报你是否增 经加入过共产党。


















 大量的中国共产党党员是如何移民到了美国的? 就是利用了这些豁免的途径。






Deal With Collectors

If you will not pay your account, you will become a delinquent borrower and your account will be handover to the collection agency. Eventually, will send you demand letters, collection calls and notices. After due time, will file case in court in order to compel you to pay the obligation. They may also attach your real property and if the value of the property attached is not sufficient enough (based on their very low assessment) they may include garnishing your wages.

Late payments are added to your credit report as you're 30, 60, 90, 120, and 180 days late. Unfortunately, these late payment notices will make your credit score decrease and could ruin your ability to get a credit card, loan, or even a job. Your insurance rate could also go up based on the credit card delinquencies.

Six months (180 days) after you stop making your credit card payments, your account will be charged-off. With a charge-off, the credit card company benefits (somewhat) not you. A charge-off allows the credit card company to get a tax deduction for your unpaid credit card balance. Meanwhile, you get a serious blemish on your credit report that will stay there for the next seven years alerting everyone that you once defaulted on a credit obligation.

Charge-off accounts are usually sent a collection agency. From there, they get moved from one collection agency to another until they are paid or discharged in bankruptcy. Your original creditor or a third party debt collector can sue you for the debt until it's paid or bankrupted. After a certain amount of time, the statute of limitations can protect you from a lawsuit judgment but the account must be completely inactive for several years and the burden of proof will be on you.

If you can't afford your credit card payments, contact a consumer credit counseling agency who can help you explore your options.

Visit your credit card office and ask them what to do, they are the only people who can help you now. You may ask for postponement of your re-payments with penalties waived. Tell them all your problems and they surely will help you.

Writing a hardship letter to your credit card companies can result in lowered interest rates and lowered payments.

Your credit goes straight to hell, and then you'll get plenty of phone calls you don't want, and letters. If you use your cell phone as your main phone, or if you have caller id, you can pretty much ignore the phone calls, and trash the letters. Or you can tell the companies your situation, and see if they will work with you.

Bad credit--don't let these shills for the CC companies who are answering you mislead you--you can live a pretty good life on bad credit. The creditors just want to know you are trying, not hiding from them.

Amount of debt
A lot depends on the amount of the debt. If it is only several thousand dollars they will sell your account to a collection agency who will start hounding you at home and work. They will also place a negative report with the credit reporting agencies and all future credit will probably be denied for the next seven years.

If it is a substantial amount then you will probably get a letter from an attorney and they will take you to court. When they get a judgment it will be collected in accordance with the laws of your state.

The Option of Bankruptcy

What about the option of filing for bankruptcy? You don’t actually need a lawyer to file for bankruptcy; however, it’s advisable that you do, so the bankruptcy attorney can guide you through this complicated process and try and absolve most of your debt. Bankruptcy could be an option for you, especially if debt is an ongoing situation. Bankruptcy is discouraged for the most part, since it mauls your credit report and marks you for the next seven years. Some tend to think of bankruptcy as an easy way out. Unfortunately, the facts show otherwise.

Recent legislation in congress now states that even if a party files for bankruptcy, that doesn’t necessarily mean that all debts will be forgiven. In 2005, CNN reported that George W. Bush signed a new bankruptcy reform bill that makes it harder for individuals to clear up debts through bankruptcy options, and restores more power to creditors. So, while bankruptcy is an option, it should continue to be seen as a last resort. Unless you have a good bankruptcy lawyer, the odds are stacked against you coming out on top in a bankruptcy situation. The last thing you want is to owe more money after you’ve ruined your credit and filed for Chapter 13!


Your wages may or may not be able to be garnished. It depends on what state you live in. For example, if you live in Texas, your wages cannot be garnished for anything other than child support.

Bank Accounts

Depending on what state you live in, they can seize your bank accounts. Again, in Texas, they have to first of all win a judgment against you, and then secondly, you have to disclose your bank account and account numbers or be subject to contempt of court. However, according to my attorney, the very day you send back your bank account information, you can then pull out most of your money (leave a small amount in for them to "seize), and then open a new account somewhere else, thus keeping most of your funds.
Any real property that YOU OWN, such as land, houses, business property, and inventory, can have a LIEN put on it, so that if and when you sell that property, the amount of the lien has to be paid off, before you get any money from the sale. Liens are registered at the county or state level.
Clear the Debts

Just remember, every time you make a payment lower than your minimum, even if you've worked it out with the CC companies, you are extending your bad credit countdown.

What I mean by this, is after the CC companies "charge off" your debt, then you have 7 years until it either falls off your credit report, or you write the credit reporting agencies to get it off. But if you keep making late payments, or "agreed" upon payments, you are extending that 7 years of bad credit into a much longer time frame.

Again, this is state by state, so you need to consult with an honest bankruptcy attorney.

I know in my case, the attorney literally advised that I just stop paying.


That is key--don't spend anymore than what you have. Just learn your lesson. Eventually, you'll get offers for "secured" credit cards, where you put in a dollar amount, and your credit is equal to that amount. Then you'll be able to get car loans, albeit at a higher rate. Remember, just have enough money to pay everything off.

Eventually, every mortgage broker in the world will work with you to help you get loans. Bad credit can be overcome, and is not some death penalty sentence that people can make it out to be.

Also, make sure you are aware of any "universal default clauses" that allow other lenders to penalize you for having defaulted on one loan. You would not want one card issuer to raise your interest rate because you did not pay on time some other bill that should be none of their business.

Guilty Feeling

If you're feeling guilty, or if people try to berate you with things like "meeting your obligations," just remember that the CC companies weren't obliged to jack your interest rates to unmanageable terms. They have more than collected what you borrowed from them in interest alone, most likely. Don't feel guilt for corporations that get to run ramshod through this country due to their power.