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- are at least 16 years old
- are entitled to be in New Zealand indefinitely under the IMMIGRATION ACT 1987 (in practice, this means you must hold a residence permit)
- have been in New Zealand, with an entitlement to be here indefinitely, for at least 1,350 days during the five years before your application, and for at least 240 days in each of those five years
- are of good character
- have knowledge of the responsibilities and privileges of New Zealand citizenship
- have sufficient knowledge of the English language, and
- intend to continue to be ordinarily resident in New Zealand if you are granted citizenship (there are some exceptions to this)
- are entitled to be in New Zealand indefinitely under the IMMIGRATION ACT 1987 (in practice, this means you must hold a residence permit)
- have been in New Zealand, with an entitlement to be here indefinitely, for at least 1,350 days during the five years before your application, and for at least 240 days in each of those five years
- are of good character
- have knowledge of the responsibilities and privileges of New Zealand citizenship
- have sufficient knowledge of the English language, and
- intend to continue to be ordinarily resident in New Zealand if you are granted citizenship (there are some exceptions to this)
作者: 涌泉
答: 首先, 每一个税务居民所拥有的海外资产只有超过$100,000时才需要申报;再者, 不是所有的资产都属于应该申报的范畴。需要申报的资产包括: 海外的银行存款和现金, 投资于海外的股票债劵 (在此不包括海外附属企业的股票), 海外债权, 海外信托利益, 海外的房地产 (不包括自住的房子) 及其它资产。个人使用的财产如汽车、手饰等是不需要申报的。
(1) 为个人自用和活动性商务的物业
(2) 海外联营公司的股票 (另行申报)
(3) 海外联营公司欠款
(4) 个人收藏品, 如珠宝、艺术品、邮票等
问:海外资产的种类繁多,价值也不断地在发生变化,到底如何 计算其价值?
问: 关于海外资产是不是报了就要上税?
答: 拥有资产并不直接产生税务后果, 只有产生收入才会有上税的问题。因此, 加拿大政府有关海外资产申报的政策, 不是对境外的资产征税。它的目的是让加拿大的税务居民如实申报海外收入, 同时认可在海外已缴的税款, 避免在加拿大双重纳税。
问: 申报海外资产时需要提供什么文件吗?
答: 申报海外资产只需在申报表T1135的每个资产栏目下按照不同的金额范围打勾既可。 海外资产的价值不是指市场价值, 而是指成本值, 对于移民来讲成本值就是移民当日的市场值,所以申报者应保留相应的资料, 一旦税务局要求提供时, 可以拿得出来。
问: 新移民应该什么时候开始申报呢?
答: 根据加拿大税法,新移民在第一年报税时,应申报成为税务居民后的全球收入;而在第二年报税时,应申报在海外的资产,第三年申报海外企业。
新移民登陆的第一年不要求申报海外资产, 第二年开始要求申报。也就是说, 2008年报到的新移民, 在2009年4月30日之前报2008年的税时不需申报海外资产, 不需填写T1135表格。
问: 新移民应如何正确申报海外资产 ?
答:(1) 一般填报都要委托有执业资格的会计师帮助,或者咨询有关的税务律师。有些华人移民为了省几十元的钱自己弄弄申报,往往得不偿失。
(2) 需要申报的海外资产成本超过10万加元就需要填表了。只需在适当的空格内打勾,在最下栏自行填上该税务年度海外资产盈利收入,不用注明确切银行名称、帐号、地点及存款额等详细资料。
(3) 新移民登陆的第一年免报海外资产,以后每年必须申报。
(4) 海外资产的成本价以移民登陆那天的资本市场价格计算, 所以应该特别记录当日股票、债券、国库券、基金的价格。
问: 不申报海外资产会有什么弊端?
答: 简单来讲, 由于没有申报海外资产, 将来再将这些资产带进加拿大时, 有可能会被当做收入而征税。另外, 作为纳税人也会背上不良的信用记录。
问: 如果不申报海外收入、海外资产以及海外企业会有什么严重后果?
问:有新移民认为,由於第一次申报海外资产时应该多报 ,这样以后海外资产的所得就可以少交税。例如,汪先生本来有11万海外资产,在登陆第一次申报海外资产时,他申报 15万。汪先生认为,如果这11万元的利息所得为5万元,不过由於申报时为 15万元,实际上他只需要交1万元的资本所得,而不是5万元。这种做法是否可行?
答:由於海外资产申报只需要在一个范围內打勾,所以,灰色地带很多。但是,问题是一旦税务稽查,你必须提供相关的文件。比如,这位汪先生申报 15万元,但是,他必须提供具体15万元资产的构成和收入的证明。
问:对於居住在中国大陆,没有加国移民身份的父母,赠予子女的金钱 ,是否算做子女的海外收入或资产,是否需要申报?
问:作为技术移民,在海外的自住房屋本不用作为海外资产申报 ,但若移民加国后,把国內的房子卖掉,所得的钱超过10万加幣,若將此笔钱带进加拿大,税务局是否会质疑此笔钱的来源 ,由於此笔钱之前並没有申报,是否会有麻烦?
答:海外的自住房屋本不用作为海外资产申报 。只有保留具体的文件,没有问题。
问:移民来加,由於海外资产低於10万元,所以以前並没有申报过。但在2006 年时,回国后,带入超过10万元,由於此笔钱是向国內的朋友借的,是否要申报?应如何申报?是否要提供借据等支援文件。
问:海外资产超过10万元加幣,但在加国为低收入者,若申报了海外资产后 ,是否还能享受到加国的各项福利?
问: 去年我第一次报海外资产, 因为我报晚了, 后来接到税务局的电话说第一次不罚我了, 下次再晚就要罚款。请问罚款会有多少?
答: 海外资产T1135表格的申报期限为每年的4月30日。如果晚报了, 罚款是每天$25, 最多可罚至$2500; 如果是有意识的漏报, 为每月罚款$500, 最多可罚至$12,000; 接到税务局的追讨申报通知书仍未申报者, 罚款高达每月$1,000, 最多可罚到$24,000; 超过24个月逾期不报者, 罚款将按照5%的海外资产成本额来计算。
如果您在申报海外资产的过程中遇到什么困难, 请及时寻求专业会计师、律师的帮助。
问: 我在中国注册有一个公司, 我拥有其中的大部分股份, 有人说我需要向加拿大申报这个公司的收入, 要向加拿大交税, 请问是不是这样?
答: 如果您公司所经营的是活动性生意, 答案应该是否定的。 确切地说, 加拿大政府不要求您将这间公司的收入在加拿大上税。
有关海外附属企业的申报, 实际上申报的是相关的资讯,需要填写的表格为T1134, 此表是一份资讯表, 不是报税表, 这点需要特别搞清楚。既然是资讯表, 就不会由此而产生有什么税要交。
只有个人名下产生的收入才需要交税。如果海外附属公司所从事的属非活动性生意, 赚取的是利息、股息、以及资本性收益等非活动性赢利, 税法上则有其它的规定, 因为较复杂, 在此暂不做介紹。
问: 是不是只要在境外的公司里占有股份就要申报T1134表呢?
答: 加拿大居民与其亲属在海外的公司里占有10%以上的股份, 并且加拿大居民所占有的股份不低于1%时, 就需要申报T1134表格.
T1134表格又分A和B两种, A表比B表略为简单,A表用于加拿大居民与其亲属所占股份不超过50%的情况, B表则用于占控股的情况。
问: 海外附属公司申报都包括哪些内容?
答: T1134A表格需填写海外附属公司的名称、地址、主要经营活动、公司注册及设有固定经营地点的国家名称、股份持有资料、股东是否收到股息或拥有债权等, 并需提供所申报会计年度的财务报表, 如果申报者无法取得财务报表, 应提供公司的税前收入及缴纳的所得税数额.
对于T1134B表, 除了上述资料外, 还需提供公司的收入类别、雇员人数、是否经营投资性的生意以及有无资本性增值与亏损等资料.
问: 海外附属公司申报表是与个人报税表一同递交吗?
答: 个人报税表是在每年的4月30日或之前递交; T1134A 和T1134B表应在海外附属公司会计年底日的十五个月之内递交, 新移民成为加拿大税务居民的第一年免申报。
问: 海外资产申报表是否一定需要有本人的签字?
答: 是的。 同时, 为您报税的专业人士也要在报表上签字。整个报税表也应该是这样, 如果您的税表是由专业人士通过电子传送的, 您则需要签署一份授权书。
问: 在中国交的税也可以拿到加拿大来抵税吗?
答: 可以, 只要有交税的证明就可以。很多人认为在中国已经交了税, 在加拿大报税又要交很多税,其实不一定。
是否仍然需要在加拿大补税, 完全要看已在境外交了多少税, 通过利用个人及配偶的免税额和其它可抵税项目, 实际上并不见得人人都需要再补税。
(1) 特别注意,海外资产申报并不是要对海外资产本身纳税,而是要对这些资产产生的收入和孽息收税。世界上还没有一个国家对人民的资产直接收所得税,如它们没有变动或获利的话。
(2) 加国政府对税务居民海外资产申报的用意,是让这些资产所产生的所得,日后要并入加拿大所得课税,并非是拥有海外资产就要课税。
(3) 虽然加拿大对海外资产本身不纳税,等到有一天出售了这份资产,它产生了资本利得,其50%的增值仍然要并入个人所得课征所得税。当出售有资本损失(赔本出售),就不会增加所得税,并且可与其它资本利得互抵。
(4) 据实申报是我们应尽的义务。有大量资产的人士要移民加拿大, 事先要对海外资产进行合理的安排, 否则既使在加拿大居住一段时间而以为没有申报或者少报漏报希望侥幸过关的, 在被发现时还会被追缴税款并被罚款和附加利息, 到那时可能就得不偿失, 甚至在加拿大的财产被拍卖补税。
答: 首先, 每一个税务居民所拥有的海外资产只有超过$100,000时才需要申报;再者, 不是所有的资产都属于应该申报的范畴。需要申报的资产包括: 海外的银行存款和现金, 投资于海外的股票债劵 (在此不包括海外附属企业的股票), 海外债权, 海外信托利益, 海外的房地产 (不包括自住的房子) 及其它资产。个人使用的财产如汽车、手饰等是不需要申报的。
(1) 为个人自用和活动性商务的物业
(2) 海外联营公司的股票 (另行申报)
(3) 海外联营公司欠款
(4) 个人收藏品, 如珠宝、艺术品、邮票等
问:海外资产的种类繁多,价值也不断地在发生变化,到底如何 计算其价值?
问: 关于海外资产是不是报了就要上税?
答: 拥有资产并不直接产生税务后果, 只有产生收入才会有上税的问题。因此, 加拿大政府有关海外资产申报的政策, 不是对境外的资产征税。它的目的是让加拿大的税务居民如实申报海外收入, 同时认可在海外已缴的税款, 避免在加拿大双重纳税。
问: 申报海外资产时需要提供什么文件吗?
答: 申报海外资产只需在申报表T1135的每个资产栏目下按照不同的金额范围打勾既可。 海外资产的价值不是指市场价值, 而是指成本值, 对于移民来讲成本值就是移民当日的市场值,所以申报者应保留相应的资料, 一旦税务局要求提供时, 可以拿得出来。
问: 新移民应该什么时候开始申报呢?
答: 根据加拿大税法,新移民在第一年报税时,应申报成为税务居民后的全球收入;而在第二年报税时,应申报在海外的资产,第三年申报海外企业。
新移民登陆的第一年不要求申报海外资产, 第二年开始要求申报。也就是说, 2008年报到的新移民, 在2009年4月30日之前报2008年的税时不需申报海外资产, 不需填写T1135表格。
问: 新移民应如何正确申报海外资产 ?
答:(1) 一般填报都要委托有执业资格的会计师帮助,或者咨询有关的税务律师。有些华人移民为了省几十元的钱自己弄弄申报,往往得不偿失。
(2) 需要申报的海外资产成本超过10万加元就需要填表了。只需在适当的空格内打勾,在最下栏自行填上该税务年度海外资产盈利收入,不用注明确切银行名称、帐号、地点及存款额等详细资料。
(3) 新移民登陆的第一年免报海外资产,以后每年必须申报。
(4) 海外资产的成本价以移民登陆那天的资本市场价格计算, 所以应该特别记录当日股票、债券、国库券、基金的价格。
问: 不申报海外资产会有什么弊端?
答: 简单来讲, 由于没有申报海外资产, 将来再将这些资产带进加拿大时, 有可能会被当做收入而征税。另外, 作为纳税人也会背上不良的信用记录。
问: 如果不申报海外收入、海外资产以及海外企业会有什么严重后果?
问:有新移民认为,由於第一次申报海外资产时应该多报 ,这样以后海外资产的所得就可以少交税。例如,汪先生本来有11万海外资产,在登陆第一次申报海外资产时,他申报 15万。汪先生认为,如果这11万元的利息所得为5万元,不过由於申报时为 15万元,实际上他只需要交1万元的资本所得,而不是5万元。这种做法是否可行?
答:由於海外资产申报只需要在一个范围內打勾,所以,灰色地带很多。但是,问题是一旦税务稽查,你必须提供相关的文件。比如,这位汪先生申报 15万元,但是,他必须提供具体15万元资产的构成和收入的证明。
问:对於居住在中国大陆,没有加国移民身份的父母,赠予子女的金钱 ,是否算做子女的海外收入或资产,是否需要申报?
问:作为技术移民,在海外的自住房屋本不用作为海外资产申报 ,但若移民加国后,把国內的房子卖掉,所得的钱超过10万加幣,若將此笔钱带进加拿大,税务局是否会质疑此笔钱的来源 ,由於此笔钱之前並没有申报,是否会有麻烦?
答:海外的自住房屋本不用作为海外资产申报 。只有保留具体的文件,没有问题。
问:移民来加,由於海外资产低於10万元,所以以前並没有申报过。但在2006 年时,回国后,带入超过10万元,由於此笔钱是向国內的朋友借的,是否要申报?应如何申报?是否要提供借据等支援文件。
问:海外资产超过10万元加幣,但在加国为低收入者,若申报了海外资产后 ,是否还能享受到加国的各项福利?
问: 去年我第一次报海外资产, 因为我报晚了, 后来接到税务局的电话说第一次不罚我了, 下次再晚就要罚款。请问罚款会有多少?
答: 海外资产T1135表格的申报期限为每年的4月30日。如果晚报了, 罚款是每天$25, 最多可罚至$2500; 如果是有意识的漏报, 为每月罚款$500, 最多可罚至$12,000; 接到税务局的追讨申报通知书仍未申报者, 罚款高达每月$1,000, 最多可罚到$24,000; 超过24个月逾期不报者, 罚款将按照5%的海外资产成本额来计算。
如果您在申报海外资产的过程中遇到什么困难, 请及时寻求专业会计师、律师的帮助。
问: 我在中国注册有一个公司, 我拥有其中的大部分股份, 有人说我需要向加拿大申报这个公司的收入, 要向加拿大交税, 请问是不是这样?
答: 如果您公司所经营的是活动性生意, 答案应该是否定的。 确切地说, 加拿大政府不要求您将这间公司的收入在加拿大上税。
有关海外附属企业的申报, 实际上申报的是相关的资讯,需要填写的表格为T1134, 此表是一份资讯表, 不是报税表, 这点需要特别搞清楚。既然是资讯表, 就不会由此而产生有什么税要交。
只有个人名下产生的收入才需要交税。如果海外附属公司所从事的属非活动性生意, 赚取的是利息、股息、以及资本性收益等非活动性赢利, 税法上则有其它的规定, 因为较复杂, 在此暂不做介紹。
问: 是不是只要在境外的公司里占有股份就要申报T1134表呢?
答: 加拿大居民与其亲属在海外的公司里占有10%以上的股份, 并且加拿大居民所占有的股份不低于1%时, 就需要申报T1134表格.
T1134表格又分A和B两种, A表比B表略为简单,A表用于加拿大居民与其亲属所占股份不超过50%的情况, B表则用于占控股的情况。
问: 海外附属公司申报都包括哪些内容?
答: T1134A表格需填写海外附属公司的名称、地址、主要经营活动、公司注册及设有固定经营地点的国家名称、股份持有资料、股东是否收到股息或拥有债权等, 并需提供所申报会计年度的财务报表, 如果申报者无法取得财务报表, 应提供公司的税前收入及缴纳的所得税数额.
对于T1134B表, 除了上述资料外, 还需提供公司的收入类别、雇员人数、是否经营投资性的生意以及有无资本性增值与亏损等资料.
问: 海外附属公司申报表是与个人报税表一同递交吗?
答: 个人报税表是在每年的4月30日或之前递交; T1134A 和T1134B表应在海外附属公司会计年底日的十五个月之内递交, 新移民成为加拿大税务居民的第一年免申报。
问: 海外资产申报表是否一定需要有本人的签字?
答: 是的。 同时, 为您报税的专业人士也要在报表上签字。整个报税表也应该是这样, 如果您的税表是由专业人士通过电子传送的, 您则需要签署一份授权书。
问: 在中国交的税也可以拿到加拿大来抵税吗?
答: 可以, 只要有交税的证明就可以。很多人认为在中国已经交了税, 在加拿大报税又要交很多税,其实不一定。
是否仍然需要在加拿大补税, 完全要看已在境外交了多少税, 通过利用个人及配偶的免税额和其它可抵税项目, 实际上并不见得人人都需要再补税。
(1) 特别注意,海外资产申报并不是要对海外资产本身纳税,而是要对这些资产产生的收入和孽息收税。世界上还没有一个国家对人民的资产直接收所得税,如它们没有变动或获利的话。
(2) 加国政府对税务居民海外资产申报的用意,是让这些资产所产生的所得,日后要并入加拿大所得课税,并非是拥有海外资产就要课税。
(3) 虽然加拿大对海外资产本身不纳税,等到有一天出售了这份资产,它产生了资本利得,其50%的增值仍然要并入个人所得课征所得税。当出售有资本损失(赔本出售),就不会增加所得税,并且可与其它资本利得互抵。
(4) 据实申报是我们应尽的义务。有大量资产的人士要移民加拿大, 事先要对海外资产进行合理的安排, 否则既使在加拿大居住一段时间而以为没有申报或者少报漏报希望侥幸过关的, 在被发现时还会被追缴税款并被罚款和附加利息, 到那时可能就得不偿失, 甚至在加拿大的财产被拍卖补税。
1. 问:有新移民认为,由於第一次申报海外资产时应该多报 ,这样以后海外资产的所得就可以少交税。例如,汪先生本来有11万海外资产,在登陆第一次申报海外资产时,他申报 15万。汪先生认为,如果这11万元的利息所得为5万元,不过由於申报时为 15万元,实际上他只需要交1万元的资本所得,而不是5万元。这种做法是否可行?
答:由於海外资产申报只需要在一个范围內打勾,所以,灰色地带很多。但是,问题是一旦税务稽查,你必须提供相关的文件。比如,这位汪先生申报 15万,但是,他必须提供具体15万资产的构成,和收入的证明。
2. 问:对於居住在中国大陆,没有加国移民身份的父母,赠予子女的金钱 ,是否算做子女的海外收入或资产,是否需要申报?
3. 问:作为技术移民,在海外的自住房屋本不用作为海外资产申报 ,但若移民加国后,把国內的房子卖掉,所得的钱超过10万加幣,若將此笔钱带进加拿大,税务局是否会质疑此笔钱的来源 ,由於此笔钱之前並没有申报,是否会有麻烦?
答:海外的自住房屋本不用作为海外资产申报 。只有保留具体的文件,没有问题。
4. 问:移民来加,由於海外资产低於10万元,所以以前並没有申报过。但在2006 年时,回国后,带入超过10万元,由於此笔钱是向国內的朋友借的,是否要申报?应如何申报?是否要提供借据等支援文件。
5. 问:夫妻共同移民加国后又离婚,丈夫在中国,妻子和孩子继续在加拿大生活。离婚后,丈夫从中国给妻子匯了一笔钱作为赡养费,这笔钱是否算做妻子的海外资产,是否要申报?
6. 问:海外资产超过10万元加幣,但在加国为低收入者,若申报了海外资产后 ,是否还能享受到加国的各项福利。
答:由於海外资产申报只需要在一个范围內打勾,所以,灰色地带很多。但是,问题是一旦税务稽查,你必须提供相关的文件。比如,这位汪先生申报 15万,但是,他必须提供具体15万资产的构成,和收入的证明。
2. 问:对於居住在中国大陆,没有加国移民身份的父母,赠予子女的金钱 ,是否算做子女的海外收入或资产,是否需要申报?
3. 问:作为技术移民,在海外的自住房屋本不用作为海外资产申报 ,但若移民加国后,把国內的房子卖掉,所得的钱超过10万加幣,若將此笔钱带进加拿大,税务局是否会质疑此笔钱的来源 ,由於此笔钱之前並没有申报,是否会有麻烦?
答:海外的自住房屋本不用作为海外资产申报 。只有保留具体的文件,没有问题。
4. 问:移民来加,由於海外资产低於10万元,所以以前並没有申报过。但在2006 年时,回国后,带入超过10万元,由於此笔钱是向国內的朋友借的,是否要申报?应如何申报?是否要提供借据等支援文件。
5. 问:夫妻共同移民加国后又离婚,丈夫在中国,妻子和孩子继续在加拿大生活。离婚后,丈夫从中国给妻子匯了一笔钱作为赡养费,这笔钱是否算做妻子的海外资产,是否要申报?
6. 问:海外资产超过10万元加幣,但在加国为低收入者,若申报了海外资产后 ,是否还能享受到加国的各项福利。
当然,有关海外资产的税务纠纷,主要是反映在纳税人坚持海外资产的实际存在,而税局则否。近年来,税局的查税越来越依赖所谓的净资产法(net worth method)或净资产评估(net worth assessment)。净资产法的核心概念,是将纳税人净资产的增长与当年所报的收入进行比较,从而评估出隐瞒未报的收入。面对净资产评估,纳税人往往是声称他在加拿大资产的增长是海外资产转入的结果,并且他也曾申报过该海外资产。然而,海外资产申报只不过是纳税人自己的一种声称而已。因此,税局还要求纳税人进一步证明他曾拥有过海外资产并已转入加拿大。如果纳税人不能证明,税局的净资产评估就被视为有效;而纳税人申报的海外资产也算是白报的。
至于怎样证明海外资产的存在或需要提供哪些文件证明,海外资产申报表(T1135)将资产分为六大类;不同性质的海外资产决定了不同的证明文件。可以想象,这不是一篇文章可以说明的内容。有兴趣的读者可以参阅由笔者编著并由加拿大税务出版社出版的《加拿大新移民税务策划》的第五章或《加拿大报税指南 2010》的第八章。
当然,有关海外资产的税务纠纷,主要是反映在纳税人坚持海外资产的实际存在,而税局则否。近年来,税局的查税越来越依赖所谓的净资产法(net worth method)或净资产评估(net worth assessment)。净资产法的核心概念,是将纳税人净资产的增长与当年所报的收入进行比较,从而评估出隐瞒未报的收入。面对净资产评估,纳税人往往是声称他在加拿大资产的增长是海外资产转入的结果,并且他也曾申报过该海外资产。然而,海外资产申报只不过是纳税人自己的一种声称而已。因此,税局还要求纳税人进一步证明他曾拥有过海外资产并已转入加拿大。如果纳税人不能证明,税局的净资产评估就被视为有效;而纳税人申报的海外资产也算是白报的。
至于怎样证明海外资产的存在或需要提供哪些文件证明,海外资产申报表(T1135)将资产分为六大类;不同性质的海外资产决定了不同的证明文件。可以想象,这不是一篇文章可以说明的内容。有兴趣的读者可以参阅由笔者编著并由加拿大税务出版社出版的《加拿大新移民税务策划》的第五章或《加拿大报税指南 2010》的第八章。
The Old Age Security Act permits the inclusion of the OAS
program in social security agreements. These agreements
allow periods of residence and/or periods of contributions
in the other country to be counted as periods of residence
in Canada for eligibility purposes. This may help applicants
satisfy the minimum eligibility requirements for OAS
benefits. For example, someone who has resided in Canada
for less than the 10 years required to receive a partial OAS
pension in Canada would be able to use periods of residence
and/or periods of contributions in the other country to meet
the residence requirement. A similar provision would apply
for someone who has resided in Canada for less than the 20
years needed to receive an OAS pension outside the country.
Some restrictions may apply under some agreements.
Once eligibility for the OAS pension has been established,
the amount of the OAS pension payable is equal to 1/40 of
a full OAS pension for each year of actual residence in Canada
after reaching 18.
program in social security agreements. These agreements
allow periods of residence and/or periods of contributions
in the other country to be counted as periods of residence
in Canada for eligibility purposes. This may help applicants
satisfy the minimum eligibility requirements for OAS
benefits. For example, someone who has resided in Canada
for less than the 10 years required to receive a partial OAS
pension in Canada would be able to use periods of residence
and/or periods of contributions in the other country to meet
the residence requirement. A similar provision would apply
for someone who has resided in Canada for less than the 20
years needed to receive an OAS pension outside the country.
Some restrictions may apply under some agreements.
Once eligibility for the OAS pension has been established,
the amount of the OAS pension payable is equal to 1/40 of
a full OAS pension for each year of actual residence in Canada
after reaching 18.
注意在 Tiger Direct,同样东西网上购买的价格和店里会有所不同。几次观察下来,发现 Tiger Direct 不如另两家。
注意在 Tiger Direct,同样东西网上购买的价格和店里会有所不同。几次观察下来,发现 Tiger Direct 不如另两家。
1,好赚钱 - 华人经商比例很高
2,排华情绪少 - 安全第一(或对华人来讲第二也未可知)
3,全体华人政治地位 - 华人参政情况,华人担任要职情况
5,中文的地位 - 是否是官方语言
7,华人生活方便程度 - 是不是有华语广播,华文报纸,唐人杂货店,高质量唐餐馆
全球各色人宜居城市名单排名计分按下面公式计算:MIN(ROUND((140-SCORE+1)/2, 0), (140-100)/2))。
1,好赚钱 - 华人经商比例很高
2,排华情绪少 - 安全第一(或对华人来讲第二也未可知)
3,全体华人政治地位 - 华人参政情况,华人担任要职情况
5,中文的地位 - 是否是官方语言
7,华人生活方便程度 - 是不是有华语广播,华文报纸,唐人杂货店,高质量唐餐馆
全球各色人宜居城市名单排名计分按下面公式计算:MIN(ROUND((140-SCORE+1)/2, 0), (140-100)/2))。
![]() |
1 Vienna
2 Zurich
3 Geneva
4 Vancouver
4 Auckland
6 Düsseldorf
7 Frankfurt
7 Munich
9 Bern
10 Sydney
11 Copenhagen
12 Wellington
13 Amsterdam
14 Ottawa
15 Brussels
16 Toronto
17 Berlin
18 Melbourne
19 Luxembourg
20 Stockholm
21 Perth
21 Montreal
23 Hamburg
24 Nürnberg
24 Oslo
26 Canberra
26 Dublin
28 Calgary
28 Singapore
30 Stuttgart
31 Honolulu
32 Adelaide
32 San Francisco
34 Paris
35 Helsinki
36 Brisbane
37 Boston
38 Lyon
39 London
40 Tokyo
41 Milan
41 Kobe
41 Yokohama
44 Barcelona
45 Lisbon
45 Chicago
45 Washington DC
48 Madrid
49 New York City
50 Seattle
2 Zurich
3 Geneva
4 Vancouver
4 Auckland
6 Düsseldorf
7 Frankfurt
7 Munich
9 Bern
10 Sydney
11 Copenhagen
12 Wellington
13 Amsterdam
14 Ottawa
15 Brussels
16 Toronto
17 Berlin
18 Melbourne
19 Luxembourg
20 Stockholm
21 Perth
21 Montreal
23 Hamburg
24 Nürnberg
24 Oslo
26 Canberra
26 Dublin
28 Calgary
28 Singapore
30 Stuttgart
31 Honolulu
32 Adelaide
32 San Francisco
34 Paris
35 Helsinki
36 Brisbane
37 Boston
38 Lyon
39 London
40 Tokyo
41 Milan
41 Kobe
41 Yokohama
44 Barcelona
45 Lisbon
45 Chicago
45 Washington DC
48 Madrid
49 New York City
50 Seattle
1 Louisville, CO
2 Chanhassen, MN
3 Papillion, NE
4 Middleton, WI
5 Milton, MA
6 Warren, NJ
7 Keller, TX
8 Peachtree City, GA
9 Lake St. Louis, MO
10 Mukilteo, WA
11 West Goshen, PA
12 Sammamish, WA
13 Superior, CO
14 Farmington, UT
15 Westerville, OH
16 Acton, MA
17 Newcastle, WA
18 Highland Heights, OH
19 Hopkinton, MA
20 Chaska, MN
21 Montville, NJ
22 Draper, UT
23 Solon, OH
24 Mansfield, TX
25 Ellisville, MO
26 Lenexa, KS
27 Tolland, CT
28 Plymouth Township, MI
29 Liberty, MO
30 Twinsburg, OH
31 Southborough, MA
32 Friendswood, TX
33 Brownsburg, IN
34 New Berlin, WI
35 Suwanee, GA
36 Lino Lakes, MN
37 Easton, MA
38 Grosse Ile, MI
39 Schertz, TX
40 Medina, OH
41 Springboro, OH
42 Urbandale, IA
43 Merrimack, NH
44 Apex, NC
45 Georgetown, TX
46 Hewitt, TX
47 Eldersburg, MD
48 St. John, IN
49 Madison, AL
50 Hanover, NH
51 Richland, WA
52 Rochester, MI
53 Mount Airy, MD
54 Brandon, MS
55 Somers, CT
56 Batavia, IL
57 Simsbury, CT
58 Shrewsbury, MA
59 Jackson, MO
60 River Vale, NJ
61 Pewaukee, WI
62 Ankeny, IA
63 Martinez, GA
64 West Linn, OR
65 Buffalo Grove, IL
66 Hooksett, NH
67 Bixby, OK
68 Saline, MI
69 Scituate, RI
70 Walnut, CA
71 Bountiful, UT
72 Cheshire, CT
73 Glocester, RI
74 Lindon, UT
75 East Lyme, CT
76 Germantown, WI
77 Trumbull, CT
78 Waunakee, WI
79 Lake Oswego, OR
80 Bettendorf, IA
81 West Fargo, ND
82 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
83 Calera, AL
84 Mechanicsville, VA
85 Alabaster, AL
86 Bryant, AR
87 Clayton, CA
88 Emmaus, PA
89 Cave Spring, VA
90 Helena, AL
91 Glen Carbon, IL
92 Silverdale, WA
93 Tecumseh, MI
94 Glen Allen, VA
95 Concord, NH
96 Lake Mary, FL
97 Owatonna, MN
98 Norfolk, NE
99 Columbus, NE
100 Oviedo, FL
2 Chanhassen, MN
3 Papillion, NE
4 Middleton, WI
5 Milton, MA
6 Warren, NJ
7 Keller, TX
8 Peachtree City, GA
9 Lake St. Louis, MO
10 Mukilteo, WA
11 West Goshen, PA
12 Sammamish, WA
13 Superior, CO
14 Farmington, UT
15 Westerville, OH
16 Acton, MA
17 Newcastle, WA
18 Highland Heights, OH
19 Hopkinton, MA
20 Chaska, MN
21 Montville, NJ
22 Draper, UT
23 Solon, OH
24 Mansfield, TX
25 Ellisville, MO
26 Lenexa, KS
27 Tolland, CT
28 Plymouth Township, MI
29 Liberty, MO
30 Twinsburg, OH
31 Southborough, MA
32 Friendswood, TX
33 Brownsburg, IN
34 New Berlin, WI
35 Suwanee, GA
36 Lino Lakes, MN
37 Easton, MA
38 Grosse Ile, MI
39 Schertz, TX
40 Medina, OH
41 Springboro, OH
42 Urbandale, IA
43 Merrimack, NH
44 Apex, NC
45 Georgetown, TX
46 Hewitt, TX
47 Eldersburg, MD
48 St. John, IN
49 Madison, AL
50 Hanover, NH
51 Richland, WA
52 Rochester, MI
53 Mount Airy, MD
54 Brandon, MS
55 Somers, CT
56 Batavia, IL
57 Simsbury, CT
58 Shrewsbury, MA
59 Jackson, MO
60 River Vale, NJ
61 Pewaukee, WI
62 Ankeny, IA
63 Martinez, GA
64 West Linn, OR
65 Buffalo Grove, IL
66 Hooksett, NH
67 Bixby, OK
68 Saline, MI
69 Scituate, RI
70 Walnut, CA
71 Bountiful, UT
72 Cheshire, CT
73 Glocester, RI
74 Lindon, UT
75 East Lyme, CT
76 Germantown, WI
77 Trumbull, CT
78 Waunakee, WI
79 Lake Oswego, OR
80 Bettendorf, IA
81 West Fargo, ND
82 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
83 Calera, AL
84 Mechanicsville, VA
85 Alabaster, AL
86 Bryant, AR
87 Clayton, CA
88 Emmaus, PA
89 Cave Spring, VA
90 Helena, AL
91 Glen Carbon, IL
92 Silverdale, WA
93 Tecumseh, MI
94 Glen Allen, VA
95 Concord, NH
96 Lake Mary, FL
97 Owatonna, MN
98 Norfolk, NE
99 Columbus, NE
100 Oviedo, FL
1 杭州
2 香港
3 深圳
4 珠海
5 大连
6 贵阳
7 威海
8 南宁
9 金华
10 曲靖
2 香港
3 深圳
4 珠海
5 大连
6 贵阳
7 威海
8 南宁
9 金华
10 曲靖
1 青岛
2 苏州
3 泰州
4 厦门
5 宁波
6 长沙
7 聊城
8 河池
9 包头
10 信阳
2 苏州
3 泰州
4 厦门
5 宁波
6 长沙
7 聊城
8 河池
9 包头
10 信阳
税局 Office/mailing address for Toronto Centre:
1 Front Street West
Toronto ON M5J 2X6
Fax: 416-360-8908
税局 Office/mailing address for Toronto Centre:
1 Front Street West
Toronto ON M5J 2X6
Fax: 416-360-8908
有的帐户,银行每月 Transaction 数目是有限制的,如果超出了一定的数目,就要额外多付费。那银行每月 Transaction 数目是是如何计算的?在纽西兰银行业,“每月”这个概念并不是自然月,而是从你开户的那个日子算起,而且这个日子是不能改的。如果你记不得那个日子,最好的办法是在任何一个30天内,同时在这个自然月内来考虑 Transaction 的数目。注意如果是在二月,那就只有28天。
多伦多国际机场全称是 Toronto Lester B. Pearson International Airport 或 Toronto Pearson International Airport,缩写是 GTAA。
请特别注意多伦多国际机场有 Terminal 1 和 Terminal 3 之分。
请特别注意多伦多国际机场有 Terminal 1 和 Terminal 3 之分。
Totalization Agreement with Canada
An agreement effective August 1, 1984, between the United States and Canada improves Social Security protection for people who work or have worked in both countries. It also helps protect the benefit rights of people who have earned Canadian Social Security credits based on residence and/or contributions in Canada.
Because the Canadian Social Security system includes a special pension plan operated in the Province of Quebec, an additional understanding has been concluded with Quebec to extend the agreement to that province—also effective August 1, 1984. Terms of the U.S.-Canadian agreement and U.S.-Quebec understanding are very similar, and except where otherwise noted, references in this document to the U.S.-Canadian agreement also apply to the U.S.-Quebec understanding.
The agreement with Canada helps many people who, without the agreement, would not be eligible for monthly retirement, disability or survivors benefits under the Social Security systems of one or both countries. It also helps people who would otherwise have to pay Social Security taxes to both countries on the same earnings.
For the United States, the agreement covers Social Security taxes (including the U.S. Medicare portion) and Social Security retirement, disability and survivors insurance benefits. It does not cover benefits under the U.S. Medicare program or the Supplemental Security Income program. For Canada, the agreement applies to the Old-Age Security program and the Canada Pension Plan. The understanding with Quebec applies to the Quebec Pension Plan.
This document covers highlights of the agreement and explains how it may help you while you work and when you apply for benefits.
Totalization Agreement with Canada
An agreement effective August 1, 1984, between the United States and Canada improves Social Security protection for people who work or have worked in both countries. It also helps protect the benefit rights of people who have earned Canadian Social Security credits based on residence and/or contributions in Canada.
Because the Canadian Social Security system includes a special pension plan operated in the Province of Quebec, an additional understanding has been concluded with Quebec to extend the agreement to that province—also effective August 1, 1984. Terms of the U.S.-Canadian agreement and U.S.-Quebec understanding are very similar, and except where otherwise noted, references in this document to the U.S.-Canadian agreement also apply to the U.S.-Quebec understanding.
The agreement with Canada helps many people who, without the agreement, would not be eligible for monthly retirement, disability or survivors benefits under the Social Security systems of one or both countries. It also helps people who would otherwise have to pay Social Security taxes to both countries on the same earnings.
For the United States, the agreement covers Social Security taxes (including the U.S. Medicare portion) and Social Security retirement, disability and survivors insurance benefits. It does not cover benefits under the U.S. Medicare program or the Supplemental Security Income program. For Canada, the agreement applies to the Old-Age Security program and the Canada Pension Plan. The understanding with Quebec applies to the Quebec Pension Plan.
This document covers highlights of the agreement and explains how it may help you while you work and when you apply for benefits.
如果你的申请是通过 Canada Post 寄出的 registered letter,你可以在下面的网址查你的申请是否收到:
在你受到第一封信,acknowledgement letter 之前,你将没有能力做任何进度查询。你在收到第一封信后,你可以打电话去 call centre 查询:1-888-242‑2100。
下一步,当 Sydney 受理中心CPC将案子转到你所在的当地移民局,你可以打电话去 call centre 或用下面的 e-CAS 网址查询:
在 e-CAS 网址查询要有 Client ID。通常情况,Client ID 就是你枫叶卡正面的ID。上网查询时,先进入移民部网站 www.cic.gc.ca,点[英文版」(English) 后,点[线上服务」(on-line services),再点[电子客户申请状态」(e-Client Application Status)。
"Your file was transferred on May 04, 2005 to the Vancouver Citizenship office for the citizenship testing and taking of the citizenship oath. The Vancouver Citizenship office will contact you to write the Citizenship test."
在你受到第一封信,acknowledgement letter 之前,你将没有能力做任何进度查询。你在收到第一封信后,你可以打电话去 call centre 查询:1-888-242‑2100。
下一步,当 Sydney 受理中心CPC将案子转到你所在的当地移民局,你可以打电话去 call centre 或用下面的 e-CAS 网址查询:
在 e-CAS 网址查询要有 Client ID。通常情况,Client ID 就是你枫叶卡正面的ID。上网查询时,先进入移民部网站 www.cic.gc.ca,点[英文版」(English) 后,点[线上服务」(on-line services),再点[电子客户申请状态」(e-Client Application Status)。
"Your file was transferred on May 04, 2005 to the Vancouver Citizenship office for the citizenship testing and taking of the citizenship oath. The Vancouver Citizenship office will contact you to write the Citizenship test."
Standing before the US customs officer who's inspecting your passport, you steal a glance at the exit for passengers going to collect their luggage at the carousel.
But any excitement soon dissolves into a sense of foreboding as the officer directs you down a different corridor — to the Customs and Border Protection rooms.
The scene is played out for countless foreign visitors arriving at US airports every day whose stated travel intentions are deemed to warrant further investigation.
It ends in relief — if a little exasperation — for travellers allowed to continue on their way.
But in the 12 months to May 1, it ended in anguish for 1194 Australians denied entry to the US and put on the first plane home.
That works out to one in every 760 Australian visitors to the US being turned away at the border, according to figures from the US Department of Homeland Security.
YOUR SAY: Readers describe their encounters with US immigration officials.
Over the same time period, just 18 Australians were turned away at New Zealand's border and two nationals never made it past immigration officers in Indonesia.
These countries account for the three most popular overseas holiday destinations for Australians, according to the Bureau of Statistics. So why the relatively stiff standards for travellers to America? Especially as many of us start booking flights to catch the northern hemisphere summer?
Because thousands of tourists (and also students) overstay their visas, only to end up living and working in the US illegally, says the Department of Homeland Security.
"Whether you're travelling to America on a tourist visa or as a tourist on a visa waiver program, the presumption is that everybody is an intending immigrant," New York-based immigration lawyer Noemi Masliah said.
"It's up to the person applying to enter at the border with a visa to overcome that presumption. It's not up to the border protection officers to figure it out. If you cannot overcome the presumption, you'll be turned around."
And US border protection officers have considerable discretion to do so. There are no fewer than 60 grounds of inadmissibility within the US Immigration and Nationality Act.
The most common stumbling block is failing to prove you intend to return home, Ms Masliah said. And pursuing an amorous relationship with an American citizen does not help one's cause, she said, because it raises suspicions you really intend to marry and change your status to permanent resident (something permitted only if the tourist can prove the marriage was not planned but was a spur-of-the-moment event).
It's up to visitors to show they have strong ties to Australia like property ownership or a full-time job or family obligations. "You need to have countervailing evidence that you're going back to your home country," Ms Masliah said.
The trend in paying for tickets online and only printing out a boarding pass for the arriving flight also gets tourists into trouble. "I would highly recommend printing out your return ticket, because the inspectors at the airport like to see it up front and they don't like to go into your mobile phone to see if you have a return ticket somewhere in your email inbox," Ms Masliah said.
Australians who are refused entry may never again travel to the US under the visa waiver program and must instead apply for a visa in advance at a US consulate. The bureaucratic hoops are doubly difficult for people turned away because of an allegation of fraud, Ms Masliah said.
But any excitement soon dissolves into a sense of foreboding as the officer directs you down a different corridor — to the Customs and Border Protection rooms.
The scene is played out for countless foreign visitors arriving at US airports every day whose stated travel intentions are deemed to warrant further investigation.
It ends in relief — if a little exasperation — for travellers allowed to continue on their way.
But in the 12 months to May 1, it ended in anguish for 1194 Australians denied entry to the US and put on the first plane home.
That works out to one in every 760 Australian visitors to the US being turned away at the border, according to figures from the US Department of Homeland Security.
YOUR SAY: Readers describe their encounters with US immigration officials.
Over the same time period, just 18 Australians were turned away at New Zealand's border and two nationals never made it past immigration officers in Indonesia.
These countries account for the three most popular overseas holiday destinations for Australians, according to the Bureau of Statistics. So why the relatively stiff standards for travellers to America? Especially as many of us start booking flights to catch the northern hemisphere summer?
Because thousands of tourists (and also students) overstay their visas, only to end up living and working in the US illegally, says the Department of Homeland Security.
"Whether you're travelling to America on a tourist visa or as a tourist on a visa waiver program, the presumption is that everybody is an intending immigrant," New York-based immigration lawyer Noemi Masliah said.
"It's up to the person applying to enter at the border with a visa to overcome that presumption. It's not up to the border protection officers to figure it out. If you cannot overcome the presumption, you'll be turned around."
And US border protection officers have considerable discretion to do so. There are no fewer than 60 grounds of inadmissibility within the US Immigration and Nationality Act.
The most common stumbling block is failing to prove you intend to return home, Ms Masliah said. And pursuing an amorous relationship with an American citizen does not help one's cause, she said, because it raises suspicions you really intend to marry and change your status to permanent resident (something permitted only if the tourist can prove the marriage was not planned but was a spur-of-the-moment event).
It's up to visitors to show they have strong ties to Australia like property ownership or a full-time job or family obligations. "You need to have countervailing evidence that you're going back to your home country," Ms Masliah said.
The trend in paying for tickets online and only printing out a boarding pass for the arriving flight also gets tourists into trouble. "I would highly recommend printing out your return ticket, because the inspectors at the airport like to see it up front and they don't like to go into your mobile phone to see if you have a return ticket somewhere in your email inbox," Ms Masliah said.
Australians who are refused entry may never again travel to the US under the visa waiver program and must instead apply for a visa in advance at a US consulate. The bureaucratic hoops are doubly difficult for people turned away because of an allegation of fraud, Ms Masliah said.
报警,火警和救护车号码同美国一样是911。其他常用网址可查 http://baseOF.me。加拿大是可以用电话号码反查地址的,网址是 www.411.ca 和 www.canada411.ca。
加拿大:免费做 Statutory Declaration 的地方
Catholic Cross-Cultural Services, 有几个办事处。是政府认可的专门新移民服务机构,有中文服务,态度极好,而且是免费的。
Toronto 办事处的地址:
Catholic Cross-Cultural Services
10 St. Mary Street, Suite 410
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1P9
Scarborough 办事处的地址:
Catholic Cross-Cultural Services
55 Town Certer Court, Room 401
City: Scarborough
Postal Code: M1K 5H4
Phone: (416) 757-7010
Fax: (416) 757-7399
Brampton 办事处的地址:
37 George St. N. Suite 403 Brampton, Ont.,L6X 1R5
Phone: (905) 457-7740
Fax: (905) 457-7769
Mississauga 办事处地址:
90 Dundas Street West, Suite 204, Mississauga, ON, L5B 2T5.
Phone:905-272-1703 Amy
Toronto 办事处的地址:
Catholic Cross-Cultural Services
10 St. Mary Street, Suite 410
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1P9
Scarborough 办事处的地址:
Catholic Cross-Cultural Services
55 Town Certer Court, Room 401
City: Scarborough
Postal Code: M1K 5H4
Phone: (416) 757-7010
Fax: (416) 757-7399
Brampton 办事处的地址:
37 George St. N. Suite 403 Brampton, Ont.,L6X 1R5
Phone: (905) 457-7740
Fax: (905) 457-7769
Mississauga 办事处地址:
90 Dundas Street West, Suite 204, Mississauga, ON, L5B 2T5.
Phone:905-272-1703 Amy
加拿大:免费做 True Copy 的地方
1。Legal Aid Ontario Clinics
大家从以下站点都可以查到,结果是一大串的LIST,有电话地址,你要找到你现在住址所在区的这一家,只有它会帮你做,如果你不知道自己是属于哪个社区的,那拿起电话随便打一家,他们会根据你提供的住址告诉你应该找哪家,然后电话去预约先。(记住:Legal Service Ontario 不提供该服务,是 Legal Aid Ontario Clinics,大家不要搞混了)
2。Catholic Cross-Cultural Services. 有几个办事处。是政府认可的专门新移民服务机构,有中文服务,态度极好,而且是免费的。http://www.cathcrosscultural.org/contact.htm
Toronto 办事处的地址:
Catholic Cross-Cultural Services
Scarborough 办事处的地址:
Catholic Cross-Cultural Services
55 Town Certer Court, Room 401
(South of Eglinton)
City: Scarborough
Postal Code: M1K 5H4
Phone: (416) 757-7010
Fax: (416) 757-7399
Brampton 办事处的地址:
Mississauga 办事处地址:
3660 Hurontario Street, 7th Floor
Mississauga, ON L5B 3C4
Phone:905-272-1703 Amy
Fax:(905) 273-4176
华资处: 華人諮詢社區服務處(華諮處)-就業資源中心
電話號碼: 416-292-7510
詳細地址: 3850 Finch Ave E Suite 403
815 Danforth Avenue, Suite 202, Toronto, ON M4J 1L2
(416) 645-6000 ext. 2140 国语服务:2136
WoodGreen Immigrant Services provides friendly and professional multiple services to all newcomers to help them connect with Canadian society and their new way of life
URL: http://www.woodgreen.org
联 系 人: 小汤
联系电话:(416) 645-6000
5。你所在区的 Member of Parliament。他们通常都乐意帮忙。
6。你的开户银行。其他银行我不知道,但我开户的CIBC可以做TRUE COPY。和PERSONAL BANKER聊聊,他一高兴,一般可以不要钱。
7。还有个 Metro Toronto Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal CL 的法律援助机构也做。如果碰巧在你家附近,也可以试试。
Phone: (416) 971-9674
180 Dundas St W 308 (Level 17)
Toronto, ON, M5G1Z8
8。不需要翻译的在 Service ontario 可以免费做。
大家从以下站点都可以查到,结果是一大串的LIST,有电话地址,你要找到你现在住址所在区的这一家,只有它会帮你做,如果你不知道自己是属于哪个社区的,那拿起电话随便打一家,他们会根据你提供的住址告诉你应该找哪家,然后电话去预约先。(记住:Legal Service Ontario 不提供该服务,是 Legal Aid Ontario Clinics,大家不要搞混了)
2。Catholic Cross-Cultural Services. 有几个办事处。是政府认可的专门新移民服务机构,有中文服务,态度极好,而且是免费的。http://www.cathcrosscultural.org/contact.htm
Toronto 办事处的地址:
Catholic Cross-Cultural Services
Scarborough 办事处的地址:
Catholic Cross-Cultural Services
55 Town Certer Court, Room 401
(South of Eglinton)
City: Scarborough
Postal Code: M1K 5H4
Phone: (416) 757-7010
Fax: (416) 757-7399
Brampton 办事处的地址:
Mississauga 办事处地址:
3660 Hurontario Street, 7th Floor
Mississauga, ON L5B 3C4
Phone:905-272-1703 Amy
Fax:(905) 273-4176
华资处: 華人諮詢社區服務處(華諮處)-就業資源中心
電話號碼: 416-292-7510
詳細地址: 3850 Finch Ave E Suite 403
815 Danforth Avenue, Suite 202, Toronto, ON M4J 1L2
(416) 645-6000 ext. 2140 国语服务:2136
WoodGreen Immigrant Services provides friendly and professional multiple services to all newcomers to help them connect with Canadian society and their new way of life
URL: http://www.woodgreen.org
联 系 人: 小汤
联系电话:(416) 645-6000
5。你所在区的 Member of Parliament。他们通常都乐意帮忙。
6。你的开户银行。其他银行我不知道,但我开户的CIBC可以做TRUE COPY。和PERSONAL BANKER聊聊,他一高兴,一般可以不要钱。
7。还有个 Metro Toronto Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal CL 的法律援助机构也做。如果碰巧在你家附近,也可以试试。
Phone: (416) 971-9674
180 Dundas St W 308 (Level 17)
Toronto, ON, M5G1Z8
8。不需要翻译的在 Service ontario 可以免费做。
加拿大:如何做 True Copy
The following persons can certify your photocopies:
professional accountant
commissioner of oaths
professional engineer
funeral director
justice of the peace or judge
manager of a financial institution
medical doctor
member of a provincial legislature
member of parliament
municipal clerk
designated official of a federal or provincial government department
official of a foreign embassy, consulate or high commission officially accredited to Canada and authorized to certify documents issued by the officialˇs governement
minister of religion
police officer
primary, secondary or university teacher
social worker
The person who certifies your photocopies cannot be a family member. The person who certifies your photocopy must compare the original document to the photocopy and mark the following on the photocopy:
their name and signature
their official position or title
the name of the original document
the date they certified the document
They must also write the following statement on the photocopy: "I certify that this is a true copy of the original document."
professional accountant
commissioner of oaths
professional engineer
funeral director
justice of the peace or judge
manager of a financial institution
medical doctor
member of a provincial legislature
member of parliament
municipal clerk
designated official of a federal or provincial government department
official of a foreign embassy, consulate or high commission officially accredited to Canada and authorized to certify documents issued by the officialˇs governement
minister of religion
police officer
primary, secondary or university teacher
social worker
The person who certifies your photocopies cannot be a family member. The person who certifies your photocopy must compare the original document to the photocopy and mark the following on the photocopy:
their name and signature
their official position or title
the name of the original document
the date they certified the document
They must also write the following statement on the photocopy: "I certify that this is a true copy of the original document."
据估计,到1989年为止,来自中国台湾的商人在南非共设立了大约 150家工厂,投资资本达到3亿美元,生产的产品包括服装、礼品、塑料、餐具、鞋类和电子产品。
从1875年开始,纳塔尔从中国输入工匠和劳工建造英国殖民地的道路、德班的海港和其他公共建设项目。但是,当时的奥兰治自由邦Orange Free State(一个布尔人建立的共和国)禁止亚洲人拥有财产。
南非华人不是 1904年到1907年之间在威特沃特斯兰(Witwatersrand)金矿上工作的契约劳工的后裔。这些人在三年期满之后返回了中国。1907年的一项劳动法规定在契约期满后这些中国人必须回国。
据估计,到1989年为止,来自中国台湾的商人在南非共设立了大约 150家工厂,投资资本达到3亿美元,生产的产品包括服装、礼品、塑料、餐具、鞋类和电子产品。
从1875年开始,纳塔尔从中国输入工匠和劳工建造英国殖民地的道路、德班的海港和其他公共建设项目。但是,当时的奥兰治自由邦Orange Free State(一个布尔人建立的共和国)禁止亚洲人拥有财产。
南非华人不是 1904年到1907年之间在威特沃特斯兰(Witwatersrand)金矿上工作的契约劳工的后裔。这些人在三年期满之后返回了中国。1907年的一项劳动法规定在契约期满后这些中国人必须回国。
加拿大一份学术报告指出,中国近期加速清理海外华人在中国户籍,令许多被迫回流的加国华裔活在恐慌中。报告建议,在中国短期不可能承认双重国籍下,中国官方应加速修法,令从海外回流人士重新申请成为中国永久居民,以保障落户工作等相关权利。目前在华居住的加国公民,总数估计达30万人之谱。卑诗大学(UBC)地理系教授何莲恩博士(Elaine Lynn-Ee Ho,译音),上月在《卑诗大都会》(Metropolis BC)期刊所撰写文章《生存在两个世界:中国大陆移民回流及户口国籍两难处境》(Caught between Two Worlds: Mainland Chinese Return Migration, Hukou Considerations and the Citizenship Dilemma)指出,入籍加国的华裔因在加谋生不易,回流中国后往往处于有家归不得境况。中国外交部规定,凡持有两本护照出入大陆的加国公民,将面临强制注销中国户口之虞。
一、 申请人对居住时间的申报
1) 对申请人申报的境内居住的时间,应该对比公民暨移民部所能掌握的其他文件。这些文件包括:申请人的移民纸、枫叶卡、护照上的入出境盖章、移民部的电脑记录,以及申请人当时申请枫叶卡时所填报的居住时间的记录。
2) 凡申请人无法充分地罗明过去四年内在境内的居住时间者,或是其所列的居住时间不可能是准确者,重点核查。
二、 注意申请人以往的入籍申请历史
1) 申请人过去曾递交过公民入籍申请,但是由于居住时间的问题曾被拒绝;
2) 申请人过去递交过公民入籍申请,但是后来该申请被放弃或撤消了。
三、 注意申请人的外国护照
1) 如果申请人护照上入出境盖章显示申请人在某一段时间幷没有在加拿大居住,但是,其公民入籍申请表上却显示为在加拿大居住者;
2) 当申请人在入籍考试时,将会被要求出示护照。或者,在面谈时,也需出示护照。如果申请人的护照上显示出其最后的进入加拿大的入境章,或者,从其他国家出境时所盖的出境章是发生在最近几天者;
3) 申请人换了新护照,但是无法提供出过去四年中所使用过的护照者,或者,申请人所持的新护照是在加拿大境外获发的;
4) 申请人在参加入籍考试或面谈时被要求携带护照,而申请人没有携带。
四、 移民部记录
1) 移民部的档案资料显示申请人经常旅行,幷没有在加拿大居住,或者,公民部获得举报,申请人有可能没有在加拿大居住,或者,申请人在海外居住时已经放弃过或准备要放弃加拿大永久居民的身份,或者,申请人曾被海外移民官认定丧失了永久居民身份者;
2) 如果申请人已经被移民部认定,没有满足五年住满两年的要求,因而已经丧失了永久居民身份者。
五、 其他证据
1) 公民暨移民部的电话热线中心(Call Centre)或移民部信息系统收到举报,告知某申请人经常出国旅行,或是告知该申请人根本就没有在加拿大居住者;
2) 申请文件本身看上去不真实或有可能做假者;
3) 申请人在申请表上的签字与申请照片上的签字有明显差异者;
4) 申请表所附的照片是在海外拍摄的,但而申请表却上没有列出申请人在这段时间是在海外;
5) 申请人的雇主没有被列在申请表上,或申请人雇主电话区号不同于申请人的家庭电话区号,或者,公民部无法联络到申请人的雇主;
6) 几个不同的申请人使用的是同一家加拿大公司的公司章程,或者几个不同的申请人所申报的加拿大公司,其董事会成员的名单是相同的;
7) 申请人为自雇者,其雇主证明信是由申请人本人签字,或是由申请人之家庭成员签字者;
8) 几个不同的申请人所填写的居住地址、或家庭电话号码或工作地址相同,但是他们幷没有同时递交入籍申请;
9) 不同的申请上使用了同样的书写字体或打字样式,但是这些申请幷没有一起递加拿大法院如何判断入籍申请做假交给公民部,而且,这些相同格式的申请表上也没有注明申请表是由其他人(特别是专业人员)协助申请人完成填写的(注意,这是指有专业人员协助申请,但专业人员刻意隐瞒自己的身份);
10) 申请表的签字日期恰是申请人在海外逗留的时期;
11) 申请人是为一家加拿大公司在海外工作,而申请人本人或是其亲属是该公司的业主或股东;
12) 申请人的指模卡印制手续是在海外完成的;
13) 申请人的加拿大医疗卡已经过期了。
一、 护照/旅行文件
二、 移民部电脑信息系统资料
三、 申请人在加拿大受雇状况:包括申请人的薪水单、T4表、收入明细单、税务局的核税单,或者加拿大雇主出具的雇主证明信。
四、 申请人在加拿大的就学证明:包括成绩单、学校报告单、学校的上课记录。
五、 财务报告:如果申请人是自雇人员,需要提供公司的财务报告。
六、 银行帐单:银行帐单可以显示出申请人在加拿大的帐户的使用情况;申请人加拿大法院如何判断入籍申请做假本人的信用卡帐单(注意,不是申请人与家人联名的信用卡)应显示申请人经常在加拿大使用自己的信用卡在加拿大日常购物;注意,如果仅仅是提供银行的证明,表明申请人在银行有帐户存在,或者有固定的帐单的支付,例如电话费、电费,或是互联网的银行操作,都不足以能证明申请人本人是在加拿大居住的。
七、 日常生活证据:包括申请人名下的电话、水电、网络等帐单、手机帐单、保险帐单、租车记录、汽车保险、驾驶执照、看病记录等等都是公民部官员可以参考的文件。但是,注意,以上的这些文件也可能只是证明申请人的家人是住在加拿大,而非申请人本人。
八、 申请人孩子的就学记录:如果申请中包括了未成年孩子,那么有必要查看孩子在加拿大的就学记录,以证明其居住事实是否存在九、 宣誓书:申请人的朋友,同事,或者社区组织可能会提供一些宣誓书来证明申请人在加拿大居住。但是这些宣誓书或证明信的证明效力还是有限的,因为这些人对于申请人实际在加拿大居住的事实,可能幷不非常了解。
九、 政府部门提供的入出境记录:有些国家的入出境管理部门可能会保留所有旅客在其海关入出的记录。碰到这样的情况,公民部可以要求申请人提供在该国的入出境记录以证实申请人所申报的居住事实。
一、 申请人对居住时间的申报
1) 对申请人申报的境内居住的时间,应该对比公民暨移民部所能掌握的其他文件。这些文件包括:申请人的移民纸、枫叶卡、护照上的入出境盖章、移民部的电脑记录,以及申请人当时申请枫叶卡时所填报的居住时间的记录。
2) 凡申请人无法充分地罗明过去四年内在境内的居住时间者,或是其所列的居住时间不可能是准确者,重点核查。
二、 注意申请人以往的入籍申请历史
1) 申请人过去曾递交过公民入籍申请,但是由于居住时间的问题曾被拒绝;
2) 申请人过去递交过公民入籍申请,但是后来该申请被放弃或撤消了。
三、 注意申请人的外国护照
1) 如果申请人护照上入出境盖章显示申请人在某一段时间幷没有在加拿大居住,但是,其公民入籍申请表上却显示为在加拿大居住者;
2) 当申请人在入籍考试时,将会被要求出示护照。或者,在面谈时,也需出示护照。如果申请人的护照上显示出其最后的进入加拿大的入境章,或者,从其他国家出境时所盖的出境章是发生在最近几天者;
3) 申请人换了新护照,但是无法提供出过去四年中所使用过的护照者,或者,申请人所持的新护照是在加拿大境外获发的;
4) 申请人在参加入籍考试或面谈时被要求携带护照,而申请人没有携带。
四、 移民部记录
1) 移民部的档案资料显示申请人经常旅行,幷没有在加拿大居住,或者,公民部获得举报,申请人有可能没有在加拿大居住,或者,申请人在海外居住时已经放弃过或准备要放弃加拿大永久居民的身份,或者,申请人曾被海外移民官认定丧失了永久居民身份者;
2) 如果申请人已经被移民部认定,没有满足五年住满两年的要求,因而已经丧失了永久居民身份者。
五、 其他证据
1) 公民暨移民部的电话热线中心(Call Centre)或移民部信息系统收到举报,告知某申请人经常出国旅行,或是告知该申请人根本就没有在加拿大居住者;
2) 申请文件本身看上去不真实或有可能做假者;
3) 申请人在申请表上的签字与申请照片上的签字有明显差异者;
4) 申请表所附的照片是在海外拍摄的,但而申请表却上没有列出申请人在这段时间是在海外;
5) 申请人的雇主没有被列在申请表上,或申请人雇主电话区号不同于申请人的家庭电话区号,或者,公民部无法联络到申请人的雇主;
6) 几个不同的申请人使用的是同一家加拿大公司的公司章程,或者几个不同的申请人所申报的加拿大公司,其董事会成员的名单是相同的;
7) 申请人为自雇者,其雇主证明信是由申请人本人签字,或是由申请人之家庭成员签字者;
8) 几个不同的申请人所填写的居住地址、或家庭电话号码或工作地址相同,但是他们幷没有同时递交入籍申请;
9) 不同的申请上使用了同样的书写字体或打字样式,但是这些申请幷没有一起递加拿大法院如何判断入籍申请做假交给公民部,而且,这些相同格式的申请表上也没有注明申请表是由其他人(特别是专业人员)协助申请人完成填写的(注意,这是指有专业人员协助申请,但专业人员刻意隐瞒自己的身份);
10) 申请表的签字日期恰是申请人在海外逗留的时期;
11) 申请人是为一家加拿大公司在海外工作,而申请人本人或是其亲属是该公司的业主或股东;
12) 申请人的指模卡印制手续是在海外完成的;
13) 申请人的加拿大医疗卡已经过期了。
一、 护照/旅行文件
二、 移民部电脑信息系统资料
三、 申请人在加拿大受雇状况:包括申请人的薪水单、T4表、收入明细单、税务局的核税单,或者加拿大雇主出具的雇主证明信。
四、 申请人在加拿大的就学证明:包括成绩单、学校报告单、学校的上课记录。
五、 财务报告:如果申请人是自雇人员,需要提供公司的财务报告。
六、 银行帐单:银行帐单可以显示出申请人在加拿大的帐户的使用情况;申请人加拿大法院如何判断入籍申请做假本人的信用卡帐单(注意,不是申请人与家人联名的信用卡)应显示申请人经常在加拿大使用自己的信用卡在加拿大日常购物;注意,如果仅仅是提供银行的证明,表明申请人在银行有帐户存在,或者有固定的帐单的支付,例如电话费、电费,或是互联网的银行操作,都不足以能证明申请人本人是在加拿大居住的。
七、 日常生活证据:包括申请人名下的电话、水电、网络等帐单、手机帐单、保险帐单、租车记录、汽车保险、驾驶执照、看病记录等等都是公民部官员可以参考的文件。但是,注意,以上的这些文件也可能只是证明申请人的家人是住在加拿大,而非申请人本人。
八、 申请人孩子的就学记录:如果申请中包括了未成年孩子,那么有必要查看孩子在加拿大的就学记录,以证明其居住事实是否存在九、 宣誓书:申请人的朋友,同事,或者社区组织可能会提供一些宣誓书来证明申请人在加拿大居住。但是这些宣誓书或证明信的证明效力还是有限的,因为这些人对于申请人实际在加拿大居住的事实,可能幷不非常了解。
九、 政府部门提供的入出境记录:有些国家的入出境管理部门可能会保留所有旅客在其海关入出的记录。碰到这样的情况,公民部可以要求申请人提供在该国的入出境记录以证实申请人所申报的居住事实。
by admin of allchile.net on Sun May 04, 2008 10:17 am
mistertk, don't worry about your English on the forum. It is still better than most of our members after a few drinks (or sober).
Here is the thing. It is completely normal, and I believe you recognize, that at your age the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. Sometimes it really is greener.
I lived in or visited about 25 countries before finally settling down in Chile. The funny thing is, I was fairly sure that Chile was it at about number 19 or 20, but had to check out the rest of South America and then live in the Netherlands, Belgium, and China just for good measure.
Travel goes from being a whole new experience to feeling like a job at some point, and by then you have a real appreciation for which country or culture fits you. Towards the end of my travels I felt like if I visited one more 5,000 year old building or visited another culture that was going to go extinct I was going to puke. I use to get a rush out of the culture shock. In fact I would call it a bit of an addiction. At some point that turned in to culture fatigue.
At your age, I would highly encourage you to get out and see the World. Do some pack packing. It does not matter how much money you spend on University education or what University you go to, you will never get the education you will get from traveling. In fact, once upon a time that was the point of education. It was suppose to teach people about a World they could not visit for themselves. Somewhere that got lost in a rush to crank out working brainless zombies.
Travel while going to the University. One of my favorite ways of financing travel around the world was by using the excuse of going to different University degree programs. It will improve your education overall, and make you more competitive when you do come back to Chile. We know a lot of Chileans that have been out for years and years working and going to school, that are now coming back to Chile because of the opportunities here.
As for the States, it does have a lot of wonderful things. It also unfortunately has a lot of bad things. That is likely what ticks me off about it the most. The price I had to pay for the good things just got too high. Perhaps some day that will be corrected, I just decided I was not going to watch my life pass by waiting for that to happen. I think a lot of the people that move to Chile are in a similar position. The problem with the States is that we are still the best at selling the "american dream" as a product or commodity to the World. Very few really have the American dream in America.
As for consumer debt, in every country it is just another form of slavery. Stay out of it now. Once your in it is very hard to ever get out. The system is designed to keep you in debt. All those paper rich gringos, are now in real trouble because of the mortgage collapse in the States. They payed a heavy price for that American dream, and now are all but certain to never have an opportunity again to obtain it because their credit is destroyed.
As for all those lazy, unmotivated, incompetent people and businesses in Chile there is an up side to that. Remember, for a person that is even kind of motivated there are nearly unlimited opportunities in Chile because of it. A business partner years ago said to me about Latin America, "you don't need a new idea, you just need a good idea". Do something right that is being done half ass in Chile, and you will be rich.
I told this to someone I think before on the forum. To figure out what needs to be done in Chile, spend a week with a pen and piece of paper in your pocket. Every time you see something that annoys you or does not work correctly, write it down. Don't think about it. Just write it down. At the end of the week sit down and go through the list and figure out how you could provide that service or correct that problem, with the least amount of investment on your part (ideally no investment) and get someone to pay you to do it. That is where the money is at. Chances are if something is annoying you, it is annoying every other Chilean also.
Now, from that list figure out which one of those things you would like to do (e.g. rank them by what you would enjoy doing ). There is your short list of real opportunities. You might want to do this for a while over a month or two just to gather more options, but the method should work the same. Even if you never do them, it is very educational exercise in economics. If you try it and it fails, it is even more educational ( the importance of very little investment comes in to play here ). Most people that succeed in business failed at more than 1 before getting it right. I think the average is around seven. In Chile, if you only make half as many mistakes as the other guy, you will be a big success.
mistertk, don't worry about your English on the forum. It is still better than most of our members after a few drinks (or sober).
Here is the thing. It is completely normal, and I believe you recognize, that at your age the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. Sometimes it really is greener.
I lived in or visited about 25 countries before finally settling down in Chile. The funny thing is, I was fairly sure that Chile was it at about number 19 or 20, but had to check out the rest of South America and then live in the Netherlands, Belgium, and China just for good measure.
Travel goes from being a whole new experience to feeling like a job at some point, and by then you have a real appreciation for which country or culture fits you. Towards the end of my travels I felt like if I visited one more 5,000 year old building or visited another culture that was going to go extinct I was going to puke. I use to get a rush out of the culture shock. In fact I would call it a bit of an addiction. At some point that turned in to culture fatigue.
At your age, I would highly encourage you to get out and see the World. Do some pack packing. It does not matter how much money you spend on University education or what University you go to, you will never get the education you will get from traveling. In fact, once upon a time that was the point of education. It was suppose to teach people about a World they could not visit for themselves. Somewhere that got lost in a rush to crank out working brainless zombies.
Travel while going to the University. One of my favorite ways of financing travel around the world was by using the excuse of going to different University degree programs. It will improve your education overall, and make you more competitive when you do come back to Chile. We know a lot of Chileans that have been out for years and years working and going to school, that are now coming back to Chile because of the opportunities here.
As for the States, it does have a lot of wonderful things. It also unfortunately has a lot of bad things. That is likely what ticks me off about it the most. The price I had to pay for the good things just got too high. Perhaps some day that will be corrected, I just decided I was not going to watch my life pass by waiting for that to happen. I think a lot of the people that move to Chile are in a similar position. The problem with the States is that we are still the best at selling the "american dream" as a product or commodity to the World. Very few really have the American dream in America.
As for consumer debt, in every country it is just another form of slavery. Stay out of it now. Once your in it is very hard to ever get out. The system is designed to keep you in debt. All those paper rich gringos, are now in real trouble because of the mortgage collapse in the States. They payed a heavy price for that American dream, and now are all but certain to never have an opportunity again to obtain it because their credit is destroyed.
As for all those lazy, unmotivated, incompetent people and businesses in Chile there is an up side to that. Remember, for a person that is even kind of motivated there are nearly unlimited opportunities in Chile because of it. A business partner years ago said to me about Latin America, "you don't need a new idea, you just need a good idea". Do something right that is being done half ass in Chile, and you will be rich.
I told this to someone I think before on the forum. To figure out what needs to be done in Chile, spend a week with a pen and piece of paper in your pocket. Every time you see something that annoys you or does not work correctly, write it down. Don't think about it. Just write it down. At the end of the week sit down and go through the list and figure out how you could provide that service or correct that problem, with the least amount of investment on your part (ideally no investment) and get someone to pay you to do it. That is where the money is at. Chances are if something is annoying you, it is annoying every other Chilean also.
Now, from that list figure out which one of those things you would like to do (e.g. rank them by what you would enjoy doing ). There is your short list of real opportunities. You might want to do this for a while over a month or two just to gather more options, but the method should work the same. Even if you never do them, it is very educational exercise in economics. If you try it and it fails, it is even more educational ( the importance of very little investment comes in to play here ). Most people that succeed in business failed at more than 1 before getting it right. I think the average is around seven. In Chile, if you only make half as many mistakes as the other guy, you will be a big success.
发布部门: 全国人民代表大会常务委员会
第一条 为了维持社会秩序,保护公民的权利和利益,服务于社会主义建设,制定本条例。
第二条 中华人民共和国公民,都应当依照本条例的规定履行户口登记。
第三条 户口登记工作,由各级公安机关主管。
第四条 户口登记机关应当设立户口登记簿。
第五条 户口登记以户为单位。同主管人共同居住一处的立为一户,以主管人为户主。单身居住的自立一户,以本人为户主。居住在机关、团体、学校、企业、事业等单位内部和公共宿舍的户口共立一户或者分别立户。户主负责按照本条例的规定申报户口登记。
第六条 公民应当在经常居住的地方登记为常住人口,一个公民只能在一个地方登记为常住人口。
第七条 婴儿出生后一个月以内,由户主、亲属、抚养人或者邻居向婴儿常住地户口登记机关申报出生登记。
第八条 公民死亡,城市在葬前,农村在一个月以内,由户主、亲属、抚养人或者邻居向户口登记机关申报死亡登记,注销户口。公民如果在暂住地死亡,由暂住地户口登记机关通知常住地户口登记机关注销户口。
第九条 婴儿出生后,在申报出生登记前死亡的,应当同时申报出生、死亡两项登记。
第十条 公民迁出本户口管辖区,由本人或者户主在迁出前向户口登记机关申报迁出登记,领取迁移证件,注销户口。
第十一条 被征集服现役的公民,在入伍前,由本人或者户主持应征公民入伍通知书向常住地户口登记机关申报迁出登记,注销户口,不发迁移证件。
第十二条 被逮捕的人犯,由逮捕机关在通知人犯家属的同时,通知人犯常住地户口登记机关注销户口。
第十三条 公民迁移,从到达迁入地的时候起,城市在三日以内,农村在十日以内,由本人或者户主持迁移证件向户口登记机关申报迁入登记,缴销迁移证件。
(一) 复员、转业和退伍的军人,凭县、市兵役机关或者团以上军事机关发给的证件;
(二) 从国外回来的华侨和留学生,凭中华人民共和国护照或者入境证件;
(三) 被人民法院、人民检察院或者公安机关释放的人,凭释放机关发给的证件。
第十四条 被假释、缓刑的犯人,被管制分子和其他依法被剥夺政治权利的人,在迁移的时候,必须经过户口登记机关转报县、市、市辖区人民法院或者公安机关批准,才可以办理迁出登记;到达迁入地后,应当立即向户口登记机关申报迁入登记。
第十五条 公民在常住地市、县范围以外的城市暂住三日以上的,以暂住地的户主或者本人在三日以内向户口登记机关申报暂住登记,离开前申报注销;暂住在旅店的,由旅店设置旅客登记簿随时登记。
第十六条 公民因私事离开常住地外出、暂住的时间超过三个月的,应当向户口登记机关申请延长时间或者办理迁移手续;既无理由延长时间又无迁移条件的,应当返回常住地。
第十七条 户口登记的内容需要变更或者更正的时候,由户主或者本人向户口登记机关申报;户口登记机关审查属实后予以变更或者更正。
第十八条 公民变更姓名,依照下列规定办理:
(一) 未满十八周岁的人需要变更姓名的时候,由本人或者父母、收养人向户口登记机关申请变更登记;
(二) 十八周岁以上的人需要变更姓名的时候,由本人向户口登记机关申请变更登记。
第十九条 公民因结婚、离婚、收养、认领、分户、并户、失踪、寻回或者其他事由引起户口变动的时候,由户主或者本人向户口登记机关申报变更登记。
第二十条 有下列情形之一的,根据情节轻重,依法给予治安管理处罚或者追究刑事责任:
(一) 不按照本条例的规定申报户口的;
(二) 假报户口的;
(三) 伪造、涂改、转让、出借、出卖户口证件的;
(四) 冒名顶替他人户口的;
(五) 旅店管理人不按照规定办理旅客登记的。
第二十一条 户口登记机关在户口登记工作中,如果发现有反革命分子和其他犯罪分子,应当提请司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
第二十二条 户口簿、册、表格、证件,由中华人民共和国公安部统一制定式样,由省、自治区、直辖市公安机关统筹印刷。
第二十三条 民族自治地方的自治机关可以根据本条例的精神,结合当地具体情况,制定单行办法。
第二十四条 本条例自公布之日起施行。
发布部门: 全国人民代表大会常务委员会
第一条 为了维持社会秩序,保护公民的权利和利益,服务于社会主义建设,制定本条例。
第二条 中华人民共和国公民,都应当依照本条例的规定履行户口登记。
第三条 户口登记工作,由各级公安机关主管。
第四条 户口登记机关应当设立户口登记簿。
第五条 户口登记以户为单位。同主管人共同居住一处的立为一户,以主管人为户主。单身居住的自立一户,以本人为户主。居住在机关、团体、学校、企业、事业等单位内部和公共宿舍的户口共立一户或者分别立户。户主负责按照本条例的规定申报户口登记。
第六条 公民应当在经常居住的地方登记为常住人口,一个公民只能在一个地方登记为常住人口。
第七条 婴儿出生后一个月以内,由户主、亲属、抚养人或者邻居向婴儿常住地户口登记机关申报出生登记。
第八条 公民死亡,城市在葬前,农村在一个月以内,由户主、亲属、抚养人或者邻居向户口登记机关申报死亡登记,注销户口。公民如果在暂住地死亡,由暂住地户口登记机关通知常住地户口登记机关注销户口。
第九条 婴儿出生后,在申报出生登记前死亡的,应当同时申报出生、死亡两项登记。
第十条 公民迁出本户口管辖区,由本人或者户主在迁出前向户口登记机关申报迁出登记,领取迁移证件,注销户口。
第十一条 被征集服现役的公民,在入伍前,由本人或者户主持应征公民入伍通知书向常住地户口登记机关申报迁出登记,注销户口,不发迁移证件。
第十二条 被逮捕的人犯,由逮捕机关在通知人犯家属的同时,通知人犯常住地户口登记机关注销户口。
第十三条 公民迁移,从到达迁入地的时候起,城市在三日以内,农村在十日以内,由本人或者户主持迁移证件向户口登记机关申报迁入登记,缴销迁移证件。
(一) 复员、转业和退伍的军人,凭县、市兵役机关或者团以上军事机关发给的证件;
(二) 从国外回来的华侨和留学生,凭中华人民共和国护照或者入境证件;
(三) 被人民法院、人民检察院或者公安机关释放的人,凭释放机关发给的证件。
第十四条 被假释、缓刑的犯人,被管制分子和其他依法被剥夺政治权利的人,在迁移的时候,必须经过户口登记机关转报县、市、市辖区人民法院或者公安机关批准,才可以办理迁出登记;到达迁入地后,应当立即向户口登记机关申报迁入登记。
第十五条 公民在常住地市、县范围以外的城市暂住三日以上的,以暂住地的户主或者本人在三日以内向户口登记机关申报暂住登记,离开前申报注销;暂住在旅店的,由旅店设置旅客登记簿随时登记。
第十六条 公民因私事离开常住地外出、暂住的时间超过三个月的,应当向户口登记机关申请延长时间或者办理迁移手续;既无理由延长时间又无迁移条件的,应当返回常住地。
第十七条 户口登记的内容需要变更或者更正的时候,由户主或者本人向户口登记机关申报;户口登记机关审查属实后予以变更或者更正。
第十八条 公民变更姓名,依照下列规定办理:
(一) 未满十八周岁的人需要变更姓名的时候,由本人或者父母、收养人向户口登记机关申请变更登记;
(二) 十八周岁以上的人需要变更姓名的时候,由本人向户口登记机关申请变更登记。
第十九条 公民因结婚、离婚、收养、认领、分户、并户、失踪、寻回或者其他事由引起户口变动的时候,由户主或者本人向户口登记机关申报变更登记。
第二十条 有下列情形之一的,根据情节轻重,依法给予治安管理处罚或者追究刑事责任:
(一) 不按照本条例的规定申报户口的;
(二) 假报户口的;
(三) 伪造、涂改、转让、出借、出卖户口证件的;
(四) 冒名顶替他人户口的;
(五) 旅店管理人不按照规定办理旅客登记的。
第二十一条 户口登记机关在户口登记工作中,如果发现有反革命分子和其他犯罪分子,应当提请司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
第二十二条 户口簿、册、表格、证件,由中华人民共和国公安部统一制定式样,由省、自治区、直辖市公安机关统筹印刷。
第二十三条 民族自治地方的自治机关可以根据本条例的精神,结合当地具体情况,制定单行办法。
第二十四条 本条例自公布之日起施行。
发布部门: 公安部
发布文号: (1972)45号
发布部门: 公安部
发布文号: (1972)45号
更正个人报税项目需要的表格是 T1 Adjustment Request。
“Change my return”
“Federal tax Schedule 1”
“review and submit changes”。
“Change my return”
“Federal tax Schedule 1”
“review and submit changes”。

Tourist, FM-3 and FM-2 permit changes from 2010
In May 2010 an update to the Mexican immigration procedures came in to effect. The FM-T tourist permit was replaced with an FMM permit, and you can no longer get an FM-3 outside Mexico. There are also changes to the rules for FM-2 and FM-3 residence visas (permits), possibly including a change to the FM-3 income proof in some cases.
New Procedures Manual
The new immigration procedures manual was published in Diario Oficial de la Federación 2010-Jan-29 (in Spanish). The main change was to combine an assortment of temporary visas and permits (such as "FM-T tourist visas" - which were really "entry permits") into one general purpose permit, the FMM (Forma Migratoria Múltiple), and to require that permit is returned on exit.
Application of the manual
What follows is what the new procedures manual appears to state (and it likely contains errors where I've mis-read it). Each immigration office can, and does, set local requirements. So this is what could happen, or might happen, if every office followed the letter of the rules. When it doubt, what the local office says IS the law, although none of them should impose extra charges.
FMM Entry/Exit form
FMM permit - entry half is blue, exit half is green The new FMM form replaces the FM-T visa, and is now used for tracking ALL entries and exits.
Here's a larger version of the FMM form (scanned by RiverGirl, thank you). This helps you read the small print, which is very, very small (and poorly translated - no proof reading at all).
It is required to be filled in by all those entering and exiting Mexico (except Mexican citizens), INCLUDING holders of FM-3 and FM-2 visas and the replacement cards. So, it's like the I-94 entry permit that is put into the passport of non-citizens when they enter the US: if you lose it before leaving, expect trouble later.
Mexican citizens have a different form they are required to complete (FTM).
The FMM permit is in two parts, one half is retained by immigration when you enter, and you keep the other (the smaller green bit).
The rules state that you MUST return your half of the FMM form when you leave the country. One half is to record your entry, one half is to record your exit. Nothing is mentioned about multiple entries. It remains to be seen how this is enforced in practice at busy land borders, but the rules (section H 2.2) do state that it must be returned on exit.
The costs of the FMM are not yet clear, early reports say US$22. I'm not aware of any fee being charged for FM3/FM2 holders, that fee is just for tourists. The FMM hasn't been in use long enough yet to see how it's going to work (or not) on land borders for multiple entry.
Here is a 5 minute flash video that is shown on planes arriving in Mexico. Good luck if you're expected to follow all that on a single viewing! To be fair, entering the US (for non citizens) has been worse than this for many years, the Mexicans just seem to be deciding that the US is a good role model (and not wondering why tourism to the US has been in decline most years).
Initial reports from airports like Cancun say it is now taking three times as long to process each arrival.
FM-3 and FM-2 permit
Forma Migratoria de NO Inmigrante The FM-3 (temporary resident) and FM-2 (provisional resident) visas (actually permits) will get a new look, with cards replacing the booklets.
The image alongside is of the Forma Migratoria de no Inmigrante that replaces the FM-3 booklet. The card is in gray, and contains text in both Spanish and English, including in English on the back "the holder of this document is a temporary resident of Mexico".
The white box will contain a photo. There are two signatures on the back, one for the issuer and one for the holder.
On the front, there is an NUE (immigration) number, and space for a CURP number.
The Forma Migratoria de Inmigrante that replaces the FM-2 is similar, but is in salmon pink and the word "no" is missing.
There is a similar card for permanent residents (inmigrado), in blue.
FM-3 and FM-2 visas will no longer be available from consulates outside Mexico. Instead, if you apply there, you will get a sticker in your passport. With that, you apply for an FMM when you enter Mexico, then have 30 days to "exchange" it for an FM-3 or FM-2 in your town of residence. So for most it generally still makes more sense to not bother with consulates and apply once you arrive.
FM-3 income amounts maybe changing
To get an FM-3 (now a forma migratoria de no inmigrante), the rules (still) state you must show an income from sources outside Mexico of 250 times the daily minimum wage in Mexico city, which for 2010 is 57.46 pesos. So that's a monthly income of 14,265 pesos (around $1100). Add half as much again for each dependent.
Previously, you only needed half this amount if you owned (or rented) property in Mexico. From May 2010, this may change. The law new immigration manual rules state there is now NO REDUCTION in the income requirements for an FM-3 if you own a house. In other words, a single person who owns a property must now show an income of around $1100 a month, up from $550. A significant change for those on a low pension, if it is enforced. (This was updated thanks to a comment from Ric Hoffman (below), it appears the law has not changed, but the rules that immigration are supposed to follow now miss out the discount for FM-3, possibly an error?).
For an FM-2, the 50% reduction does still apply. For an FM-2 you need 400 times the minimum wage (21,984 pesos a month, $1750). So for a single person on a low income owning a property switching to an FM-2 (where permitted) would make it easier to meet the income requirement, as it's only $875/mo (the FM-2 itself does cost a little more, but can also lead to immigration which then saves the fees and income test each year).
Again these are just the federal rules and are very likely to be applied differently in each place (they're certainly different in San Felipe). So I would expect a lot of flexibility on how they are enforced, it's unlikely that an existing FM-3 holder would be chucked out if they no longer met the new test (especially if the rules don't match the law).
FM-2 residence rules changing
With an FM-2 (now a forma migratoria de inmigrante), you are expected to be basically a full-time resident in Mexico, and a tax resident, and plan to immigrate. Therefore there are limits on how long you can be out the country.
From May 2010, it is now 2 years absence (up from 18 months) in total in any five years, no more than 3 consecutive years absence, and no more than 5 years in any ten years (section F 2.22). Interestingly the time spent outside Mexico working for a subsidiary of a Mexican company is not considered an absence, so in theory if you're overseeing a new business in Mexico part-time you could work for an US LLC owned by your Mexican corporation while outside the country, and still get the time counted as being in Mexico.
As mentioned above, there is still a 50% reduction in the income requirements for FM-2 holders (unlike FM-3), but it appears to only be for owned property, not rentals. Again this is something that will vary in each immigration office.
Changes in application procedure
Even if you already have an FM-3 or FM-2, you are now required to appear at an immigration office in person to sign your card and apply a thumb-print (at least for the first time, it's not clear if this applies for extensions with the card). You will also need a new set of photos in a new format (it's not yet possible to have the photos taken at the INM office).
In theory you will then collect the card in under three business days, although I expect it will be a while before that target is met as some offices are still waiting for the equipment to issue cards. (it's also possible you can do it in a single trip by entering the details online, see below).
The application form FM1 Formato de Filiación has been replaced with a Formato Básico FB. It seems to still be only in Spanish.
Renewals online
There is a new web-based computer system in place to accept renewal requests and changes of status online (SETRAM). The idea is you can enter the details via the web (initially only in Spanish), check the application status online, and then go pick up documents a few weeks later.
You will need a visa if you are a citizen of:
Afghanistan, Albania, Algiers, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Benin, Bhutan Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Congo, Rep. Dem (Zaire), Cote d'lvoire, Croatia, Cuba, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Ecuador, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Korea, North, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Palestine, Papua New,Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Sahrawi Arab Dem. Rep., Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Salomon Islands, Sao Tome and Principe., Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia and Montenegro, Seychelles Islands, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Stateless Persons, Sudan, Surinam, Swaziland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, The Bahamas, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Western Samoa, Yemen, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Citizens of the following countries do not require a visa:
Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Chile, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Monaco, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovenia, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Uruguay, United States of America, Venezuela.
What documents will be required?
You can enter Mexico without a visa showing your passport and the "migration Form for Tourists, Transmigrants, Visiting Businesspersons, or Visiting Consultants", which you can obtain from travel agencies, airlines, or at your point of entry into Mexico. This option also applies for permanent legal residents in the USA, Canada or Japan, regardless of nationality.
Under an agreement with Canada and the USA, those countries' citizens may prove their nationality with a passport or other public documents, such as:
- Certified copy of birth certificate.
- Voter registration card.
- Naturalization certificate.
If any of these documents lack a photograph, travelers must prove their nationality with another official identification:
- Driver's license.
- Identification issued by a state or official agency.
Although Canadian and US citizens do not need a passport, the National Institute of Migration recommends one to expedite passage through the point of entry.
Entry requirements for Americans: United States citizens travelling by land or sea must either be in possession of a passport, WHTI-compliant document, or a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license, as well as proof of citizenship, such as an original or certified birth certificate. To enter or re-enter the USA by air a passport or other valid travel document is required. A visa is not required for stays of up to 180 days, if holding a Tourist Card/FMT form issued free of charge by airlines, embassies and at border crossings. Business travellers do not require a visa for up to 30 days if holding a FMTTV form.
Entry requirements for UK nationals: British passport holders must have a passport and carry a Tourist Card/FMT Form. A visa is not required for stays of up to 180 days if holding an endorsed British Citizen passport. If the passport is endorsed British National (Overseas) the visa exemption is for a maximum of 90 days. British passport holders travelling on business can stay visa-free for one month if in possession of a FMTTV form, which can be acquired on arrival. All other passport holders require a visa to travel to Mexico. Travellers must have a return or onward ticket (unless a British Citizen with a Tourist Card or visa), as well as necessary documents for further travel, and sufficient funds.
Entry requirements for Canadians: Canadian passport holders must have a passport, or a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license, as well as proof of citizenship, such as an original or certified birth certificate. A visa is not required for stays of up to 180 days if in possession of a Tourist Card/FMT form issued free of charge by airlines. Business travellers do not require a visa for up to 30 days if holding a FMTTV form. Travellers are required to have the necessary documents for further travel, and sufficient funds.
Entry requirements for Australians: Australian nationals must have a passport. A visa is not required for stays of up to 180 days if in possession of a Tourist Card/FMT form issued free by airlines. Travellers are required to have tickets and documents for a return or onward journey, and sufficient funds.
Entry requirements for South Africans: South Africans require a passport. A visa and Tourist Card/FMT form with consular stamp is required and is valid for 90 days after date of issue and good for one entry only. Travellers are required to have tickets and documents for a return or onward journey, and sufficient funds.
Entry requirements for New Zealanders: New Zealanders must have a passport. No visa is required for a touristic stay of up to180 days, if holding a Tourist Card/FMT form issued by airlines (free of charge). Travellers are required to have tickets and documents for a return or onward journey, and sufficient funds.
Entry requirements for Irish nationals: Irish nationals must have a passport. A visa is not required for stays of up to 180 days if in possession of a Tourist Card/FMT form issued free by airlines. Business travellers do not require a visa for up to 30 days if holding a FMTTV form. Travellers are required to have tickets and documents for a return or onward journey, and sufficient funds.
Passport/Visa Note: All visitors must hold a tourist card (FMT form), which is issued free of charge and obtainable from airlines, Mexican Consulates, Mexican international airports and border crossing points. As part of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI), all travellers travelling by air outside the United States are required to present a passport or other valid travel document to enter or re-enter the United States.
Visitor's Permits - FMM
Passport holders from countries on Mexico's "no visa required list" do not need to apply for a formal visa to visit Mexico. They may, instead, use a visitor's permit known as a Forma Migratoria Mutiple, or FMM.
If your country does not appear on the no-visa list, you should check with your nearest local Mexican Consulate for details of visa requirements before you travel to Mexico.
For countries that don't need a visa, a Mexican Visitor's Permit (known as a FMM) will need to be filled out in place of a visa. This is a simple form: pick one up from the check-in counter at the airport and fill it out on the airplane before you land or you can acquire one at all land border crossings. If the airline you are traveling with does not have any FMMs at the check-in desk or on-board the plane, don't worry, you can get one when you land in Mexico and fill it out before you line up to have your documents checked and stamped by the officials at the airport.
Visitor's Permit FMM Fee
Mexico charges a fee to all tourists and business visitors arriving in the country. The fee is approximately US$22, and the money collected is handed to the Tourism Ministry to promote Mexican tourism.
Airlines normally collect the permit fee on behalf of the Mexican government and include the cost within the total airfare (under 'taxes and surcharges'), so in the majority of cases, there will be no need for you to pay the fee separately.
If you do not arrive in Mexico by airplane, then you will need to pay Mexico's Visitor's Permit fee separately if you travel beyond the 22 miles/35 km 'free zone' after crossing a land border into Mexico or arriving by sea on a private vessel. If you do this, you will have to complete the FMM Tourist Visa at the immigration check-point and pay the fee separately.
More information:
Afghanistan, Albania, Algiers, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Benin, Bhutan Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Congo, Rep. Dem (Zaire), Cote d'lvoire, Croatia, Cuba, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Ecuador, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Korea, North, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Palestine, Papua New,Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Sahrawi Arab Dem. Rep., Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Salomon Islands, Sao Tome and Principe., Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia and Montenegro, Seychelles Islands, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Stateless Persons, Sudan, Surinam, Swaziland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, The Bahamas, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Western Samoa, Yemen, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Citizens of the following countries do not require a visa:
Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Chile, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Monaco, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovenia, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Uruguay, United States of America, Venezuela.
What documents will be required?
You can enter Mexico without a visa showing your passport and the "migration Form for Tourists, Transmigrants, Visiting Businesspersons, or Visiting Consultants", which you can obtain from travel agencies, airlines, or at your point of entry into Mexico. This option also applies for permanent legal residents in the USA, Canada or Japan, regardless of nationality.
Under an agreement with Canada and the USA, those countries' citizens may prove their nationality with a passport or other public documents, such as:
- Certified copy of birth certificate.
- Voter registration card.
- Naturalization certificate.
If any of these documents lack a photograph, travelers must prove their nationality with another official identification:
- Driver's license.
- Identification issued by a state or official agency.
Although Canadian and US citizens do not need a passport, the National Institute of Migration recommends one to expedite passage through the point of entry.
Entry requirements for Americans: United States citizens travelling by land or sea must either be in possession of a passport, WHTI-compliant document, or a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license, as well as proof of citizenship, such as an original or certified birth certificate. To enter or re-enter the USA by air a passport or other valid travel document is required. A visa is not required for stays of up to 180 days, if holding a Tourist Card/FMT form issued free of charge by airlines, embassies and at border crossings. Business travellers do not require a visa for up to 30 days if holding a FMTTV form.
Entry requirements for UK nationals: British passport holders must have a passport and carry a Tourist Card/FMT Form. A visa is not required for stays of up to 180 days if holding an endorsed British Citizen passport. If the passport is endorsed British National (Overseas) the visa exemption is for a maximum of 90 days. British passport holders travelling on business can stay visa-free for one month if in possession of a FMTTV form, which can be acquired on arrival. All other passport holders require a visa to travel to Mexico. Travellers must have a return or onward ticket (unless a British Citizen with a Tourist Card or visa), as well as necessary documents for further travel, and sufficient funds.
Entry requirements for Canadians: Canadian passport holders must have a passport, or a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license, as well as proof of citizenship, such as an original or certified birth certificate. A visa is not required for stays of up to 180 days if in possession of a Tourist Card/FMT form issued free of charge by airlines. Business travellers do not require a visa for up to 30 days if holding a FMTTV form. Travellers are required to have the necessary documents for further travel, and sufficient funds.
Entry requirements for Australians: Australian nationals must have a passport. A visa is not required for stays of up to 180 days if in possession of a Tourist Card/FMT form issued free by airlines. Travellers are required to have tickets and documents for a return or onward journey, and sufficient funds.
Entry requirements for South Africans: South Africans require a passport. A visa and Tourist Card/FMT form with consular stamp is required and is valid for 90 days after date of issue and good for one entry only. Travellers are required to have tickets and documents for a return or onward journey, and sufficient funds.
Entry requirements for New Zealanders: New Zealanders must have a passport. No visa is required for a touristic stay of up to180 days, if holding a Tourist Card/FMT form issued by airlines (free of charge). Travellers are required to have tickets and documents for a return or onward journey, and sufficient funds.
Entry requirements for Irish nationals: Irish nationals must have a passport. A visa is not required for stays of up to 180 days if in possession of a Tourist Card/FMT form issued free by airlines. Business travellers do not require a visa for up to 30 days if holding a FMTTV form. Travellers are required to have tickets and documents for a return or onward journey, and sufficient funds.
Passport/Visa Note: All visitors must hold a tourist card (FMT form), which is issued free of charge and obtainable from airlines, Mexican Consulates, Mexican international airports and border crossing points. As part of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI), all travellers travelling by air outside the United States are required to present a passport or other valid travel document to enter or re-enter the United States.
Visitor's Permits - FMM
Passport holders from countries on Mexico's "no visa required list" do not need to apply for a formal visa to visit Mexico. They may, instead, use a visitor's permit known as a Forma Migratoria Mutiple, or FMM.
If your country does not appear on the no-visa list, you should check with your nearest local Mexican Consulate for details of visa requirements before you travel to Mexico.
For countries that don't need a visa, a Mexican Visitor's Permit (known as a FMM) will need to be filled out in place of a visa. This is a simple form: pick one up from the check-in counter at the airport and fill it out on the airplane before you land or you can acquire one at all land border crossings. If the airline you are traveling with does not have any FMMs at the check-in desk or on-board the plane, don't worry, you can get one when you land in Mexico and fill it out before you line up to have your documents checked and stamped by the officials at the airport.
Visitor's Permit FMM Fee
Mexico charges a fee to all tourists and business visitors arriving in the country. The fee is approximately US$22, and the money collected is handed to the Tourism Ministry to promote Mexican tourism.
Airlines normally collect the permit fee on behalf of the Mexican government and include the cost within the total airfare (under 'taxes and surcharges'), so in the majority of cases, there will be no need for you to pay the fee separately.
If you do not arrive in Mexico by airplane, then you will need to pay Mexico's Visitor's Permit fee separately if you travel beyond the 22 miles/35 km 'free zone' after crossing a land border into Mexico or arriving by sea on a private vessel. If you do this, you will have to complete the FMM Tourist Visa at the immigration check-point and pay the fee separately.
More information:
加拿大人进出美国不需要USA Arrival-Departure Record (Form I-94).
纽西兰:Kiwisaver 的利益
$1,000 kick-start payment
To get your savings off to a good start, the Government will kick-start your account with a tax-free contribution of $1,000.
All new KiwiSaver members qualify for the kick-start payment when they first join.
When a kick-start is paid
The kick-start will be paid into your account about 3 months after Inland Revenue receives:
* your first contribution, or
* notification of your membership.
The kick-start is not a cash payment - it goes straight into your account.
You can only get one kick-start
You can only get it once. If you stop being a KiwiSaver member, for example you move overseas, you won't get another payment even if you return to New Zealand and start another KiwiSaver account.
Member tax credit
To help you save, the Government will match your contributions by up to $1,042.86 each year. This works out to about $20 a week.
Who gets the member tax credit
The member tax credit will be paid each year until you’re eligible to withdraw your savings, provided you’re 18 or over and your principal place of residence is in New Zealand.
To qualify for the member tax credit:
* you must be 18 or over, and
* your principal place of residence must be in New Zealand, except for:
o a government employee who's serving outside New Zealand
o a person who's working overseas:
+ as a volunteer, or for token payment, for a charitable organisation named in the Student Loan Act regulations, and
+ if the work meets one or more of the requirements set out in the Student Loan Schemes Act 1992.
Members of a complying fund are entitled to receive the member tax credit.
How much member tax credit you can get
To get the full member tax credit automatically you have to contribute at least $1,042.86 a year yourself. Employer contributions and government contributions do not count.
If you contribute less than $1,042.86 from your pay, you can make voluntary contributions to ensure you receive the full member tax credit payment from the Government.
Work out how much you'll receive at 4%
Work out how much you'll receive at 2%.
Joining part-way through a year
If you join KiwiSaver part-way through a membership year (1 July to 30 June), you’ll receive a member tax credit for the portion of the year that you've been a member.
When you turn 18, you’ll receive a member tax credit for the portion of the year that you’re 18.
When member tax credit is paid
Your KiwiSaver provider will claim the tax credit on your behalf after 1 July each year. You don’t have to do anything. Your member tax credit will appear in your KiwiSaver account within a month of your provider making the claim.
Your member tax credit does not count as taxable income.
Savings withdrawal to buy your first home
To help you with a deposit for your first home, you may be able to withdraw some or all of your KiwiSaver savings (except for the $1,000 kick-start and member tax credit).
Making a first-home withdrawal
You must have been a KiwiSaver member or member of a complying fund for three or more years. You can only withdraw money to buy your first home - not an investment property.
If you have owned a home before, in some circumstances you may still be eligible to withdraw your savings. Your scheme provider may require you to contact Housing New Zealand to determine if you're in the same financial position as a first home buyer.
How to apply for a first-home withdrawal
You'll need to apply to your KiwiSaver provider if you want to make a first home withdrawal.
First home deposit subsidy
After 3 years of contributing to KiwiSaver, you may be entitled to a first home deposit subsidy. The subsidy is administered by Housing New Zealand.
What the deposit subsidy is worth
The first home deposit subsidy is $1,000 for each year you've been contributing to KiwiSaver, up to a maximum of $5,000 for five years.
If you're a couple buying a house together and you both qualify for a subsidy, you could receive a combined subsidy of up to $10,000.
Getting a deposit subsidy
To be eligible for the first home deposit subsidy, you must:
* have contributed at least 2% of your income to a KiwiSaver scheme, or a complying superannuation scheme, for at least 3 years
* be buying your first home*
* be planning to live in the house for at least 6 months.
Income and house price caps will apply.
* If you've owned a home before, in some circumstances you may still be eligible for the first home deposit subsidy. Housing New Zealand will need to determine that you are in the same financial position as a first home buyer.
To find out more, visit the Housing New Zealand website or call them on 0508 935 266
To get your savings off to a good start, the Government will kick-start your account with a tax-free contribution of $1,000.
All new KiwiSaver members qualify for the kick-start payment when they first join.
When a kick-start is paid
The kick-start will be paid into your account about 3 months after Inland Revenue receives:
* your first contribution, or
* notification of your membership.
The kick-start is not a cash payment - it goes straight into your account.
You can only get one kick-start
You can only get it once. If you stop being a KiwiSaver member, for example you move overseas, you won't get another payment even if you return to New Zealand and start another KiwiSaver account.
Member tax credit
To help you save, the Government will match your contributions by up to $1,042.86 each year. This works out to about $20 a week.
Who gets the member tax credit
The member tax credit will be paid each year until you’re eligible to withdraw your savings, provided you’re 18 or over and your principal place of residence is in New Zealand.
To qualify for the member tax credit:
* you must be 18 or over, and
* your principal place of residence must be in New Zealand, except for:
o a government employee who's serving outside New Zealand
o a person who's working overseas:
+ as a volunteer, or for token payment, for a charitable organisation named in the Student Loan Act regulations, and
+ if the work meets one or more of the requirements set out in the Student Loan Schemes Act 1992.
Members of a complying fund are entitled to receive the member tax credit.
How much member tax credit you can get
To get the full member tax credit automatically you have to contribute at least $1,042.86 a year yourself. Employer contributions and government contributions do not count.
If you contribute less than $1,042.86 from your pay, you can make voluntary contributions to ensure you receive the full member tax credit payment from the Government.
Work out how much you'll receive at 4%
Work out how much you'll receive at 2%.
Joining part-way through a year
If you join KiwiSaver part-way through a membership year (1 July to 30 June), you’ll receive a member tax credit for the portion of the year that you've been a member.
When you turn 18, you’ll receive a member tax credit for the portion of the year that you’re 18.
When member tax credit is paid
Your KiwiSaver provider will claim the tax credit on your behalf after 1 July each year. You don’t have to do anything. Your member tax credit will appear in your KiwiSaver account within a month of your provider making the claim.
Your member tax credit does not count as taxable income.
Savings withdrawal to buy your first home
To help you with a deposit for your first home, you may be able to withdraw some or all of your KiwiSaver savings (except for the $1,000 kick-start and member tax credit).
Making a first-home withdrawal
You must have been a KiwiSaver member or member of a complying fund for three or more years. You can only withdraw money to buy your first home - not an investment property.
If you have owned a home before, in some circumstances you may still be eligible to withdraw your savings. Your scheme provider may require you to contact Housing New Zealand to determine if you're in the same financial position as a first home buyer.
How to apply for a first-home withdrawal
You'll need to apply to your KiwiSaver provider if you want to make a first home withdrawal.
First home deposit subsidy
After 3 years of contributing to KiwiSaver, you may be entitled to a first home deposit subsidy. The subsidy is administered by Housing New Zealand.
What the deposit subsidy is worth
The first home deposit subsidy is $1,000 for each year you've been contributing to KiwiSaver, up to a maximum of $5,000 for five years.
If you're a couple buying a house together and you both qualify for a subsidy, you could receive a combined subsidy of up to $10,000.
Getting a deposit subsidy
To be eligible for the first home deposit subsidy, you must:
* have contributed at least 2% of your income to a KiwiSaver scheme, or a complying superannuation scheme, for at least 3 years
* be buying your first home*
* be planning to live in the house for at least 6 months.
Income and house price caps will apply.
* If you've owned a home before, in some circumstances you may still be eligible for the first home deposit subsidy. Housing New Zealand will need to determine that you are in the same financial position as a first home buyer.
To find out more, visit the Housing New Zealand website or call them on 0508 935 266
加拿大:多余的 Dividend Tax Credit 可以退回吗?
The dividend tax credit is a non-refundable tax credit which applies when Canadian dividends are included in income. Foreign dividends do not qualify for the dividend tax credit.
The dividend tax credit for dividends received after 2005 depends on the type of corporation paying the dividend. Most dividends received from Canadian public corporations are eligible for the enhanced dividend tax credit (eligible dividends), while most dividends received from Canadian-controlled private corporations (CCPCs) are eligible for the regular, or small business dividend tax credit. The two types of Canadian dividends are usually referred to as "eligible" or "non-eligible" dividends.
The dividend tax credit for dividends received after 2005 depends on the type of corporation paying the dividend. Most dividends received from Canadian public corporations are eligible for the enhanced dividend tax credit (eligible dividends), while most dividends received from Canadian-controlled private corporations (CCPCs) are eligible for the regular, or small business dividend tax credit. The two types of Canadian dividends are usually referred to as "eligible" or "non-eligible" dividends.
纽西兰:多余的 Imputation Credit 可以退回来吗?
If a shareholder receives more imputation credits than the amount of tax they are liable to pay for their dividend income, they cannot claim any excess back as a tax refund. Instead, they can carry it forward to the next tax year.
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