Types of insurable employment
(1) Subject to subsection (2), insurable employment is
1. employment in Canada by one or more employers, under any express or implied contract of service or apprenticeship, written or oral, whether the earnings of the employed person are received from the employer or some other person and whether the earnings are calculated by time or by the piece, or partly by time and partly by the piece, or otherwise;
2. employment in Canada as described in paragraph (a) by Her Majesty in right of Canada;
3. service in the Canadian Forces or in a police force;
4. employment included by regulations made under subsection (4) or (5); and
5. employment in Canada of an individual as the sponsor or co-ordinator of an employment benefits project.
Excluded employment
(2) Insurable employment does not include
1. employment of a casual nature other than for the purpose of the employer's trade or business;
2. the employment of a person by a corporation if the person controls more than 40% of the voting shares of the corporation;
3. employment in Canada by Her Majesty in right of a province;
4. employment in Canada by the government of a country other than Canada or of any political subdivision of the other country;
5. employment in Canada by an international organization;
6. employment in Canada under an exchange program if the employment is not remunerated by an employer that is resident in Canada;
7. employment that constitutes an exchange of work or services;
8. employment excluded by regulations made under subsection (6); and
9. employment if the employer and employee are not dealing with each other at arm's length.
Arm's length dealing
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(i),
1. the question of whether persons are not dealing with each other at arm's length shall be determined in accordance with the Income Tax Act; and
2. if the employer is, within the meaning of that Act, related to the employee, they are deemed to deal with each other at arm's length if the Minister of National Revenue is satisfied that, having regard to all the circumstances of the employment, including the remuneration paid, the terms and conditions, the duration and the nature and importance of the work performed, it is reasonable to conclude that they would have entered into a substantially similar contract of employment if they had been dealing with each other at arm's length.
Regulations to include employment
(4) The Commission may, with the approval of the Governor in Council, make regulations for including in insurable employment
1. employment outside Canada or partly outside Canada that would be insurable employment if it were in Canada;
2. the entire employment of a person who is engaged by one employer partly in insurable employment and partly in other employment;
3. employment that is not employment under a contract of service if it appears to the Commission that the terms and conditions of service of, and the nature of the work performed by, persons employed in that employment are similar to the terms and conditions of service of, and the nature of the work performed by, persons employed under a contract of service;
4. employment in Canada by Her Majesty in right of a province if the government of the province waives exclusion and agrees to insure all its employees engaged in that employment;
5. employment in Canada by the government of a country other than Canada or of any political subdivision of the other country if the employing government consents;
6. employment in Canada by an international organization if the organization consents; and
7. the tenure of an office as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Canada Pension Plan.
Regulations to include persons in business
(5) The Commission may, with the approval of the Governor in Council and subject to affirmative resolution of Parliament, make regulations for including in insurable employment the business activities of a person who is engaged in a business, as defined in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act.
Regulations to exclude employment
(6) The Commission may, with the approval of the Governor in Council, make regulations for excluding from insurable employment
1. any employment if it appears to the Commission that because of the laws of a country other than Canada a duplication of contributions or benefits will result;
2. the entire employment of a person who is engaged by one employer partly in insurable employment and partly in other employment;
3. any employment if it appears to the Commission that the nature of the work performed by persons employed in that employment is similar to the nature of the work performed by persons employed in employment that is not insurable employment;
4. the employment of a member of a religious order who has taken a vow of poverty and whose remuneration is paid directly or by the member to the order;
5. any employment in which persons are employed hardly at all or for nominal remuneration; and
6. any employment provided under regulations made under section 24 or under employment benefits.
Defining certain expressions
(7) The Commission may, with the approval of the Governor in Council, make regulations defining, for the purposes of this section, the expressions "casual nature", "government", in relation to a government of a country other than Canada or of a political subdivision of the other country, and "international organization".
不能。RRSP loan interest is not tax deductible.
1. Vancouver, Canada
2. Melbourne, Australia
3. Vienna, Austria
4. Toronto, Canada
5. Calgary, Canada
6. Helsinki, Finland
7. Sydney, Australia
8. Perth, Australia
8. Adelaide, Australia
10. Auckland, New Zealand
2. Melbourne, Australia
3. Vienna, Austria
4. Toronto, Canada
5. Calgary, Canada
6. Helsinki, Finland
7. Sydney, Australia
8. Perth, Australia
8. Adelaide, Australia
10. Auckland, New Zealand
全美最危险的11个城市 犯罪风险指数最高 中国日报
美国财产罪也出现同样下降:从1991年的每10万人5140件下降到2009年的3036件。尽管美国人口上升,总犯罪数字也出现下降:暴力犯罪从 1991年的190万例减少到2009年的130万例;财产犯罪从1991年的1300万例下降到2009年930万例。但犯罪仍然是某些大城市的主要问题,有些地区的犯罪率是全国平均水準三倍甚至四倍。
《美国新闻和世界报导》(U.S. News & World Report)說,根据对FBI的数据进行分析,11个城市为过去7年来犯罪率最高。这些数字包括盗窃和偷车等财产犯罪,也包括凶杀和抢劫等暴力犯罪。犯罪风险指数100相当于和全国平均犯罪率相等,因此孟菲斯的指数361就等于它的犯罪率相当于全国平均水準的3.6倍。
名称 犯罪风险指数
1、圣路易斯 530
2、亚特兰大 484
3、 阿拉巴马州伯明翰 380
4、 奥兰多 380
5、 底特律 369
6、 孟菲斯 361
7、 迈阿密 346
8、 巴尔的摩 339
9、 密苏里州堪萨斯市 337
10、明尼阿波利斯 331
11、克里夫兰 331
这些城市财产犯罪要比暴力犯罪多得多,但最近几年它们的财产罪也和全国一样下降。例如,犯罪风险指数排名第一的圣路易斯每10万人财产犯罪已经从 2003年的13,187例下降到2009年的8,331例,而该市的偷车率7年下降一半多。但几个城市暴力犯罪却在出现波动,其中克里夫兰谋杀和恶性袭击暴力犯罪从2003年到2009年上升,而孟菲斯暴力犯罪从2003年的每10万人1577例上升到2009年的1806例。
美国财产罪也出现同样下降:从1991年的每10万人5140件下降到2009年的3036件。尽管美国人口上升,总犯罪数字也出现下降:暴力犯罪从 1991年的190万例减少到2009年的130万例;财产犯罪从1991年的1300万例下降到2009年930万例。但犯罪仍然是某些大城市的主要问题,有些地区的犯罪率是全国平均水準三倍甚至四倍。
《美国新闻和世界报导》(U.S. News & World Report)說,根据对FBI的数据进行分析,11个城市为过去7年来犯罪率最高。这些数字包括盗窃和偷车等财产犯罪,也包括凶杀和抢劫等暴力犯罪。犯罪风险指数100相当于和全国平均犯罪率相等,因此孟菲斯的指数361就等于它的犯罪率相当于全国平均水準的3.6倍。
名称 犯罪风险指数
1、圣路易斯 530
2、亚特兰大 484
3、 阿拉巴马州伯明翰 380
4、 奥兰多 380
5、 底特律 369
6、 孟菲斯 361
7、 迈阿密 346
8、 巴尔的摩 339
9、 密苏里州堪萨斯市 337
10、明尼阿波利斯 331
11、克里夫兰 331
这些城市财产犯罪要比暴力犯罪多得多,但最近几年它们的财产罪也和全国一样下降。例如,犯罪风险指数排名第一的圣路易斯每10万人财产犯罪已经从 2003年的13,187例下降到2009年的8,331例,而该市的偷车率7年下降一半多。但几个城市暴力犯罪却在出现波动,其中克里夫兰谋杀和恶性袭击暴力犯罪从2003年到2009年上升,而孟菲斯暴力犯罪从2003年的每10万人1577例上升到2009年的1806例。
United States, Massachusetts, Provincetown
United States, Michigan, Alpena
United States, Michigan, Bay City
United States, Michigan, Harbor Beach
United States, Michigan, Lexington
United States, Michigan, Machinaw City
United States, Michigan, Manitou Beach, Forty Miles Lighthouse
United States, Michigan, Oscoda
United States, Michigan, Port Austin
United States, Michigan, Port Austin, Jenks Roadside Park
United States, Michigan, Port Huron
United States, Michigan, Rogers City
United States, Michigan, St Ignace
United States, Michigan, Tawas City
United States, New York, Dunkirk
United States, New York, Fort Niagara
United States, New York, New York
United States, New York, Sunset Bay
United States, Michigan, Alpena
United States, Michigan, Bay City
United States, Michigan, Harbor Beach
United States, Michigan, Lexington
United States, Michigan, Machinaw City
United States, Michigan, Manitou Beach, Forty Miles Lighthouse
United States, Michigan, Oscoda
United States, Michigan, Port Austin
United States, Michigan, Port Austin, Jenks Roadside Park
United States, Michigan, Port Huron
United States, Michigan, Rogers City
United States, Michigan, St Ignace
United States, Michigan, Tawas City
United States, New York, Dunkirk
United States, New York, Fort Niagara
United States, New York, New York
United States, New York, Sunset Bay
New Zealand, North Island, Goat Island
New Zealand, North Island, Hamilton
New Zealand, North Island, Rotorua
New Zealand, North Island, Taupo
New Zealand, Queenstown
New Zealand, South Island, Arrowtown
New Zealand, South Island, Nelson
New Zealand, South Island, Picton
New Zealand, South Island, Southern Alps
New Zealand, South Island, Timaru
New Zealand, South Island, Wanaka
New Zealand, South Island, West Coast
New Zealand, North Island, Hamilton
New Zealand, North Island, Rotorua
New Zealand, North Island, Taupo
New Zealand, Queenstown
New Zealand, South Island, Arrowtown
New Zealand, South Island, Nelson
New Zealand, South Island, Picton
New Zealand, South Island, Southern Alps
New Zealand, South Island, Timaru
New Zealand, South Island, Wanaka
New Zealand, South Island, West Coast
Canada, Quebec, Bethierville
Canada, Quebec, Bethierville, Gilles Villeneuve Museum
Canada, Quebec, Gatineau
Canada, Quebec, Quebec
Canada, Quebec, Quebec, Ile-d'Orieans
Canada, Quebec, Quebec, Montmagny
Canada, Quebec, Quebec, Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre
Canada, Quebec, Sorel-Tracy
Canada, Quebec, Trois Rivieres
Canada, Quebec, Bethierville, Gilles Villeneuve Museum
Canada, Quebec, Gatineau
Canada, Quebec, Quebec
Canada, Quebec, Quebec, Ile-d'Orieans
Canada, Quebec, Quebec, Montmagny
Canada, Quebec, Quebec, Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre
Canada, Quebec, Sorel-Tracy
Canada, Quebec, Trois Rivieres
Canada, Ontario, Ajax
Canada, Ontario, Barrie
Canada, Ontario, Beaverton
Canada, Ontario, Big Chute
Canada, Ontario, Blind River
Canada, Ontario, Bobcaygeon
Canada, Ontario, Bond Head
Canada, Ontario, Booth's Harbour
Canada, Ontario, Brookville
Canada, Ontario, Burlington
Canada, Ontario, Cambridge
Canada, Ontario, Cobourg
Canada, Ontario, Colpoy's Bay
Canada, Ontario, Cornwall
Canada, Ontario, Elmira
Canada, Ontario, Fenelon Falls
Canada, Ontario, Fort Erie
Canada, Ontario, Gananoque
Canada, Ontario, Grimsby
Canada, Ontario, Hagersville
Canada, Ontario, Hamilton
Canada, Ontario, Hastings
Canada, Ontario, Howe Island
Canada, Ontario, Kincardine - Huron Ridge
Canada, Ontario, Kingston
Canada, Ontario, Leaminton
Canada, Ontario, Lindsay
Canada, Ontario, Lions Head
Canada, Ontario, Listowel
Canada, Ontario, London
Canada, Ontario, Manitoulin Island, Gore Bay
Canada, Ontario, Manitoulin Island, Providence Bay
Canada, Ontario, Mariatown
Canada, Ontario, Midland
Canada, Ontario, Muskoka
Canada, Ontario, Niagara On The Lake
Canada, Ontario, Oakvill
Canada, Ontario, Orangeville
Canada, Ontario, Orillia
Canada, Ontario, Picton
Canada, Ontario, Point Pelee
Canada, Ontario, Port Dalhousie
Canada, Ontario, Port Dover
Canada, Ontario, Port Hope
Canada, Ontario, Port Perry & Mississaugas Of Scugog Island
Canada, Ontario, Port Ryerse
Canada, Ontario, Presqu'ile Point
Canada, Ontario, Queenston
Canada, Ontario, Rice Lake
Canada, Ontario, Richardsons Lookout
Canada, Ontario, Sauble Beach
Canada, Ontario, Sault Ste Marie
Canada, Ontario, Sedores
Canada, Ontario, Shelburne
Canada, Ontario, Southampton
Canada, Ontario, Sudbury
Canada, Ontario, Tecumseh
Canada, Ontario, Tillsonburg
Canada, Ontario, Tobermory
Canada, Ontario, Turkey Point
Canada, Ontario, Uxbridge
Canada, Ontario, Waterloo
Canada, Ontario, Windsor
Canada, Ontario, Wingham
Canada, Ontario, Wolfe Island
Canada, Ontario, Barrie
Canada, Ontario, Beaverton
Canada, Ontario, Big Chute
Canada, Ontario, Blind River
Canada, Ontario, Bobcaygeon
Canada, Ontario, Bond Head
Canada, Ontario, Booth's Harbour
Canada, Ontario, Brookville
Canada, Ontario, Burlington
Canada, Ontario, Cambridge
Canada, Ontario, Cobourg
Canada, Ontario, Colpoy's Bay
Canada, Ontario, Cornwall
Canada, Ontario, Elmira
Canada, Ontario, Fenelon Falls
Canada, Ontario, Fort Erie
Canada, Ontario, Gananoque
Canada, Ontario, Grimsby
Canada, Ontario, Hagersville
Canada, Ontario, Hamilton
Canada, Ontario, Hastings
Canada, Ontario, Howe Island
Canada, Ontario, Kincardine - Huron Ridge
Canada, Ontario, Kingston
Canada, Ontario, Leaminton
Canada, Ontario, Lindsay
Canada, Ontario, Lions Head
Canada, Ontario, Listowel
Canada, Ontario, London
Canada, Ontario, Manitoulin Island, Gore Bay
Canada, Ontario, Manitoulin Island, Providence Bay
Canada, Ontario, Mariatown
Canada, Ontario, Midland
Canada, Ontario, Muskoka
Canada, Ontario, Niagara On The Lake
Canada, Ontario, Oakvill
Canada, Ontario, Orangeville
Canada, Ontario, Orillia
Canada, Ontario, Picton
Canada, Ontario, Point Pelee
Canada, Ontario, Port Dalhousie
Canada, Ontario, Port Dover
Canada, Ontario, Port Hope
Canada, Ontario, Port Perry & Mississaugas Of Scugog Island
Canada, Ontario, Port Ryerse
Canada, Ontario, Presqu'ile Point
Canada, Ontario, Queenston
Canada, Ontario, Rice Lake
Canada, Ontario, Richardsons Lookout
Canada, Ontario, Sauble Beach
Canada, Ontario, Sault Ste Marie
Canada, Ontario, Sedores
Canada, Ontario, Shelburne
Canada, Ontario, Southampton
Canada, Ontario, Sudbury
Canada, Ontario, Tecumseh
Canada, Ontario, Tillsonburg
Canada, Ontario, Tobermory
Canada, Ontario, Turkey Point
Canada, Ontario, Uxbridge
Canada, Ontario, Waterloo
Canada, Ontario, Windsor
Canada, Ontario, Wingham
Canada, Ontario, Wolfe Island
Australia, New South Wales, Bangalow
Australia, New South Wales, Blue Mountains
Australia, New South Wales, Blue Mountains, Little Hartley
Australia, New South Wales, Byron Bay
Australia, New South Wales, Nimbin (The Drug Capital)
Australia, New South Wales, South Evens Head
Australia, New South Wales, Stanwell Park
Australia, New South Wales, Terrigal
Australia, New South Wales, Blue Mountains
Australia, New South Wales, Blue Mountains, Little Hartley
Australia, New South Wales, Byron Bay
Australia, New South Wales, Nimbin (The Drug Capital)
Australia, New South Wales, South Evens Head
Australia, New South Wales, Stanwell Park
Australia, New South Wales, Terrigal
自梳女海外打工回国后无依靠 经特批恢复国籍 广州日报
60年南洋漂泊 20载落叶无根 最老近百岁最小亦八十
本报讯 (记者王鹤 通讯员粤公宣)在顺德,生活着中国最后一批自梳女,她们终身不嫁,于上世纪30年代漂洋过海前往南洋打工,并取得了当地国籍,直到1992年前后,她们才陆续回国。
20 世纪30年代,珠三角地区蚕丝业衰落,自梳女结伴漂洋过海前往新加坡、马来西亚等地打工,很多人都加入了当地的国籍。1992年前后,她们陆续回国。自梳女筹款建立了冰玉堂,取冰清玉洁之意。按照旧俗,自梳女是不能死在村里的,只能住在冰玉堂里。随着时世更替,自梳女不能死在村里的规矩逐渐消失了,她们逐渐回到了亲人身边。
14 岁时,欧阳焕燕就跟着族人一起到新加坡。后来,日军入侵新加坡,陈嘉庚一家人准备带着她一齐离开。但欧阳焕燕的大姐考虑到欧阳焕燕年轻,就没有允许,陈嘉庚就让她们姐俩代为看护小女儿。欧阳焕燕和姐姐悉心照顾陈嘉庚的小女儿一段时间后,将孩子送到了陈的亲戚家。战后,陈嘉庚回到新加坡找到“阿燕”时,“阿燕”已到隔壁李光耀家打工去了。李家大小姐李玮玲,就是“阿燕”一手带大的。上世纪90年代,欧阳焕燕放弃了新加坡的一切,回到顺德。
60年南洋漂泊 20载落叶无根 最老近百岁最小亦八十
本报讯 (记者王鹤 通讯员粤公宣)在顺德,生活着中国最后一批自梳女,她们终身不嫁,于上世纪30年代漂洋过海前往南洋打工,并取得了当地国籍,直到1992年前后,她们才陆续回国。
20 世纪30年代,珠三角地区蚕丝业衰落,自梳女结伴漂洋过海前往新加坡、马来西亚等地打工,很多人都加入了当地的国籍。1992年前后,她们陆续回国。自梳女筹款建立了冰玉堂,取冰清玉洁之意。按照旧俗,自梳女是不能死在村里的,只能住在冰玉堂里。随着时世更替,自梳女不能死在村里的规矩逐渐消失了,她们逐渐回到了亲人身边。
14 岁时,欧阳焕燕就跟着族人一起到新加坡。后来,日军入侵新加坡,陈嘉庚一家人准备带着她一齐离开。但欧阳焕燕的大姐考虑到欧阳焕燕年轻,就没有允许,陈嘉庚就让她们姐俩代为看护小女儿。欧阳焕燕和姐姐悉心照顾陈嘉庚的小女儿一段时间后,将孩子送到了陈的亲戚家。战后,陈嘉庚回到新加坡找到“阿燕”时,“阿燕”已到隔壁李光耀家打工去了。李家大小姐李玮玲,就是“阿燕”一手带大的。上世纪90年代,欧阳焕燕放弃了新加坡的一切,回到顺德。
View Larger Map
十日 (2010 September 18)
里奥纳•乔治•卡斯里(Leonard George Casley)是个经历丰富的人。他生于1925年的西澳大利亚,18岁时参加了澳洲皇家空军,二次世界大战后成为了数学家和物理学家。1950年代美国宇航局阿波罗登月计划需要在东半球建立月球通讯站,选择了澳大利亚,一时澳洲与美国在很多领域得到合作,里奥纳也因此被NASA雇佣。

里奥纳和大多数澳洲人一样,非常想当农民,内心有着对土地炽热的爱。最终他回到了西澳的哈特河,成为了一个农民,专种小麦。1950、60年代的澳洲是世界主要产粮国,非常富裕,一度成为世界人均第二富国。但随着世界粮价下降,澳洲的产量明显过剩。削减粮食产量势在必行。1969年,西澳大利亚州(West Australia)的议会酝酿着通过立法来分配小麦产量配额。这个法案有两个很有争议的地方,一是农民对配额不满不可以上诉,二是农民因为配额原因带来的损失将得不到赔偿。这里有必要知道一下澳洲的国体。英国殖民澳洲开始于西海岸的新南威尔士殖民地,随后又开拓了一个个新的殖民地,各个殖民地之间是相对独立的,并各自拥有主权。1901年成立的澳大利亚联邦只是澳洲大陆上各个殖民地的联盟。技术上讲,联邦本来并不拥有主权,联邦的各种权利,包括主权和立法权都是各个州分让出来的,尽管分让后各个州自己的权力大大减少。这个情况与中国大大不同。中国的省是没有主权的。“省”的英文单词是 Province。中文中的“州”对应的英文是State,那是有主权的,其实质是一个独立国家。大英帝国以前的殖民地,美国、澳洲、加拿大都是这个情况。加拿大尽管用“省”这个词,但实质是州,采用这个词是因为当时发起成立加拿大联邦的是说法语的魁北克人。因此,拥有主权的西澳州议会是有权力制定他们想制定的任何法律。无论这个法律怎么的不合理,只要这个法律不违反西澳的宪法和西澳与澳洲联邦之间的分权协议,也就是澳洲联邦宪法就可以。


里奥纳现在有点黔驴技穷了。官司未必会赢,还闹出了一个强行征收农用土地的法案。但NASA出来的科学家也不是吃素的。里奥纳和他的伙计们想到五百年前英国的叛国法(Treason Act 1495)中的一条法律,那条法律规定如果你的经济利益受到了侵犯,并且你的土地面临着失去的威胁,那你可以脱离原来的主权国家独立成为一个新的主权国家,并且一旦你宣布脱离,那原先主权国家施加在你头上的法律自动失效。里奥纳和他的伙计们觉得他们现在的情况正符合法律的规定,于是他们决定独立。为什么他们可以运用地球那一边的英国的法律呢?历史上,澳大利亚各殖民地尽管有一些自己的法律,但宗主国大英帝国的法律仍然是法律主体。1901年澳大利亚联邦成立,随后尽管制定了很多法律,但大英帝国的法律仍然有效,并且最高上诉机构还是英国贵族院中的枢密院。随着反殖民运动的深入,英国在1931年通过西敏寺法规(Statute of Westminster 1931),规定此后英国制定的法律除非个别殖民地要求,不然不自动生效,但以前的英国法律仍然有效,并且英联邦国家的最高上诉机构仍然还是英国的枢密院。直到1985年,英国和澳大利亚联邦及澳洲各个州共同通过澳大利亚法(Australia Act 1985),澳洲从此必须制定自己的法律,新法律的最高上诉机构是澳大利亚最高法院。今天澳洲法律的现实是,1985年前英国的法律仍然有效,涉及到旧法律的最高上诉机构仍然是英国的枢密院,并且如果英国国会专门制定关于澳洲的法律,仍然是澳洲的法律。由此可见里奥纳他们在1970年使用五百年前英国的叛国法是完全有效的。需要说明的是,叛国法今天在英国仍然是有效法律。
1970年4月21日,哈特河省(Hutt River Province)政府正式成立,并宣布脱离澳大利亚联邦和西澳大利亚州,脱离的公函寄给了西澳州长,西澳总督,联邦总理和联邦总督。里奥纳被他的家人选为哈特河省行政官(Administrator of the Hutt River Province)。正式的脱离文件由两部分组成,哈特河省的脱离和邀请英女王伊丽莎白二世担任国家元首。在与西澳总督通信中,总督回称里奥纳为哈特河省行政官。根据英国皇家特权(Royal Prerogative)法律,他国邀请英女王伊丽莎白二世担任国家元首的事宜属于皇家特权,任何法庭不得过问和干预。皇家特权还规定总督的回称确定了今后法庭文件必须采用“哈特河省行政官”这个称呼。

哈特河省边境 (图片来源:http://photos.travelblog.org/Photos/52536/225291/t/1747556-Border-of-Hutt-river-0.jpg)
事实上到此为止,哈特河省居民的努力都是为了减少他们的经济损失。他们使用“省”(Province)这个在澳洲不存在的,同时不含主权意义的英文词可以说明主权并不是他们所追求的。哈特河省的居民心中也没有底,这个事最后到底会怎样。但他们明白一个道理,那就是独立并不是单方面的事。于是他们继续给西澳总督写信,提议找一个仲裁机构来解决纠纷。但西澳政府并没有给予答复。另一方面,新上任的联邦总理对记者说,他既不承认哈特河省的脱离,也不承认哈特河省政府,并威胁要刑事起诉他们。而这时的里奥纳已经成为了法律专家。澳大利亚联邦法规定皇室成员不得被刑事起诉,而英国的叛国法规定,追随君王的随从不得被判叛国罪。于是哈特河省正式改变国体为哈特河公国(Principality of Hutt River),里奥纳•乔治•卡斯里摇身一变成了哈特里奥纳一世君主陛下(His Majesty Prince Leonard I of Hutt)。

哈特里奥纳一世君主陛下及公主夫人 (图片来源:http://www.smh.com.au/news/outback/the-outbacks-weirdest-places/2007/12/08/1196813076006.html)


哈特河公国立护照 (图片来源:http://colorfuldayss.blogspot.com/)

哈特河公国发行的纪念银币金币 (图片来源: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principality_of_Hutt_River) |


哈特河公国发行的2元纸币 (图片来源: http://www.monnaiesdumonde.net/produits/produits.php?id_produit=520)

加美接壤边境辽阔无标记 华裔散步误闯美境被罚(图)

这个写有英文字母C的标志,被卑诗界限湾一带居民看作为加美边境线,而经右侧墙壁的开口处走过去,就是美国国境。(加拿大《星岛日报》 朱楠摄)
据加拿大《星岛日报》报道,美国国会众议院2月初发表的报告指出,漫长的美加边境只有小部分是安全有人巡逻的。就以邻近卑诗省大温地区的加美边境为例,除关卡之外,其余边境线大都没有铁丝网或木栏分隔,一般人只知以零号路(0 Ave。)做指标,即零号路以南是美国国境。不过,勿以为不设防就随意越境,最近有华裔移民不经意间变了“偷渡”美境,立即遭美国关员截停,扣留之余还须罚款75美元。
界限湾并非不设防 加美边境易误闯
加拿大卑诗三角洲居民沙福(Ron Shuff)住在卑诗靠近美国边境罗伯茨角(Point Roberts)的界限湾(Boundary Bay)附近,闲时爱到海滩散步。他说通常沿着海滩向南走,经常不知不觉进入了美国边境。他的儿子夏天时也爱沿海滩散步,有时也会进了美国境,但从没遇上美国巡逻人员。不过,烈治文市的华裔居民黎先生,可没有这么幸运。
他后来惊动家人把证件送来实核身份,美方才放人。不过,美国海关以非法入境为由,给他开了罚单,罚 200多美元。黎姓居民这天原本怀着写意心情游玩,但却败兴而返。
在接壤卑诗省的美国关卡中,罗伯茨角的非法入境情况算最轻微。其次是林登(Lynden)和萨默斯 (Sumas)。最多人非法闯关的是布莱恩(Blaine)边境,这包括和平门(Peace Arch)和太平洋边境站(Pacific Crossing),去年总共截获4,024人。
美国布莱恩边境巡逻部门发言人辛克斯(Richard Sinks)补充说,布莱恩巡逻人员平均每年发出20张非法入境告票,大部分因闯关者没带入境文件。他们会按不同情况罚款,金额由50至250美元不等。像提供假文件之类情节严重者,还须缴保释金才获释。
据加拿大负责边境安全的皇家骑警发言人麦克劳克林(Michael McLaughlin)表示,目前并无法律规定要在边境设置告示牌,提醒公众免误进美方国境。身为加国居民而又在美加边境附近,必须小心避免不经意间跨过边界越境,这是自己的责任。

这个写有英文字母C的标志,被卑诗界限湾一带居民看作为加美边境线,而经右侧墙壁的开口处走过去,就是美国国境。(加拿大《星岛日报》 朱楠摄)
据加拿大《星岛日报》报道,美国国会众议院2月初发表的报告指出,漫长的美加边境只有小部分是安全有人巡逻的。就以邻近卑诗省大温地区的加美边境为例,除关卡之外,其余边境线大都没有铁丝网或木栏分隔,一般人只知以零号路(0 Ave。)做指标,即零号路以南是美国国境。不过,勿以为不设防就随意越境,最近有华裔移民不经意间变了“偷渡”美境,立即遭美国关员截停,扣留之余还须罚款75美元。
界限湾并非不设防 加美边境易误闯
加拿大卑诗三角洲居民沙福(Ron Shuff)住在卑诗靠近美国边境罗伯茨角(Point Roberts)的界限湾(Boundary Bay)附近,闲时爱到海滩散步。他说通常沿着海滩向南走,经常不知不觉进入了美国边境。他的儿子夏天时也爱沿海滩散步,有时也会进了美国境,但从没遇上美国巡逻人员。不过,烈治文市的华裔居民黎先生,可没有这么幸运。
他后来惊动家人把证件送来实核身份,美方才放人。不过,美国海关以非法入境为由,给他开了罚单,罚 200多美元。黎姓居民这天原本怀着写意心情游玩,但却败兴而返。
在接壤卑诗省的美国关卡中,罗伯茨角的非法入境情况算最轻微。其次是林登(Lynden)和萨默斯 (Sumas)。最多人非法闯关的是布莱恩(Blaine)边境,这包括和平门(Peace Arch)和太平洋边境站(Pacific Crossing),去年总共截获4,024人。
美国布莱恩边境巡逻部门发言人辛克斯(Richard Sinks)补充说,布莱恩巡逻人员平均每年发出20张非法入境告票,大部分因闯关者没带入境文件。他们会按不同情况罚款,金额由50至250美元不等。像提供假文件之类情节严重者,还须缴保释金才获释。
据加拿大负责边境安全的皇家骑警发言人麦克劳克林(Michael McLaughlin)表示,目前并无法律规定要在边境设置告示牌,提醒公众免误进美方国境。身为加国居民而又在美加边境附近,必须小心避免不经意间跨过边界越境,这是自己的责任。
——省下的EI:-$996($25,000X4.152% EI成本)
——省下的EI:-$996($25,000X4.152% EI成本)
What is subsidized housing?
Glen Arbor, a supportive seniors housing development in Williams Lake subsidized by BC Housing.
Click on these links to find out about subsidized housing:
* Definition of subsidized housing
* Types of subsidized housing
* How to apply for subsidized housing
* Housing listings
* Brochure about Subsidized Housing in BC
Definition of subsidized housing
Subsidized housing encompasses all types of housing whereby the provincial government provides some type of subsidy or rent assistance, including public, non-profit and co-operative housing, as well as rent supplements for people living in private market housing. Non-profits and co-operatives are often called housing providers.
Financial support for subsidized housing is generally administered based on “rent-geared-to-income”. Rent-geared-to-income is for low-to-moderate income households. Tenants pay rent based on the gross income of the household rather than paying the market rate. Affordable rent is defined as costing no more than 30% of a household’s total gross monthly income, subject to a minimum rent that tenants will be asked to pay based on the number of persons living in the home. Rent-geared-to-income units include all public housing stock and many developments managed by non-profit and co-operative housing providers.
Subsidized housing developments are for people with low to moderate incomes, including:
* Seniors
* People with mental or physical disabilities
* Individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
* Women and children fleeing abusive relationships
* Aboriginal people
* Low-income families
Types of subsidized housing
Subsidized housing in British Columbia includes public housing managed by BC Housing and buildings operated by non-profit societies and housing co-operatives.
Subsidized housing in British Columbia provides homes for approximately 83,900 households, in over 150 communities across the province. More than 720 housing providers—non-profit societies and housing co-operatives—manage about 59,500 of these units. BC Housing manages an additional 7,800 public housing units while the remainder of these units receive rent supplements administered through programs such as the Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) and Rental Assistance Program.
1. Public housing
BC Housing manages 7,800 public housing units for low-income families, seniors and people with disabilities. We also fund more than 300 group homes for people with various special needs.
2. Non-profit housing
Non-profit housing societies also manage subsidized housing developments across the province, and select tenants for these buildings. Non-profit societies are landlords under the Residential Tenancy Act.
3. Co-operative housing (Co-ops)
Housing co-operatives are jointly owned and managed by residents, who become co-operative members. Members participate in decision-making, share the responsibilities of running the co-operative, and select new members.
4. Rent supplements
BC Housing provides rent assistance to seniors and low-income, working families in the private rental market through the following programs:
* Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) - The SAFER Program provides direct cash assistance to eligible residents of British Columbia who are age 60 or over and who pay rent for their homes.
* Rental Assistance Program - The Rental Assistance Program provides eligible low-income working families with cash assistance to help with their monthly rent payments.
5. Low end of market units
Some non-profit and co-operative housing developments have low end market units to rent, as well as rent-geared-to-income units. Market unit rents are set at, or slightly below, the rents charged for similar apartments in the private market.
For more information click the links below:
* Who is eligible for subsidized housing
* How to apply
* Subsidized housing listings across the province
Glen Arbor, a supportive seniors housing development in Williams Lake subsidized by BC Housing.
Click on these links to find out about subsidized housing:
* Definition of subsidized housing
* Types of subsidized housing
* How to apply for subsidized housing
* Housing listings
* Brochure about Subsidized Housing in BC
Definition of subsidized housing
Subsidized housing encompasses all types of housing whereby the provincial government provides some type of subsidy or rent assistance, including public, non-profit and co-operative housing, as well as rent supplements for people living in private market housing. Non-profits and co-operatives are often called housing providers.
Financial support for subsidized housing is generally administered based on “rent-geared-to-income”. Rent-geared-to-income is for low-to-moderate income households. Tenants pay rent based on the gross income of the household rather than paying the market rate. Affordable rent is defined as costing no more than 30% of a household’s total gross monthly income, subject to a minimum rent that tenants will be asked to pay based on the number of persons living in the home. Rent-geared-to-income units include all public housing stock and many developments managed by non-profit and co-operative housing providers.
Subsidized housing developments are for people with low to moderate incomes, including:
* Seniors
* People with mental or physical disabilities
* Individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
* Women and children fleeing abusive relationships
* Aboriginal people
* Low-income families
Types of subsidized housing
Subsidized housing in British Columbia includes public housing managed by BC Housing and buildings operated by non-profit societies and housing co-operatives.
Subsidized housing in British Columbia provides homes for approximately 83,900 households, in over 150 communities across the province. More than 720 housing providers—non-profit societies and housing co-operatives—manage about 59,500 of these units. BC Housing manages an additional 7,800 public housing units while the remainder of these units receive rent supplements administered through programs such as the Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) and Rental Assistance Program.
1. Public housing
BC Housing manages 7,800 public housing units for low-income families, seniors and people with disabilities. We also fund more than 300 group homes for people with various special needs.
2. Non-profit housing
Non-profit housing societies also manage subsidized housing developments across the province, and select tenants for these buildings. Non-profit societies are landlords under the Residential Tenancy Act.
3. Co-operative housing (Co-ops)
Housing co-operatives are jointly owned and managed by residents, who become co-operative members. Members participate in decision-making, share the responsibilities of running the co-operative, and select new members.
4. Rent supplements
BC Housing provides rent assistance to seniors and low-income, working families in the private rental market through the following programs:
* Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) - The SAFER Program provides direct cash assistance to eligible residents of British Columbia who are age 60 or over and who pay rent for their homes.
* Rental Assistance Program - The Rental Assistance Program provides eligible low-income working families with cash assistance to help with their monthly rent payments.
5. Low end of market units
Some non-profit and co-operative housing developments have low end market units to rent, as well as rent-geared-to-income units. Market unit rents are set at, or slightly below, the rents charged for similar apartments in the private market.
For more information click the links below:
* Who is eligible for subsidized housing
* How to apply
* Subsidized housing listings across the province
一票走天涯: 怎样最大限度的利用机票
爱好旅行的同学们一定关心多快好省的旅行方式。 如果有人告诉你, 用一张往返北京的机票可以顺路把日本, 香港, 韩国走遍, 是否好到难以置信? OK, 这是可能的。俺在2004年回国时, 偶然得知以下的订机票窍门 (也许不少大侠早已知道了):
1. 机票目的地与返程出发地可以不同, 称为 open jaw, 当然两地之间的交通你自己解决。
2. 可以选择在途中一个转机的地方停留一段时间, 称为 stopover。可游玩此地和周边地区, 往返途中均可, 直飞就不行了。
3. 可以选择在途中一个转机的地方过夜 (24 小时之内, 也可能更长一些, 需问航空公司), 称为 layover。可短暂停留与游玩。
4. 要想实现以上三点, 只能打电话去公司订票 (多付$15服务费), 或去旅行社订票(转机停留可能多收费)。从网站订是不行的。
5. 里程计划的免费机票也可这样。
尽量利用 #1-#3, 你可选北京做目的地, 在汉城过夜转机并短暂游玩(layover); 选择香港为返程出发地, 在东京转机并停留几天(长游或短游); 而后返回家园。不错吧, 可算的上"多快好省"了,顺路多玩几个地方,不用掏路费。当然, 从北京到香港要你自己掏腰包了.
要想尽量利用 #1-#3, 你需要充分长的假期, 如果只有一周, 最好还是直飞吧。这样做,可以节省2-3段的机票旅费。当然对于时间和银子都充足的"大款"就不需如此费神了。
俺自己那次用的是联航, 纽约飞北京, 回程从上海走 (去了黄山), 在旧金山停了几天。因为没有时间, 否则可以在东京停一下。
俺前不久的希腊与西班牙之行, 如果有两周以上的时间, 就可以在伦敦或苏黎世做 layover, 以雅典为目的地; 回程从伊斯坦布尔出发, stopover 马德里。这一趟可以停4个城市, 玩其中三个地方的周围地区, 真正是"多快好省"了。雅典到伊斯坦布尔要自己安排。当时俺只有一周时间, 加周末才九天, 只好放弃了伊斯坦布尔。
夏天研究圣彼得堡旅行时, 发现航班可以安排为: layover 阿姆斯特丹或芬兰的赫尔新基(均有航班, 可以去 kayak.com 去查航线, 用单程, 别用往返), 再到圣彼得堡; 回程从莫斯科出发, stopover 苏黎世/慕尼黑(均有航班), 可以到维也那, 布拉格, 布达佩斯, 伯林, 科隆, 慕尼黑, 苏黎世/琉森走一圈。不过因为假期的缘故, 只能放在2009年了,除非俺被炒或俺炒公司。:-)
对于未去过欧洲的同学,可以"多快好省"的把欧洲精华"一网打尽": layover 伦敦,以巴黎为目的地;回程从罗马出发, stopover 马德里。这一趟,你只需付巴黎到罗马的旅费(一路坐火车可游多个城市),其他都已包括了。真正是"多快好省",当然,要有足够的假期,至少3周以上。
不同的航空公司,在不同的时间,可能有不同的规定, 以当时航空公司网站的说明为准。多问一下航空公司只有好处,没有什么坏处。
谢谢观看。原创作品, 版权所有,欢迎转载,注明出处,文学城看风景博客,kan.fengjing@yahoo.com。
顾剑和出差人在俺的帖子中对于这个话题有很好的讨论。请点击观看。这些讨论提示俺以此文把知道的信息与大家分享。谢谢顾剑和出差人, 希望以后可以看到他们的精彩经验与经历。
(ZT)顾剑: 去阿拉斯加,坐游轮或陆地游,用 open jaw 最划算,并可游阿拉斯加和温哥华/西雅图一带。用里程计划,只要25000哩。
爱好旅行的同学们一定关心多快好省的旅行方式。 如果有人告诉你, 用一张往返北京的机票可以顺路把日本, 香港, 韩国走遍, 是否好到难以置信? OK, 这是可能的。俺在2004年回国时, 偶然得知以下的订机票窍门 (也许不少大侠早已知道了):
1. 机票目的地与返程出发地可以不同, 称为 open jaw, 当然两地之间的交通你自己解决。
2. 可以选择在途中一个转机的地方停留一段时间, 称为 stopover。可游玩此地和周边地区, 往返途中均可, 直飞就不行了。
3. 可以选择在途中一个转机的地方过夜 (24 小时之内, 也可能更长一些, 需问航空公司), 称为 layover。可短暂停留与游玩。
4. 要想实现以上三点, 只能打电话去公司订票 (多付$15服务费), 或去旅行社订票(转机停留可能多收费)。从网站订是不行的。
5. 里程计划的免费机票也可这样。
尽量利用 #1-#3, 你可选北京做目的地, 在汉城过夜转机并短暂游玩(layover); 选择香港为返程出发地, 在东京转机并停留几天(长游或短游); 而后返回家园。不错吧, 可算的上"多快好省"了,顺路多玩几个地方,不用掏路费。当然, 从北京到香港要你自己掏腰包了.
要想尽量利用 #1-#3, 你需要充分长的假期, 如果只有一周, 最好还是直飞吧。这样做,可以节省2-3段的机票旅费。当然对于时间和银子都充足的"大款"就不需如此费神了。
俺自己那次用的是联航, 纽约飞北京, 回程从上海走 (去了黄山), 在旧金山停了几天。因为没有时间, 否则可以在东京停一下。
俺前不久的希腊与西班牙之行, 如果有两周以上的时间, 就可以在伦敦或苏黎世做 layover, 以雅典为目的地; 回程从伊斯坦布尔出发, stopover 马德里。这一趟可以停4个城市, 玩其中三个地方的周围地区, 真正是"多快好省"了。雅典到伊斯坦布尔要自己安排。当时俺只有一周时间, 加周末才九天, 只好放弃了伊斯坦布尔。
夏天研究圣彼得堡旅行时, 发现航班可以安排为: layover 阿姆斯特丹或芬兰的赫尔新基(均有航班, 可以去 kayak.com 去查航线, 用单程, 别用往返), 再到圣彼得堡; 回程从莫斯科出发, stopover 苏黎世/慕尼黑(均有航班), 可以到维也那, 布拉格, 布达佩斯, 伯林, 科隆, 慕尼黑, 苏黎世/琉森走一圈。不过因为假期的缘故, 只能放在2009年了,除非俺被炒或俺炒公司。:-)
对于未去过欧洲的同学,可以"多快好省"的把欧洲精华"一网打尽": layover 伦敦,以巴黎为目的地;回程从罗马出发, stopover 马德里。这一趟,你只需付巴黎到罗马的旅费(一路坐火车可游多个城市),其他都已包括了。真正是"多快好省",当然,要有足够的假期,至少3周以上。
不同的航空公司,在不同的时间,可能有不同的规定, 以当时航空公司网站的说明为准。多问一下航空公司只有好处,没有什么坏处。
谢谢观看。原创作品, 版权所有,欢迎转载,注明出处,文学城看风景博客,kan.fengjing@yahoo.com。
顾剑和出差人在俺的帖子中对于这个话题有很好的讨论。请点击观看。这些讨论提示俺以此文把知道的信息与大家分享。谢谢顾剑和出差人, 希望以后可以看到他们的精彩经验与经历。
(ZT)顾剑: 去阿拉斯加,坐游轮或陆地游,用 open jaw 最划算,并可游阿拉斯加和温哥华/西雅图一带。用里程计划,只要25000哩。
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