

Assume a person's income is $100,000 and $20,000 spends on the sales taxable expenses:

Last: New Jersey 12.15%
No.7: Tennessee 1.95%
No.6: Washington 1.90%
No.5: Texas 1.65%
No.4: Florida 1.50%
No.3: Wyoming 1.40%
No.2: Alaska 1.40%
No.1: New Hampshire 0.00%

这是在考虑了州收入税和销售税后的结论。考虑到阿拉斯加太冷,那些可随意住的人可选择新罕布什尔州。换句话说,如果从New Hampshire搬到New Jersey,收入如果可以增加$12,000以上,还是可以考虑的。

美国:Less Sales Tax States In US

Delaware 0%
New Hampshire 0%
Oregon 0%
Montana 3%
Hawaii 4.7%
Virginia 5%
Oklahoma 5%
Maine 5%




* Alaska – no personal tax, but has a state corporate income tax.

* Florida – no personal income tax, but has a corporate income tax (at a 5% rate). The state once had a tax on "intangible personal property" held on the first day of the year (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, money market funds, etc.), but it was abolished at the start of 2007.

* Nevada – has no personal or corporate income tax. Nevada gets most of its revenue from gambling taxes.

* New Hampshire – has an Interest and Dividends Tax of 5%, and a Business Profits Tax of 8.5%.[6]

* South Dakota – no personal income tax, but has a state corporate income tax on financial institutions.

* Tennessee – does have tax on income (at a 6% rate) received from stocks and bonds not taxed ad valorem (Tenn Const Art II, §28). In 1932, the Tennessee Supreme Court struck down a broad-based personal income tax that had passed the General Assembly [Evans v. McCabe]. However, a number of Attorneys General have recently opined that, if properly worded, an income tax would be found constitutional by today's court. This is due to a 1971 constitutional amendment. (see Tenn. AG Op #99-217, Paul G. Summers [1])

* Texas – no personal income tax or corporate income tax. In May 2007, the legislature replaced the franchise tax with a gross margins tax on businesses (sole proprietorships and some partnerships were automatically exempt; corporations with receipts below a certain level were also exempt), which was amended in 2009 to increase the exemption level. The Texas Constitution places severe restrictions on passage of a personal income tax and use of its proceeds.

* Washington – no personal tax, but has a Business and Occupation Tax (B&O) on gross receipts, applied to "almost all businesses located or doing business in Washington." It varies from 0.138% for splitting dried peas to 1.6% for bigtime gambling.[7][8]

* Wyoming – has no personal or corporate income taxes.










  民主党提出的新医改法案覆盖了绝大多数美国公众,合法居民可以为他们自己购买“最低限度的保险”。 他们可以从雇主那里获得医疗保险,如果雇主不提供这个条件,他们也可以到专门为个人和小商业者新设的场所购买,这些场所被称为“健康交易所”。

  2. 谁将获得补助保险?













Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the People's Republic of China



智利:Moving To Chile

Documents and Paperwork

One of the first things you'll need to do in preparing for your move is to secure the necessary travel documents and complete other paperwork that may be required for prolonged stays abroad. At the top of the list are a passport for every member of the family and, in most cases, visas.

A passport is essentially an identity document issued by governments to their citizens for travel outside the home country. A passport is an official verification of the nationality of the holder and, with a few exceptions, is required to enter another country.

A visa is an authorization by the government of another country permitting a foreigner to enter that country for a specified purpose and period of time. It is usually stamped in the passport of the visitor, although in some instances may be on a separate paper. It may authorize only one visit to the country or multiple entries. Most countries of North America and Europe no longer require visas for tourist and even some business visits of limited duration, typically up to 90 days.

Records and Personal papers

In addition to passports and visas, other types of documentation may be required during your stay abroad in establishing identity, applying for permits and licenses, verifying legal arrangements, paying taxes, and fulfilling other obligations required by your own government or that of the host country. It is advisable to have multiple copies made to take with you. Do not pack them away with belongings being shipped. Keep them with you in the event they may be needed while traveling or during the settling-in period.

* Descriptive data page of each family member's passport
* Birth certificates of each family member
* Marriage certificate
* National driver's license
* Passport-size photographs of each family member
* Certificates of citizenship for naturalized individuals
* Adoption papers
* Divorce and child custody papers
* Medical insurance coverage
* Medical records, where appropriate
* Dental records
* Property insurance records, especially for autos
* Income tax records for several previous years
* Wills
* Power of attorney
* Lease or rental agreement for housing in the new country

Documents Required

A valid passport is required for entry into Chile.


Tourist visa
Temporary or work visa
Contract visa

Making application for visas

Visa applications can be obtained in person from any Chilean consular office. Applications may be submitted by mail or in person, but one must appear in person to complete the procedure. Allow about one week for processing. Applications for visa renewal should be submitted to the Foreigners Office of the Ministry of the Interior at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the visa. Allow approximately 90 days for the renewal process.


Every person in Chile is required to carry a Carnet de Identidad or Chilean Identifcation Card, which can be obtained at the Chilean Passport Bureau for a small fee. Carry it with you at all times.

The Chilean identification card must be carried with you at all times. It contains your full name, thumbprint, and an identification number. Married women may be asked for their mothers' maiden names for identification documents.

You must apply for the carnet within 30 days of arrival or within 30 days of the date on your visa. Obtain the carnet from the Servicio de Registro Civil e Identificación . Take passport-sized photos and your documents with you and be prepared for long lines. If you speak Spanish or can take someone with you who does, the process will be easier. You will be finger-printed and should receive your carnet in about a week. For additional information contact the:
Chilean Passport Bureau
Tel: 696-0402


Once in Chile, the holder of any form of residence visa must register as a resident foreigner within 30 days of entry. Register with the international police; a registration document or Cédula de Identidad para Extranjeros , which proves that you are registered, will be issued.

A RUT Number, which is identification for tax purposes, can be obtained from the tax office, Servicio de Impuestos Internos, nearest your residence. Present all documents that verify you status in Chile. You will be issued a number on a temporary piece of paper. The official card will be sent by mail.

Your ID number and your RUT number are not the same. For most matters, you should supply the ID number.

A certificate or Certificado de Cumplimiento Tributario para Extranjeros, is proof of payment of all domestic tax due; it is required if you plan to leave Chile and you are a permanent or temporary resident under contract. It is obtained from your nearest tax office. Telephone for information on the necessary documents and procedures.

Salvoconducto , an exit permit, is necessary to leave Chile unless you are traveling on a tourist card. It is obtained from the International Police; you will need to present all your documents to obtain this permit.

Reingreso , a reentry permit, is needed to reenter Chile and retain your legal, working, or residential status. It is issued in two forms- simple and multiple -allowing either one trip or several trips, and is obtained from the Intendencia Regional Metropolitana. You will need to present all your documents to obtain this permit.


The consular office of your host country's embassy is the best place to start when determining what types of documents, including visas, permits and registration requirements, you'll need to relocate. Consulates can often provide information and advice on many other aspects of your move as well.


Crime in Chile
Chile is a relatively safe country, but deals with some of the same problems as most other international cities, such as theft and drug-related crimes. Take the same safety precautions in Santiago that you would in many large cities; maintain a low profile. Avoid wearing expensive or expensive-looking jewelry, avoid handling large amounts of cash in public, and avoid carrying luggage or cameras that identify you as a tourist. Keep wallets and handbags well secured. Pickpockets and purse-snatchers do work the crowded streets, especially during rush hours, on public transportation, and in the crowded areas around Avdas. Ahumada and Huérfanos.

Following general precautions will insure your safety. Do not walk in downtown Santiago after dark or on weekends in the late afternoon. Even short walks are considered risky, and you are advised to take a taxi.Visit the San Cristóbal and Santa Lucía hills only during daylight hours and stay on the main paths.

Women alone may be subject to sexual overtures on the street. Ignore them completely. The company of another woman may help avoid them; try to sit next to another woman on public transportation.

Report a lost or stolen passport or carnet de identidad immediately to the local police and to your nearest embassy or consulate.

Health concerns and diseases

The following information on the diseases most prevalent in Chile is excerpted from reports of the Traveler's Health Section of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For detailed current information on these diseases and regular updates on regional health concerns, contact the CDC at:

CDC Voice or Fax Information Service
U.S. Tel: 1-404-332-4559
Website address: http://www.cdc.gov .

Regional reports can be accessed under the heading Traveler's Health on the CDC home page: www.cdc.gov/travel/regions.htm .

The single greatest health concern in the city of Santiago is the quality of the air, accompanied by sharp changes in climate. Eye, nose, and throat problems are endemic; some people develop a chronic, lingering cough. Joggers may wish to consult with a physician before beginning a rigorous outdoor program.

Gastrointestinal ailments can be avoided by careful preparation of foods and limiting consumption of local water.

Although all of South America has recently experienced an increase in the incidence of Cholera, it is not as widespread in Chile as it is in some neighboring countries. Precautions should, nevertheless, be taken. Avoid uncooked vegetables and raw seafood.

A vaccine, which requires two injections, is available to provide limited immunity, but is usually not recommended to protect against such a rare disease.

Rabid animals are seen more frequently in Chile than in Europe and North America, and should be regarded as dangerous. Treat any scratch seriously and consider a pre-exposure vaccine.

Typhoid and Hepatitis A
In rural areas where hygiene standards are not high, Typhoid and Hepatitis outbreaks do occur in Chile throughout the year. Recognize the danger and take the normal precautions with foods and water: eat only thoroughly-cooked food, peel all fruit, and drink only boiled water or bottled water and drinks. Be especially careful that mayonnaise has been kept properly refrigerated.

A Typhoid vaccination is recommended for those traveling in rural areas.


There are no vaccination requirements to enter Chile.

The normal childhood vaccinations of measles, mumps, rubella (MMR ), diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTP), and polio should be up-to-date.

It is also wise to check vaccination requirements directly with the consular office of the host country's embassy.

In addition, you should always consult your home country's vaccination regulations for re-entry, on home leave or repatriation.


The banking industry in Chile provides the services with which you are familiar in your home country and allows for electronic communications and transfers to and from your home bank.

Your home bank may be very helpful in setting up your financial needs in Chile. Be sure to confirm the necessary PIN numbers and any other instructions before departure.

Setting up accounts
In order to open a local checking account, you will need several documents as follows:

* RUT or tax identification number
* Carnet de Identidad or ID card or passport
* Evidence of solvency in the form of a permanent job contract, salary slips, a letter from the employer, or a form indicating net worth

A recommendation from a current bank customer may dispense with some of the above requirements.

The period of time necessary to establish an account ranges from 2 to 10 days.
Those under 2l years of age or unemployed will need authorization from a parent or working spouse to guarantee funds in the account. Overdrawing your account in Chile is illegal. There are no check guarantee arrangements. When paying by check, you are usually asked for your RUT and your telephone number.

A minimum balance in the account may avoid account maintenance charges; however, there is a government tax levied on each checkbook. In addition, there is an annual fee charged to obtain cash with teller cards, although the cards are issued at no cost by most banks and can be utilized nationwide at 24-hour ATMs.

Be particularly careful with your checkbook. It is used for many transactions, and unauthorized persons can use checks like cash. In case of theft, notify the police and your bank as soon as possible; they will advise you what specific actions to take.

Savings accounts
To open a savings account, you will need to present only your personal data and RUT. Minimum deposits vary from bank to bank and may be opened either in Chilean pesos or U.S. dollars. Rates are quoted at a monthly rate for the Chilean peso and at an annual rate for the U.S. dollar.

There are savings institutions that often offer higher interest rates for time deposits, but these institutions are considered slightly less secure than banks.

Automatic electronic fund transfers
Most international banks offer automatic electronic funds transfer between international banks. Funds can be transferred via telex from Chile to another country. Most banks can arrange this service; the transfer typically takes 48 hours. Telex charges and bank commissions are incurred.


During the first three years of residence in Chile, foreigners are subject to tax only on their Chilean-source income. This period may be extended.

Foreigners are considered residents if they reside in Chile for more than six months in one calendar year, or for more than six months within two consecutive assessment years.

Thereafter, resident foreigners are taxed on all income, and tax rates, though falling, are high. In 1995 the top marginal rate was 48 percent on annual income exceeding US$75,000. This rate fell to 45 percent in 1996.

Taxable income includes all remuneration received under an employment contract, including entertainment expenses. Not taxable are family allowance payments, social security benefits established by law, severance payments, and board and lodging provided for the convenience of the employer.

Personal income tax rates are progressive and range from 0 percent to 45 percent levied on "tax units," whose value changes monthly according to the consumer price index variation. This is expressed as a Monthly Taxable Unit (MTU) and is about Ch$20,673.

Taxable income rates, expressed in MTUs, are: under 10, no tax; 10-30, 5 percent; 30-50, 10 percent; 50-70, 15 percent; 70-90, 25 percent; 90-120, 35 percent; 120 and above, 45 percent.

Capital gains on sales of personal property not used in connection with a trade or business are exempt from taxation. Real estate, unless the transaction is considered habitual or has occurred within one year of acquiring the property, is also exempt from taxation. Those capital gains not exempt are taxed as ordinary income. Capital gains from stock or other investments, if not considered habitual, are taxed at a flat rate of 15 percent.

Social security tax is paid at the basic rate of 20 percent. Chile does exempt expatriates from paying into the social security fund if their own country's social security system is similar to Chile's.

Personal allowances and deductions are minimal. Spouses are taxed separately on their personal income, while married couples without separate incomes are taxed jointly.

Employers withhold taxes from the salaries of employees. In March of each year, taxpayers must submit to the SII/Servicio de Impuestos Internos, a detailed list of all taxes withheld. Yearly returns must be filed by April 30 of each year for income of the preceding calendar year. A single form is provided by the SII. All supporting documents should be retained by the taxpayer for possible future review.

Taxes are payable in local currency at the time the tax form is submitted.


VAT tax
Chile imposes a VAT or Impuesto al Valor Agregado (IVA) of 18 percent on most goods and services.

Fuel and tobacco tax
Gasoline, diesel oil, cigarettes and cigars are all taxed at the time of purchase.

Automobile taxes
Used cars are subject to a 0.5 percent sales tax. Imported cars and locally assembled cars are subject to the customary 18 percent VAT tax, plus a sales tax which is a percentage of the customs value based on the size of the engine

Real estate tax
A two percent tax is assessed on the fiscal valuation of real estate each year on January 1st, and adjusted on July 1st, according to the increase in the Consumer Price Index. Real estate taxes are payble in four installments: April, June, September, and November.



Drivers license

An international driver's license is allowed for driving in Chile by tourists only, and must be secured in your home country. It is available through major automobile associations.

To be legal, temporary or permanent residents should have a Chilean national driving license. In reality, however, some foreigners do not go to the trouble of obtaining a Chilean license.

To obtain a Chilean license, go to the office of the Dirección del Tránsito in your municipality and take the following documents:

* Carnet de identidad
* Your passport
* A valid license from your own country
* Two passport-sized photos with your name, as it appears on your carnet, on the back.
If you wear glasses, be sure that you are wearing them in the photograph.
* Certificado de Antecedentes certifying that you have not had any previous traffic violations or serious accidents; this is available from the police.
* Cash--checks are not accepted.

You will be required to take sight and hearing tests, as well as a driving test in your own car, and a written test in Spanish. Once you have successfully passed these tests, you will be given a certificado de registro that must be taken to the Registro Nacional de Conductores to enter it in the National Register.



The temporary resident visa is renewable in Chile, but the process of renewal can be lengthy. If an extension is needed, make application at least 60 days in advance with the International Police at:

International Police
Tel: 737-1292




Crime rates are low to moderate throughout Chile and are moderate in Santiago, Valparaiso, and other major cities. American citizens visiting Chile should be as careful in cities as they would be in any city in the United States. There have been few violent crimes committed against Americans. However, American tourists are at a heightened risk for pick-pocketing, purse or camera snatching, and theft from backpacks and rental cars. Such crimes have been reported in all areas of Chile frequented by tourists. In Santiago, visitors should be especially alert to the possibility of crime at the Plaza de Armas and the Mercado Central; at major hotels and restaurants in the Las Condes, Vitacura, and Providencia areas, and in the Suecia and Bellavista entertainment districts. In Valparaiso, visitors should be especially alert in the port and adjoining tourist areas. Tourists using taxis in Santiago should be alert to possible scams involving currency switching. Tourists should also be especially alert while using public transportation, such as the Santiago Metro Subway and public buses and while in the vicinity of Metro stations and bus terminals. The emergency number for the police (Carabineros) is 133.

In many countries around the world, counterfeit and pirated goods are widely available. Transactions involving such products may be illegal under local law. In addition, bringing them back to the United States may result in forfeitures and/or fines. More information on this serious problem is available at www.cybercrime.gov/18usc2320.htm.



Crime rates are low to moderate throughout Chile and are moderate in Santiago, Valparaiso, and other major cities. American citizens visiting Chile should be as careful in cities as they would be in any city in the United States. There have been few violent crimes committed against Americans. However, American tourists are at a heightened risk for pick-pocketing, purse or camera snatching, and theft from backpacks and rental cars. Such crimes have been reported in all areas of Chile frequented by tourists. In Santiago, visitors should be especially alert to the possibility of crime at the Plaza de Armas and the Mercado Central; at major hotels and restaurants in the Las Condes, Vitacura, and Providencia areas, and in the Suecia and Bellavista entertainment districts. In Valparaiso, visitors should be especially alert in the port and adjoining tourist areas. Tourists using taxis in Santiago should be alert to possible scams involving currency switching. Tourists should also be especially alert while using public transportation, such as the Santiago Metro Subway and public buses and while in the vicinity of Metro stations and bus terminals. The emergency number for the police (Carabineros) is 133.

In many countries around the world, counterfeit and pirated goods are widely available. Transactions involving such products may be illegal under local law. In addition, bringing them back to the United States may result in forfeitures and/or fines. More information on this serious problem is available at www.cybercrime.gov/18usc2320.htm.



Tourist Card

If you have not already arranged to obtain one, you will receive a Tourist Card upon entering Chile. This card is issued at the immigration desk at the Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport in Santiago. Citizens of Australia , New Zealand , Great Britain , Canada , the USA , South Africa , as well as most EU countries do not need a visa , just their passport. Upon entry, they will receive a "Tarjeta de Turismo" (Tourist Card) which is valid for 90 days and has to be presented when leaving the country. The card is free for citizens of most countries, but Americans pay $61 USD, Australians pay $30 USD and Canadians pay $55 USD. The Tourist Card is valid for 90 days. It can be extended for a fee.

Find a safe place for this inconspicuous piece of paper! If you do loose it, get a replacement in plenty of time before your departure (Policía Internacional in Santiago, General Borgoño 1052, or at a police station in one of the regions.) Those trying to leave without the card will most likely miss their flight or be kept waiting at the border for a long time.

Citizens of most African , Asian and formerly Soviet States will need a tourist visa that can be applied for at any Chilean Consulate.

Citizens of Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Canada, the USA, South Africa, as well as most EU countries do not need a visa, just their passport. Upon entry, you will receive a "Tarjeta de Turismo" (Tourist Card) which is valid for 90 days and has to be presented when leaving the country. Find a safe place for this inconspicuous piece of paper! If you do lose it, get a replacement in plenty of time before your departure (Polic�a Internacional in Santiago, General Borgo�o 1052, or at a police station in one of the regions.) Those trying to leave without the card will most likely miss their flight or be kept waiting at the border for a long time.

Citizens of most African, Asian and formerly Soviet States will need a tourist visa that can be applied for at any Chilean Consulate.


Citizens of the USA, Canada, Australia and Mexico have to pay an entry fee when travelling through Santiago airport (not at any other point) that corresponds to the amount Chileans are charged when travelling to the respective country: US citizens USD 100.00, Canadians USD 55.00, Australians USD 34.00, Mexicans USD 15.00.


The Tourist Card is easiest extended by leaving and re-entering the country (can be done on the same day.) Many foreigners use this loophole to extend their stay in Chile with this totally legal procedure that can be repeated virtually forever. However, there have been cases in which the border officials became suspicious the third or fourth time, started asking uncomfortable questions, and renewed the Tourist Card only for 30 days.

An official extension through a police station (without leaving the country) is only meant to be done once for another 90 days, and it has to be applied for one month before the card expires from the Extranjer�a in Santiago or any regional capital. The price is USD 100.00; Santiago address: San Antonio 580, 2nd floor, Santiago Centro, Metro Santa Lucía, Mon to Fri 8:30 am to 2 pm. Bring plenty of time!



智利:Decision Making 的要点







# 护照有效期至少16月:1个月申请期,3个月签证入境有效期,12个月签证有效期。
# Letter addressed to the Consul, pointing out the reasons for the settlement.
# Background Checking / Police Certificate.
# Medical Certificate / Health Certificate (blood, urine and stool tests) issued by any doctor stating that the applicant is in good health.
# 可能还需要资产证明。




Immigration Law and Issues for Expats

Departmento de Extranjería (Foreign Legalization Service)
Teatinos 950
Santiago Centro
(2) 674-4000
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Metro Station Cal y Canto

The Foreign Legalization Service will be your destination for most visa and immigration issues. The Real Estate in Chile website is not a law firm and as the laws change the following information may become inaccurate. However, we will do our best to keep up on changing legal situations and keep you informed. Below are the basic steps that you will need to take in order to start the immigration process in Chile:

Step #1 - Get a Tourist Card (Tarjeta de Turismo)
It can be extended for a fee, but three months should be enough time or you to complete step 2, and move on to a temporary residency visa.

Step #2 - Get a Temporary Residency Visa (Visa de Residencia Temporaria)
This visa is good for one year and can be renewed only once. The reason we suggest a Temporary Residency Visa as a first step is because you may only apply for legal residency after you have held temporary residency for one year, or a student or subject-to-contract visa for two consecutive years.

Unlike the Subject to Contract Visa (Visa Sujeta a Contrato), the Temporary Residency Visa doesn't require a contract with a single employer, so it will not expire if you lose your job. It is the best option for freelancers, employees of foreign companies working in Chile, and the self-employed. Those who have guaranteed employment with a Chilean business may want to start off with a different type of visa. Your Chilean employer should be able to help you with this process.

It takes about two months to obtain a Temporary Residency Visa from Foreign Legalization Service. The cost varies by nationality: Citizens of the United Kingdom pay $350 USD, Canadians pay $102 USD, and the visa is free for U.S. citizens due to international agreements.

What You Will Need for the Temporary Residency Visa in Chile

1.Two notarized photocopies of your passport
2.Two notarized photocopies of your tourist card
3.Two 3x2 cm photographs of yourself with name and passport number
4.A certificate from your employer stating your purpose in Chile, and certificates from Chilean companies that have contracted your company. OR, if you are self-employed you will need to provide a description of the type of work you do, and letters from at least three companies or individuals who plan on contracting your services.
Once you have obtained your Temporary Residency Visa, don't forget to register with the International Police (Policia Internacional) and apply for your Chilean Identification Card (Cédula de Identidad) at the Civil Registry (Registro Civil), which you will be required to carry with you at all times while staying in Chile.

What is Required for Registration and Your Identification Card

1.About $5 USD.
2.Three 3X2 cm photos of you, bearing your name and passport number.
3.Two 3x2 cm photographs of yourself with name and passport number
4.This will get you the registration card. You will then need an additional 3x2 cm photo that will be presented at the Civil Registry
Policía Internacional (International Police)
General Borgoño 1052
(2) 737-1292
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Metro Station Cal y Canto

Registro Civil Santiago Centro (Civil Registry)
Huerfanos 1570
Santiago Centro
(2) 698-2546
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Metro Station Santa Ana

Step #3 - Apply for Permanent residency (residencia permanente)
This allows you to live in Chile indefinitely and pursue any legal activity. You will be required to apply for permanent residency after you have been a temporary resident for two years, but you may apply after one year. If you leave Chile for more than one year, your permanent residence status will expire.

You can apply for permanent residency at the Foreign Legalization Service. It takes between 6 and 12 months to process your application, but in the meantime you may work under the terms of your Temporary Residence Visa. Permanent residency costs about $15 USD.

Of course, becoming a permanent resident in another country is never as easy as 1-2-3. There will be roadblocks along the way, and everyone's situation will be different. Certain things might help you obtain permanent residency. For instance: family in Chile, a college education, a large savings account, owning real estate in chile, fluency in spanish, skills that are high in demand, and of course the help of a qualified attorney.

For more information about living and working in Chile, you may want to obtain the following publication by a law firm located in Chile:
"Working Visas and Authorizations for Foreigners in Chile."
Montt, Iruarrizaga y Cía, Ltda
Avenida Los Conquistadores 1700, 11th floor
Metro Station Manuel Montt

Anyone serious about immigrating to Chile should seek the help of a qualified immigration lawyer in Chile. The US Embassy in Chile has compiled a list of practicing attorneys in Santiago, Chile. It might be helpful to contact some of the law firms on the list.

智利:Temporary Residence Visa

The Temporary Residence Visa (Visa de Residencia Temporaria) is the most flexible visa, but it is more difficult to obtain. This visa does not require a contract with a single employer, so it will not expire if the holder loses his job. It is the most convenient visa for freelance and self-employed visitors to Chile. It is also useful for employees of foreign companies working in Chile.

The Temporary Residence Visa is valid for one year and can be renewed only once. After the second year, the holder has to apply for permanent residence if he wants to stay in Chile. It takes about two months to obtain. The cost of the temporary residence visa varies by nationality. Citizens of the United Kingdom pay US$350 and Canadians pay US$102. It is free for U.S. citizens.

To obtain the visa, present 2 photocopies of your passport, 2 photocopies of you Tourist Card and two 3 x 2 cm photographs with your name and passport number to the Foreign Legalization Service (Departamento of Extranjería).

You will also have to defend your reason for being in Chile. If you are representing a foreign company in Chile, you must present a certificate from your employer stating your purposes in Chile and certificates from any Chilean companies that contracted your company to perform a service. If you are going to be self-employed or work freelance, you must provide a detailed description of the work you intend to perform as well as present letters from three clients stating that they intend to employ you.

Your dependents are also permitted to stay in the country under the terms of the Temporary Residence Visa. To obtain a visa for your spouse you must present a marriage certificate and for your children include birth certificates. Dependents may not work unless they obtain a separate visa.

After you receive your visa, remember to apply for your Chilean Identification Card (See Registering Your Visa).


o Montt, Iruarrizaga y Cía, Ltda
Law firm that publishes "Working Visas and Authorizations for Foreigners in Chile."
Avenida Los Conquistadores 1700, 11th floor
Fax: 231-5495
Metro Station Manuel Montt
o Departmento de Extranjería (Foreign Legalization Service)
Teatinos 950
Santiago Centro
(2) 674-4000
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Metro Station Cal y Canto

智利:Permanent Residency

Permanent residency (residencia permanente) allows you to live in Chile indefinitely and pursue any legal activity. You may only apply for legal residency after you have held temporary residency for one year or a student or subject-to-contract visa for two consecutive years. You will are required to apply for permanent residency if you have been a temporary resident for two years.

Permanent residence does not expire until you leave the country for more than a year. If you leave the country for a year or longer, your visa expires automatically unless you arrange ahead of time with the Foreign Legalization Service (Departamento de Extranjería).

Apply at the Foreign Legalization Service. It takes between six and 12 months for the Foreign Legalization Service to process your application, but as you wait you can work under the terms of temporary residence. Permanent residency costs 7,800 pesos (approximately US$12.50).

If your current visa is a subject-to-contract via, you must present a copy of the employment contract, a letter from your employer stating that the contract is in force and your last three salary slips.

After you receive your visa, remember to apply for your Chilean Identification Card (See Registering Your Visa).


Departmento de Extranjería (Foreign Legalization Service)
Teatinos 950
Santiago Centro
(2) 674-4000
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Metro Station Cal y Canto


The benefits of citizenship Chile are:

•Visa-free entry into most countries in the world - see a complete list.
•The lack of customs and immigration discrimination, unlike other Latin American countries.
•Saving previous citizenship (dual citizenship).
•Expedited processing of permanent residence in Spain, Italy and Germany.
•Chilean Constitution guarantees citizenship, lost Chilean nationality is not possible.
The standard procedure for obtaining Chilean nationality

If you have permanent residence status in Chile and after 5 years from the date of obtaining a temporary residence permit the applicant
is entitled to obtain citizenship of Chile, the request of obtaining citizenship are:

1.Existence of permanent residence status.
2.The lack of convictions in Chile.
3.Documentation on the financial viability.
The status of permanent residence, a continuous period of stay outside Chile may not exceed 1 year, which requires an annual entry into the country for a minimum period - from one day. When a Chilean nationality out of previous citizenship is not required that the law is regarded as a dual nationality.

The standard term review

Timing of review petition of Chilean nationality, in the standard program, is 7 months.


New York,$113,965



美国:How long can you stay in the US after you have lost your job?

You have 10 days to depart the US after termination of employment. I think it’s difficult to get a visa transfered within 10 days as it should usually take around the same time as it did when you applied for one in the first place. The only way I see this working is if you had a new job lined up before you quit your old one, and thus began the transfer process well before you actually quit your first job. This is how some of my friends on H1-b have gone about it.


美国:What is the process to apply for an E-3D (dependent) visa?

The dependent must make a separate visa application, which involves most of the same steps as the principal applicant’s application, namely completing the required forms, paying the application fee, and scheduling a visa interview with a U.S. consular officer. Further details can be found on our page on how to apply.The dependent does not need to provide the principal applicant’s Labor Condition Application (LCA) or evidence of employment, but needs to show that the principal applicant is the recipient of an E-3 visa by providing a copy of the visa or, if the applicant has obtained E-3 status in the U.S., the I-797 Approval Notice. The dependent can apply and arrange a visa interview at the same time as the principal applicant, or can apply and be interviewed later, once the principal applicant’s E-3 visa is issued. The principal applicant does not need to be present at the dependent’s interview. Each dependent must make a separate visa application, but children under 14 who are Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia are not usually required to attend an interview.


美国:US Immigration Services Offices in CA, for E-3

If anything really stuffs up you'll have to enter the US immigration services, which is no fun. If this happens to you in the Bay Area go straight to the San Francisco office; the San Jose office doesn't have deferred inspections so you'll probably just have to go there anyway.

美国:What does my US employer need to do for E-3?

A US-based employer that wants to sponsor you for an E-3 visa must obtain a Labor Condition Application (LCA) from the US Department of Labor. The potential employer must also provide you with a job letter that establishes that you will be engaged in qualifying work in a “specialty occupation” and will be paid the actual or prevailing wage for that specialty occupation. Unlike most other temporary employment visas your United States-based employer is not required to submit a petition to the Department of Homeland Security as a prerequisite for visa issuance. However, your employer must obtain a Labor Condition Application (LCA), ETA Form 9035, from the Department of Labor.




美国:多份 I-140 的申请

受益人可以有多份 I-140 的申请,并且不同的 I-140 之间没有联系,互不相关。其中,任何一份 I-140 申请的被拒,不影响其前后的 I-140 的批准,也不影响已经批准的申请。被拒的 I-140 只影响依附其上的 I-485,不影响基于其它的 I-140 上的 I-485 申请。

虽然可以同时递交不同的 I-140 申请,但是请注意有的组合并不合适。如果你同时申请 EB-1a 和 EB-1b,那没有什么关系,没有任何的冲突。倘若你申请 NIW 之后又申请 PERM (EB-2/3),那么移民局拒了你的 NIW,似乎是顺理成章的。为什么?既然你能够、而且在申请 PERM,那么本身就表明你不是一定需要 Waiver 的。还有,在你申请 PERM 时,如果既有 EB-2 也有 EB-3 的,那么你怎么解释同一个职位,会有不同的学位要求呢?有的同学以前在 NSC 交了个 NIW 的申请,迟迟没批。现在 TSC 也直接收 I-140 了,在其辖区可以再交份 NIW 吗?--可以。对于 PERM 的 I-140 也是如此。只要有公司愿意给你办绿卡,甭管有几个。韩信点兵,多多益善。填 I-140 表的时候要注意,Part 4 有一问 "6. Has any immigrant visa petition ever been filed by or on behalf of this person?" 要答 "Yes".


美国:E-3 visa dual intent - applying for green card

I am an Indian born, Australian Citizen on a E3 visa. Does applying for a Green Card jeopardize my chances of getting E3 visa renewed in the future? My wife is on E3D visa and has EAD. She is working now and can her employer start GC process and will that jeopardize her E3D visa renewal and/or my E3 visa renewal? What is the best bet? Applying GC on my name or her name? Both are qualified educationally and both have jobs in the U.S

Applying for a green card should not be a problem for you or your wife. I always suggest filing two independent green cards where the option is available. This provides for a safety net if the process fails for one of the spouses.


美国:E3D 限制

Are E - 3D visa holders allowed to work as freelancers?

To the best of my knowledge - no. You need an employer.


美国:E-3 and TARP

I was wondering if the "Employ American Workers Act" applied to people who apply for the E-3 visa ? The act, from my understanding has restrictions on the H-1B and companies that have taken TARP funds.

As far as I recall, TARP focuses only on H-1 employees. See my blog article with links to the law: http://forums.immigration.com/blog.php?b=94






申请材料的准备:从朋友递交申请时的材料清单可以看到无非包括下面这些东西:第一类是只需要复印一下的材料:学位学历证书,学历评估,H1B批准表,护照签证及I-94表等。第二类是自己得稍微做点儿事情的材料:发表的文章目录,会议摘要,文章被引用情况,获奖情况,审稿情况,被邀写评述情况,协会的会员等。如果走国家利益豁免途径申请的话,不需要对上述条件责备求全,我当时就没有审过稿,也没有被邀请写综述,也没有加入某个协会。但当你显示你有什么条件时,一定得有恁有据。证据需要是英文的,那些中文的证明材料需要同时提供英文对照并且最好有单位盖章。文章引用情况可以用谷歌学术搜索来做,也可以委托图书馆做,对于发表在中文杂志上的文章第二个方法比较齐全,而且图书馆可以提供中英文两个版本。我的获奖情况是直接用中英文列出来,然后让当事单位盖骑缝章即可。如果能够提供当时所获的奖需要什么条件,在多大的范围内有多大的比例可以获得则会更有说服力,但我当时并没有做。至于发表的中文文章,把有英文摘要的一页放在上面,对于中文的会议摘要可以大体翻译一下附在前面。第三类是需要花很大精力做的材料:推荐信及申请信(cover letter or petition letter)。这是下一段重要要谈的内容。



















Walmart,Cosco 和华人店便宜。Warden上的那家Cosco没有公民照,而且Cosco进去要会员卡。


- Your Mail Centre(Alex 416-498-4878), 3901 Don Mills, $6.99+tax

- Panny【联系电话】416-438-8686 专业证件照 $5.99起,立等取照,7天服务,8:00am-11:00pm,848 Markham Rd Scarborough 士嘉保,在Plaza里。如果坐Bus,102路,在Painted Post下。

View Larger Map

也可查 http://www.51.ca/


加拿大:Residence Questionnaire

Residence Questionnaire 将被用于当你申请少于1095天,或你被怀疑少于1095天时。


*When did you first come to Canada and what was your status?
*When did you become a PR?
*Do you work, study or live outside Canada?
*List where you have lived since coming to Canada.
*List where members of your family live.
*Give details of spouse’s workplace and children’s school.
*List property and business you own inside and outside Canada.
*List your work and education history.
*Did you terminate your employment outside Canada before becoming a PR?
*List details of absences from Canada.
*Describe your social ties in Canada.


- a sworn affidavit
- utility bills
- employment documents
- T4 slip
- notices of assestment
- bank and credit card statements
- rent payment
- letters from your doctor stating dates of visits etc
- a letter from dentist
- dental reports
- a letter from my child's school
- school reports for child
- lease
- 孩子出生证
- rental agreements
- mortgage documents
- property tax bills



什麼是融資帳戶?簡言之,就是允許投資者以信貸的方式,向其券商公司借款購買特定的有價證券。融資借款的首要條件是投資者帳戶中已有一定數量的合資格的有價證券或現金做為借款擔保。當然,在借款期間,券商公司會向投資者收取相應的利息。無論是券商允許借貸給投資人的資金額度,或是借貸協議的條款均由以下機構規定:聯儲局主席會(the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System)、證交會(the Securities and Exchange Commission)、聯邦證券經濟人協會(the National Association of Securities Dealers)和券商清算公司。







注: 1)自有資金=總值-借款額



2.Uniform Gift to Minors Act(UGMA)
3.Uniform Transfer to Minors Act(UTMA)




If you hold shares of corporations in a non-registered investment account, you can use them as your registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) contribution by transferring them to your RRSP as an in kind contribution. You can also use them as a contribution (not tax deductible) to your tax-free savings account (TFSA), or some other registered accounts. Your contribution amount is the market value at the time of the transfer. For tax purposes, you have effectively disposed of the shares (deemed disposition), so any gain will be taxable to you. However, if you have a loss on shares transferred to any of the registered accounts noted below, the loss is not deductible. In most cases, unless the loss is very small, it would be best to sell the shares and contribute the cash to the registered account. If you wish to repurchase the same shares in the registered account, do not do this until after 30 days. Otherwise the loss will be considered a superficial loss and will be disallowed.

Losses are not deductible on dispositions of property to

deferred profit sharing plan (DPSP)
registered disability savings plan (RDSP)
registered retirement income fund (RRIF) or
tax-free savings account (TFSA)

under which the taxpayer is a beneficiary or immediately after the disposition becomes a beneficiary.

Losses are not deductible on dispositions of property to a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) if the taxpayer or taxpayer's spouse or common-law partner is an annuitant, or becomes an annuitant within 60 days after the end of the taxation year.

You may decide some reason to make a transfer of a loss investment to this type of account. If so, when completing your tax return, do not enter this disposal on your Schedule 3, as the loss cannot be claimed.


加拿大:Margin Lending 合不合适?

Margin Lending 的好处是尽大地扑入股市。为安全起见,任何一个时间 Margin Ratio 都不应超过40%。这样一来,其实杠杆扩大面就有限度,只是大约扩大了67%而已。

加拿大的股息中已经扣税的部分(Dividend Tax Credit DTC)约占20%。这个比例也就是相当于年入在$15,000左右。高过这个收入的人为股息还有额外补税。结合到杠杆扩大面只有67%,但风险加大很多,多少有点得不偿失。

而收入低的人,又由于DTC是Non-refundable,DTC会浪费掉。与澳洲这种Imputation Credit可退回的国家相比,不仅 Margin Lending 不合适,任何有股息的投资都不合适。

结论:普遍来讲加拿大 Margin Lending 不合适。想要投资股市,不如通过TFSA投,只有在TFSA和RRSP额度全部用完后,才可以考虑用个人名义投资。无论收入高低,在加拿大有收入的人投资股市的顺序是:RRSP,TFSA,Personal+Margin,Personal;没有收入的人顺序是:TFSA,RRSP,Personal+Margin,Personal。


Workpolis www.jobs.workopolis.com
Monster www.monster.ca
Job Bank www.jobbank.gc.ca (同样的工作在这里的工资较低)
Human Resource Center www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca
The Work Place www.workplace.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/wanted.htm
All Canadian Jobs www.allcanadianjobs.com
Work Search www.worksearch.gc.ca
Career Click www.carrerclick.com
Canada Workinfonet www.workinfonet.ca/cwn/english/main.html
Career Exchange www.careerexchange.com
Canadian Careers www.canadiancareers.com
Career Magazine www.careermag.com

Robert Half Finance and Accounting 是世界上第一家也是目前最大的会计财务人才中介服务公司 :www.roberthalfinance.com

www.medhunters.com 是一个总部设在多伦多的网站,但其收录的上万个医疗保健类工作却覆盖了整个北美。此外,该网站也收录了与医疗保健相关的IT, 教育等领域的招工信息。

educationcanada.com 是加拿大最大的一个提供与教育有关的工作信息的网站,每年及时收录与教育相关的上万个工作信息,您可直接登录:jobsearch.educationcanada.com 查询。

monster.com,www.jobs.workopolis.com 和 HotJobs.com 是加拿大最有名的求职网站。各类招工信息每天每时刷新,尤以IT和工程类的工作信息居多,是全加发布招工信息的热门网站。

Investment Founds Institute of Canada 的Job Board提供了全加拿大甚至全球的与投资基金有关的工作信息: www.ific.ca


Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada 的University Affairs 提供了全加拿大与大学有关的工作信息: www.universityaffairs.ca


Charity Village 含有许多有关加拿大非盈利机构的工作信息:www.charityvillage.com/cv/main.asp



Robert Half Finance and Accounting 是世界上第一家也是目前最大的会计财务人才中介服务公司 :www.roberthalfinance.com。但 Robert Half 不提供任何形式的担保。

www.medhunters.com 是一个总部设在多伦多的网站,但其收录的上万个医疗保健类工作却覆盖了整个北美。此外,该网站也收录了与医疗保健相关的IT, 教育等领域的招工信息。

monster.com 和 HotJobs.com 是最有名的求职网站。各类招工信息每天每时刷新,尤以IT和工程类的工作信息居多,是全加发布招工信息的热门网站。dice.com 也有很多工作。但 dice.com 的问题是一但更新 resume,你就必须重来,很不方便。







2, 如果你有收入,有RRSP额度,一时没有余钱,一定要购买,贷RRSP Credit Line买RRSP。但这个方法不能直接用来投资股票。














加拿大:What is Retaining of Canadian Citizenship?

In order to keep (retain) Canadian citizenship, some
citizens born outside Canada to a parent who was a
Canadian at the time of their birth are required to make an
application and meet certain requirements before turning
28 years of age. This is called retention of Canadian
citizenship and is a regulation of the 1977 Citizenship Act.



答:允许使用自己照的照片, 但必须符合规定的尺寸。

答:每个人都要填一份申请, 其中一方是另一方的dependent, appointment letter 上也会注明有一个dependent。



Reduction In Recruitment(RIR)

In normal labor certification cases, after filing labor certification, the employer has to do recruitment efforts to prove that no qualified US workers are available to do the given job. In RIR, the employers proves to the Department of Labor that they have already made sincere, fair and adequate recruitment effort to hire local US workers within the six months immediately preceding the filing of the labor certification application and they were unsuccessful. Internet advertisements are mostly not accepted and it is best to have print advertisements. If an employer receives resumes in response to its recruitment, they should be submitted along with the RIR application. (If the US workers who responded to the ads were rejected for subjective reasons that are not measurable or object, whether to approve RIR application or not would be decided on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the certifying officer) This evidence is submitted at the time the Forms ETA 750A and ETA 750B are initially submitted to the Department of Labor. If the Department of Labor decides that the prior recruitment efforts are acceptable, the employer does not have to go through that recruitment effort again and hence the case would be put on 'fast track' and hence the labor certification process may be much faster than the normal process.

So every one should try to apply for labor certification in RIR, if possible. The possibility of the rate of approval of RIR cases may probably be reduced in some DOL regions where the time difference between normal processing and RIR processing is too high. That is just the speculation and may or may not be true. At many DOLs, the applicants might have to wait for many years before their normal case is approved.

The recruitment effort should be according to normal industry standards and it should provide evidence of a pattern of recruitment. A three day ad in a single publication or a single type of advertising does not constitute an acceptable pattern.

The job duties/responsibilities listed on the application must not exceed the normal descriptions of the jobs. The application must list only the minimum requirements as to experience, training, and education. Thus, it should not have any restrictive requirements and it should meet the prevailing wage requirements in local area for that job. RIR application may be denied if there are any special qualifications required in the job description as it may become specifically tailored according to alien's qualifications and it would be unfair advantage to the alien. Substantial variations between the job description on labor certification and the advertisements are not permitted. So the labor certification may end up being too generic. Normally, if RIR application is rejected for whatever reason, labor certification process needs to be started all over again and mere transfer of case to normal processing won't work. But some DOL offices go ahead and process the petition it as a Normal Labor Certification.

Each DOL regional office is undertaking different approach regarding RIR. Some offices permit RIR processing for all occupations, provided the employer can show lack of availability of local workers. Other regions have lists of 'shortage occupations' and will only process applications for occupations on that list. Some regions require at least one print ad in each of the six months preceding the filing of the application. Some offices will allow employers to show less print advertising, depending upon the ads and the job involved. Some offices don't even allow RIR applications for anybody, any occupation.

The DOL tends to favor large established companies over small new ones. Large companies are more likely to have ongoing personnel needs and established recruitment practices, whereas a small company will generally be looking only to fill a specific position. Therefore, the DOL is more likely to give the larger company the benefit of the doubt.

High Shortage Occupations and Regions will have a better chance at successful RIR than others. If the DOL recognizes a general need for personnel in a given occupation or region, they are more likely to approve the RIR. (That is true for computer professionals up to some extent.)

Some applicants might have applied the labor certification as the regular case because there was no RIR available at the time of filing or the employer could not meet the requirements of RIR. If the situation changes and now the employer is in position to apply for RIR, the applicant either continues on regular case or withdraws it and re-file it as an RIR case. Both RIR and non-RIR case simultaneously for same employer, same employee, same job and same job location is not allowed. Note that if you re-file the case as RIR, Section 245(i) 'grandfathering' eligibility can be maintained. (section 245(i) 'grandfathering' allows for the applicants to adjust status in US by paying $1000 fine if they had stayed in US while out of status and their priority date is before January 14, 1998.)















加拿大:网上报税必须要的 Access Code

加拿大税局(CRA)网上报税的系统叫 NETFILE,要想使用这个系统,纳税人必须先要有 Access Code。Access Code 是可以通过网上获得的:http://www.netfile.gc.ca/。


送水服务在英文里是 Home Water Delivery,Drinking-Water Carrier 或 House Water Delivery,纽西兰有专门的注册机构,网址是:http://www.drinkingwater.co.nz/carriers/carriersfornzregion.asp?NZRegion=NZNZ01

因为奥克兰比较大,送水业务是分区运作的。比如 Quality Water Supplies 就不送西区的水。奥克兰的送水公司有:

Beachlands Water Service 2008 Ltd
Beachlands/Maraetai Water
Carlton Haulage Ltd
Citywater / Waitakere Transport Ltd
Clevedon Water
Coastal Water
Counties Household Water Supplies
Country Water Ltd
Crystal Clear Water Ltd
Elite H2O, Paerata
Foleys Water
Hibiscus Water Supply (2008) Ltd
Household Water
John's Farmlet Services Ltd
LD and CJ Eagle Cartage Ltd
Leigh Water Supplies
Mangawhai Welldrilling and Water Ltd
Maraetai Blue Ltd
McKean Motors and Contractors Ltd
Noels Water
North Harbour Water Carriers Ltd
Oakridge Water Services
OBrien Line Ltd
Only Water Ltd
Quality Water Supplies
Red's Water
Riordan & West Ltd
Rural Water Ltd
Todd Wheeler Transport Ltd
Waiheke Aqua Ltd
Waiheke Water Company
Warren McLean Cartage Ltd
Water Boy (Akld)
Water Carriers
Water Wagon 1
Whanga Water
Whitford Water


Citywater Waitakere Transport Ltd (09) 411 8206 不错。